Key 2403 – Gospel of Matthew Part 31

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2403

In Matthew 28, Jesus announced that he has been given all power. But modern Christians have turned that into magical mumbo jumbo and are clueless about the practical meaning. Consequently, they have no liberty.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: January 13, 2024

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

Seeing Matthew in a different light; Biblical times; Repetitive history; Control over your life; Tower of Babel; Seeking His kingdom and righteousness; Comfort in darkness/lies; What is missing; 1 Cor 5:7; “leaven”; Collapse of Rome; No coveting!; Fornicating with the world; Snared by debt; Christ’s table; Greatest destroyers of liberties; Your inheritance in the kingdom; “Love”; Your deception; Denying Tree of Life; Morality; Legal charity; Corban taxes; Welfare via fervent charity; Changing ourselves?; Betraying/denying Christ; Dan 7:13; Destroying liberty; “Second coming”; Mt 28:1; Lk 24:9; Women at the tomb; Jn 20:19; Doing the will of the Father; Inconvenient truths; Christ’s weightier matters?; Flashbacks?; Angelic light; Socialism is anti-Christ; Nimrod the hunter? For the Lord?; Subtlety; “Worship”; Knowing Christians; Socialism in the United States; Degenerating society; Bondage of Egypt; Real awakening?; Translation comparisons; Alterations of word meanings; Straying from the simple course; The Way of Christ; The gospel message; 1) Repent – change your thinking; 2) Seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness; 3) All the rest added unto you; Benefit bribery; What made America great?; The “watch”; Mt 27:65; Bribing the soldiers; Seeing the light in others; Missing the big truths; Burnt offerings; Fornication/adultery; Exousia; Opposing God; Making God’s word of none effect; The Great Commission; Teaching corrupted gospel of the kingdom; The mountain?; Jn 21:1; Flight of Elizabeth; Unexplained biblical passages; Watching and praying; Tempting God?; What are you doing to seek the kingdom?; Mt 28:18 “power”; Covenanting with other gods; Fixing society; Setting the captive free; Convincing to kill; Gathering in love; Freedom of Religion; Baptism – bringing others into the kingdom; Tens, hundreds and thousands; Doing Christ’s instructions; Election sign story; Fear not!

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