Like the word religion, the meaning of clergy today has nothing in common with its practical meaning during biblical times…and it had to do with the daily ministration of the weightier matters…two other things about which today’s churchians are clueless.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: April 6, 2024
Show Notes
- 00:01:00 Golden Calf; Bondage of Egypt; Logos = Right Reason; Ten Commandments; Honor your parents
- 00:03:20 Michael Knowles interview; Nimrod; Benefactors; Ur; Sumer
- 00:11:40 Clergy & Laity; Levites; Nicolaitan
- 00:17:10 Covetous Practices; Merchandise; Snare; Sodom & Gomorrah; Legal Charity; Corban; Freewill Offerings; Burnt Offerings; Steps; Free Bread; Polybius
- 00:27:20 Altars of Clay and Stone; Social Bonds; Social Welfare; Freewill Offerings; Dearths; FEMA; Church of Constantine
- 00:30:55 Rhomaios; Was Paul a Roman Citizen; 1 Samuel 8; Imperator; Five Elements of a Biblical Constitution
- 00:35:35 Temple of Jupiter; FDR; LBJ; Daily Ministration; Pure Religion
- 00:40:15 Golden Calf; Legal Charity; Polybius; Plutarch; Charity = Love
- 00:48:00 Religion; Babylon
- 00:54:40 Legal Title; Pastor; Shepherd;
- 01:01:30 Error of Balaam; Clergy of Christ; Levites; Weightier Matters
- 01:08:15 Dainties; Social Security; Born Again; Workers of Iniquity; Tabernacle; Free Assembly; Elder
- 01:17:00 Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Congregation; Lady Godiva; The Free Church Report; Baptism; Temple of Herod; Social Welfare; Christian Conflict
- 01:23:00 Caesar = Son of God; Woodrow Wilson; Hewn Stones; Underwear – Breeches; Church = Embryonic Republics
- 01:32:10 Jesus Commanded; Sabbath; Elements; World
Paul’s Notes
Bondage; Changing our thinking; Ten Commandments; Natural order of things; Family; Man-made governments; Nimrod – mighty provider instead of the Lord; Men and women; Understanding relationships; Clergy and Laity; Levite services; Social credit score; Canadian socialized medical system; Nicolaitans = conquered people; Welfare snares; The word of God; Burnt offerings; Freedom of choice; Dan 11 – Daily sacrifice cessation; Belonging to God – separate; Early American charity; Division between Clergy and Laity?; No exercising authority; “Clergy” – people ordained for religious duty; Altars – more than sheep burning; Sending community aid; “Rhomaios”; 1 Sam 8 commander-in-chief (Emperor); Saul’s foolish thing; Deut 17; What priests do; LBJ great society; Power in Kingdom of God; Golden calf?; Love = Charity; Good servant parable; Modern Clergy; Learning to care for one another; “Religion”; Covetousness; Babel; Entanglement; Sacrifice of self; Pretend love; Just weights and measures; Legal title; “Pastor” = shepherd; Following the tracks (evidence); Altering history; Forcing peace?; “Laity” – those to remain a free nation; Christ’s “Weightier matters”; Mercy?; Deceitful meats – benefits; Social Security Act; “Born Again”?; Tabernacles of the congregation?; Are you seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness?; Idolatry; Repentance; “Elder”; Called-out Levites; Restoring every man to his possessions and family; Free assemblies; Lady Godiva; Doctrine of Christ vs Constantine; Christ appointing His kingdom; Separate social welfare system; Signing up with Christ; Tens, hundreds and thousands; Woodrow Wilson; Interpreting like pharisees; Underwear?; Embryonic republics; Knowing those you assemble with; Justice, mercy and faith; Evidence of your love for Christ; Buddha; Brahman; Putting care into practice; Binding and loosing; Forgiveness; Minister = servant of Christ; Submitting to the will of the father; Set your neighbor free.
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