Key 2261 – Practical Salvation

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2261

Early Christians—and free people throughout history—participated in very practical activities known as daily ministration to be qualified for the salvation offered by Christ.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: September 3, 2022

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

Seeking truth; Salvation/survival; Kingdom of heaven at hand; Israelites?; Essenes?; Sacrifice – forced or freewill; What will save us?; Tens, hundreds and thousands; Principles of the kingdom; Pentecost; Christ the king; Golden Calf; Canaanites; David and Goliath; Practicality of the bible message; Learning liberty; Relying on each other; Leaving Egypt; “Logos” vs “Rema”; Apostles in the Temple; Levites; Caring for the needy; Born Again or under strong delusion?; Fervent charity; Power of righteousness; Thinking like Christ; Tricking you into bondage; Inalienable rights hampered by debt; Lying pastors; Pure (unspotted) religion; Degenerating your brain; The real love of Christ; Bishop Ambrose; Church of Constantine; Are you living by faith, hope and charity?; Rome ruined by public religion; Burnt offerings; Agape; Do your pious duty.

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1 Comment on "Key 2261 – Practical Salvation"

  1. Neville Klintberg | September 20, 2022 at 9:20 am |

    Thank you Brother Gregory for your wisdom and guidance. It is sincerely appreciated.

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