Key 2429 – John Part 14

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2429

In John 14, Jesus mentions that many mansions in his Father’s house. If the Kingdom of God is AT HAND, what is the practical meaning of those mansions that have been prepared for us?

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: April 27, 2024

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

Changing world; Declining birthrate; Value of elderly; Childless families; Euthanasia; Living in darkness; Avoiding truth; “word” = logos or rema; Translation peculiarities skew the message; Seeing the light Holy Spirit brings; Logic’s limitations; Asking incorrect questions; Reading without understanding; Earning salvation?; Weightier matters of law; Faith = allegiance; Obeying government; Statutes; Jurisdiction; Ambassadors; Covetous practices; John 14:1; Father’s “house”; “Mansion”? = “mone” = “abode”; Places for Holy Spirit to abide; Repetition for importance; Receiving revelation; Moments of inspiration; Preparing a “place”; Station?; Earthly fathers; Leaving Egypt; Divine intervention; Hiding from God; “I am”; Humility; Admitting you can’t; Pride = absence of humility; Vengeance?; Taking away your neighbor’s choice; Spirit in YOU; John 14:11; John 20:29; Tracing the kingdom; Setting people free to choose; Welfare through love and charity; Glorified = honored = served; The “name” of Christ; Loving Christ = Keeping His commandments; Sacrificing; Milk and meat?; Charity that strengthens; Comforter; John 14:23 “abode”; Mistaking emotion for Holy Spirit; Evidence of accepting Jesus; False accusers?; John 14:27 “peace”; Fear not!; Fealty?; Free souls under God; Valuing life of others; Missing prophecy; Loving and sharing life; Sacrificing as Christ; Prince of this “world”; House = “oikia”; Altars of clay and stone; Defending families; Sharing with the poor; Religion = social safety net; Right reason; Perfect law of liberty; Charity, not force; Opening the door to Holy Spirit; “Pious” = duty to your father; Who is your mighty provider?; Pax Romana; Sons of God; Love life!

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