Matthew 27 is the chapter of Jesus’ crucifixion. On the way, the insight into side characters like Simon the Jar Maker, Mary Magdalene, Claudius, Pontius Pilate, Herod, and Caligula provides lots of interesting context behind the event.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: January 6, 2024
Show Notes
- 00:01:30 Paganism; Repentance; Gospel of James; Nicodemus
- 00:07:00 Herod; Pontius Pilate
- 00:10:50 Legal Title; Seventy; Tens Hundreds and Thousands
- 00:14:30 Religion; Temple of Roma; Bondage of Egypt; Song of the Lamb and Song of Moses; Nimrod; Cain; Pharaoh
- 00:20:30 Simon the Jar Maker; Mary Magdalene
- 00:25:35 Corban; Honor; Constantine
- 00:37:00 Reincarnation
- 00:43:48 World; Mammon; Guru Theories; Claudius; Caligula; Jesus’ Robe
- 00:59:50 Barabbas; Son of Man; Son of God; Guru Theories; Good Samaritan
- 01:07:50 Barabbas; Aqueduct
- 01:23:00 Strong Delusion; Curse Children
- *01:28:12 One Purse; Biting One Another; Coveting your neighbor’s goods; Benefactors; Davy Crockett; Bondage of Egypt; Merchandise
- 01:39:55 Scarlet Robe
- 01:58:00 King of the Jews
Paul’s Notes
Relating bible to everyday life; Mistaking emotional for spiritual; “Pagans”; Mt 27:1; King James Bible is a product of men; God allows choice; Arrested by Temple guards; Delivering to Pilate; Jurisdictions; Persecuting Christians; Your subjection; Church exemption; Bondage of Egypt; Redefining “religion”; Repentance of Judas; Original text of Matthew; How many Marys?; Understanding “oil”; Why did Judas betray Jesus?; “Treasury” = “Corban”; Going the way of Christ; Judas’s misunderstanding; Constantine’s Christians; Jeremiah 18:2; Reincarnation?; Jer 32:7; While you are sleeping; Cheating Caesar/the unrighteous mammon; Mt 27:11 Jesus before Pilate; Procula?; Fitting the narrative?; Robe put on Jesus; Potter’s field; Witness stand story; People’s court; Turning up Holy Spirit; Mt 27:15 (notable) prisoner release; Barabbas = “son of the father”; Pilate riot put-down story; Knowing Pilate’s history; Crowd brought by Pharisees; Pilate’s inability to prevail; Types of law; Did Romans crucify Jesus?; Sharing truth; Deut 19:10 shedding innocent blood; Ps 106:38; Prov 1:10; Prov 6:16; Seeing your delusion; Why God won’t hear you; Gal 5:14 Loving neighbor as thyself; Achieving freedom; The song of Moses and of the Lamb; Imagining you’re a Christian; Covetous practices; Scarlet Robe; Matthew’s varied chronology; Organizing as Christ commanded; Carrying Christ’s “cross”; Thoughts on Herod; Casting lots for Christ’s torn garments; Mark 15:24; Lk 23:24; Forgiveness of Christ; John 19:2; Pilate’s signage; Crucifixion reason; Matthew’s lack of detail; Signs?; Many women attending; Practice forgiveness.
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