Key 2401 – Gospel of Matthew Part 29

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2401

In the later part of Matthew 26, we see Jesus speaking with Caiaphas about the “Son of man.” That phrase was much more meaningful to the people of the time… Like how the people understood Caesar as the “Son of God.”

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: January 6, 2024

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

Good news; Insurrection; Declining Roman Empire; Repentance; Moving from light into darkness; Archeology; Excavations in Rome; Cover-ups in Tepe (Turkey); Uncovering important mysteries; Spiritual insight; Simon the jar-maker; People preferring darkness; Hating Christians; Walking in forgiveness; Anger at the truth; Changing your jurisdiction; Essene charity; Sanhedrin; Hi priests; Wave offerings; Values of Christ; Preparing yourself for Holy Spirit; “name” = character; Christ’s praying; Worldly distractions; Fasting; Why Rome in Judea; Matt 26:51 cutting off an ear; Spiritual enemies; Praying for answers; No exercising authority; Caiaphas; Seeking false witnesses against Christ; Holy Spirit causes choice; Matt 26:58 following from afar; Fixing spiritual things; Reaching for God; Council = Sanhedrin; “Elder”; Unrighteous Sanhedrin; The Way of Christ; Temple of God; Sons of God; Temple functions; Sharing/charity; Seeking righteousness; Matt 26:64 to Caiaphas directly; (Righteous) Son of Man; Second coming?; Holy Spirit provides courage; Peter’s denial of Christ; Breaking Peter; Benefits from Pharoah; Hearing the cries of your brothers; Watching and praying; Degeneration of society; God’s judgement matters; “His Holy Church”; Inheritance in the Kingdom of God: Mark 7:21; God’s healing; Being a good servant; Paying your tale of bricks; Gal 5:19; Adulterating your body; Christ’s ultimate remedy; Forgiveness required; Matt 27 introduction; Repent and seek His kingdom and His righteousness.

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