Before seeing the practical side of the beatitudes listed in Matthew 5, we learn that the camel hair clothing of John the Baptist was actually a description of the high-level of respect he had garnered among Roman and Judean society.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: October 7, 2023
Show Notes
- *00:01:00 John the Baptist camel hair and leather girdle; Essenes; Josephus; Oaths; Sadducees; Magi; Carob Tree; Altars of Clay and Stone; Temple of Ephesus
- 00:13:00 Militia; Hearth; Social Bonds; Altars of Jehovahnissi; Turtledove Goddess
- 00:18:00 Cow’s blood and smallpox immunity; Allergies to Cats; Exosomes
- 00:26:20 Augustus Caesar called Son of God; Filling of the Butts = target practice; Julius Caesar; Public Religion; Legal Charity
- 00:35:10 Blind Man; Herod; Baptism; Rabbinical Baptism; Jehovahnissi; Altars of Clay and Stone; Social Welfare; Pure Religion; Exercise Authority; Curse Children
- 00:38:00 Assisted Living Facilities; Essenes; Sanhedrin; Seventy; The Way; Living Network; Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Pure Religion
- 00:46:45 Freewill Offerings
- 01:02:45 Poor in Spirit; Comfort; Legal Charity
- 01:11:00 Reward of God; World; Legal Charity
- 01:26:00 Adultery; Idolatry; Public School
- 01:31:00 Oaths; Swear Not
- 01:41:15 Social Bonds
- 01:48:00 Jury
Paul’s Notes
Raiment of John the Baptist; Matt 3:4; Camel hair and leather belt?; Parthia; Magi?; Essene message; Hemyan; Linking to Iran?; Priests to all nations; Ephesus; Parthian battle techniques; Mustering Militia; Religion’s essential social bonds; Altars of Jehovah-Nissi; Lev 14 leprosy; Hocus-pocus; Cat allergies?; Milkmaids and smallpox; Matt 4 review; Free bread and circuses; Tempting God; Sons of God; Faithful maidens; Contracting with other gods; Systems of social welfare; Freewill offerings; The road to pure religion; Long term care facilities; Fishers of men; The “way” of Christ; Living Network; 1 Pe 2:5; Rev 2:17; 1 Cor 3:16; Temple of the Holy Ghost; Seeking His kingdom and righteousness; Matthew out of chronological order; Sermon on the mount; Beatitudes; Keeping commandments; Rationalizing; Denying Christ; Expanding challenges; Rom 1:25; Non-inheritors of the kingdom; Insufficient Christianity; Another hour of summary to come…
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