Key 2383 – Gospel of Matthew Part 16

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2383

In our study of Matthew 13, we learn the politics around the beheading of John and much more about Herod’s family dynamics.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: November 11, 2023

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

“Leaven”; Bottom-up management; Danger of repose; Community of Early Church; vs Free bread of Rome; Mammon – righteous and unrighteous; “Corban” and “doron”; Matt 14:1 Death of John the Baptist; Herodias; Knowing history -> language; Needing the Holy Spirit; Self-deception; Gathering in tens, hundreds and thousands; Developing trust; Facing truth; Giving to have life more abundant; Sacrifice; Seeing the darkness within you; Killing children; Pythagoras?; Judicial system of Israel; Jews who aren’t Jews; Welfare states vs righteousness; Feeding the multitude; Manna?; Twelve baskets left?; Feeding Levites; Comparing Mark with Matthew; Barabbas; Pontius Pilate and the crucifixion of Christ; “Commanded”; Focusing on the message; Hospital closures; Practice of giving; Matt 14:22; Walking on water; Jesus: Son of God; Ministers of service; Cities of Refuge; Making the sick, whole; Healing by faith; Help with unbelief; Seeking the kingdom; Herod Antipas; “Tetrarch”; No king in Jerusalem; History of the time; Exile of Herod Antipas; Parthia?; Societal degeneration; Revolutionary war: Christ’s revolution; Invest in the kingdom.

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