Key 2442 – John Part 20 Additional Context

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2442

The pedigree of the family of Jesus and the massively influential families surrounding him often escapes those versed in modern churchianity. As does the idea that they are deeply ensnared by their covetous practices.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: June 15, 2024

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

Kingdom of God for the living; Christ the reformer; Rewriting Torah; Patterns in Hebrew; Translating; Baptisms?; God’s righteous kingdom; Romans in Judea; Libyan pirates; Canals?; Religion; Wise elders; Strengthening the needy; Playing the system; Future money; Just weights and measures; Reducing coin value content; Merited gifting; Perfect law of liberty; Courts; Loyalty to ideology; “Son of God”; “Apotheos”; Temple functions; Coveting neighbors’ stuff; East Timor?; Giving power to evil men; Spike protein; “Name” of God/Christ; Indians; Charity alone; Knowing truth; Unrighteous welfare; Christ’s instructions; Following Jesus; Simon the jar maker; Rumors of unrest; Nero; Plus 2 more hours of talking.

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