Key 2443 – John Part 21
In John 21 Jesus appears to seven disciples and challenges Peter. This story is dripping with undertones for those capable of reading between the lines…
In John 21 Jesus appears to seven disciples and challenges Peter. This story is dripping with undertones for those capable of reading between the lines…
The pedigree of the family of Jesus and the massively influential families surrounding him often escapes those versed in modern churchianity. As does the idea…
In this study of John 20, we learn the political context and practical realities that are often overlooked surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus….
More context around our earlier study of John 19 demonstrates how much more relevant these ancient texts can be to modern life than indicated by…
John 19 provides an amazing lesson in jurisdiction when the practical politics of the time is considered. Even the purple robe worn by Jesus has…
Understanding the political machinations behind the trial of Jesus in John 18 makes the story far more intriguing… and also more applicable to the politics…
In John 17, Jesus talks about the world and his relation to it. The entire message is religious gobbledygook unless one understands which one of…
In John 16, Jesus explains that he has come into the world and will leave it. Then he will overcome the world. This whole story…
John 15 talks about the importance of bearing fruit. What is the practical application for this parable today if it is not talking about events…
In John 14, Jesus mentions that many mansions in his Father’s house. If the Kingdom of God is AT HAND, what is the practical meaning…