Key 2387 – Gospel of Matthew Part 19

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2387

New perspectives on the stories in Matthew 17… The transfiguration, the healing of the lunatic boy, and Peter’s payment of the temple tax.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: November 25, 2023

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

The mysterious keys; Matthew study at; The solution to Social Security; Understanding Temples; Bone ash?; Illegal to own gold; Removing history; Truth and lies; “Leaven”; Baptizing with the Holy Spirit; Explaining the keys; Drawing near to God; Corban of Pharisees vs FDR’s Social Security; Privatizing?; Dumbing down school children; The narrow way to eternal life; Covetous practices; Wycliff bible forward; Government of, for and by the people; Wrath of the lamb?; Genesis 1 creation; Matt 17:1; Elohim aleph-lamad-hey-mem; Judges; Law of nature, right reason; Believing in God; “Son of God”; Receiving benefits from the Temples; What is The Church?; Transfiguration; Cloud? Pillar?; Matt 17:10; Luke’s description; Keys + 6 days; The “rock”; Fleeting happiness; Bible interpretation; Mountain where transfiguration occurred; Your source of knowing; History?; Caesar’s money; Use tax; Legal/lawful title; Mark 9:30; What’s important?; Curing a lunatic?; Faithless – infidel; Inspiration required; Iniquitous Israel; Returning to the bondage of Egypt; Rome’s free bread; No forced offerings in the kingdom; Covetousness = idolatry; Your unbelief; Moving mountains; Matt 17:21 – missing in some bibles; Different ancient texts; Importance of prayer and fasting; Proximity to the light; Fasting from your desires; Trinity?; The workings of the universe; Temple tax (tribute); Receive? No, “take”; Ref 1 Sam 8; Foreign aid; Consequences of having a king/ruler; Getting God to hear us; Christ’s contract with Caesar; Jurisdiction; Ruling judges; Brightness of God’s light; Binding and loosing; Unrighteous mammon; Free your neighbor.

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