In our study of Matthew 13, we learn the politics around the beheading of John and much more about Herod’s family dynamics.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: November 11, 2023
Show Notes
- 00:01:09 Leaven; Bondage of Egypt; Turtledove Goddess of Sumer; Nimrod; Cain; Repose
- 00:07:50 Free bread of Rome; Snare; Call no man father; Corban of the Pharisees
- 00:10:45 Death of John the Baptist; Herod; Workers of Iniquity; Corban
- 00:29:00 Pythagoras and the Essenes; Freewill Offerings; Pure Religion; Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Common Law Jury; Saul Syndrome
- 00:35:15 Gaza Strip welfare state
- 00:37:35 Miracle of Loaves and Fishes; Jesus Commanded
- 00:47:30 Pontius Pilate and Barabbas; Pontius Pilate met Jesus after he rose from the dead
- 00:56:36 Rural hospitals shutting down
- 01:59:00 Jesus walked on the water
- 01:05:00 Cities of Refuge; Tens Hundreds and Thousands
- 01:08:35 Herod’s family
- 01:19:40 Weightier Matters
Paul’s Notes
“Leaven”; Bottom-up management; Danger of repose; Community of Early Church; vs Free bread of Rome; Mammon – righteous and unrighteous; “Corban” and “doron”; Matt 14:1 Death of John the Baptist; Herodias; Knowing history -> language; Needing the Holy Spirit; Self-deception; Gathering in tens, hundreds and thousands; Developing trust; Facing truth; Giving to have life more abundant; Sacrifice; Seeing the darkness within you; Killing children; Pythagoras?; Judicial system of Israel; Jews who aren’t Jews; Welfare states vs righteousness; Feeding the multitude; Manna?; Twelve baskets left?; Feeding Levites; Comparing Mark with Matthew; Barabbas; Pontius Pilate and the crucifixion of Christ; “Commanded”; Focusing on the message; Hospital closures; Practice of giving; Matt 14:22; Walking on water; Jesus: Son of God; Ministers of service; Cities of Refuge; Making the sick, whole; Healing by faith; Help with unbelief; Seeking the kingdom; Herod Antipas; “Tetrarch”; No king in Jerusalem; History of the time; Exile of Herod Antipas; Parthia?; Societal degeneration; Revolutionary war: Christ’s revolution; Invest in the kingdom.
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