The first chapter of Matthew takes on much more depth, significance, and practicality when understood through the prism of the political turmoil of the time.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: October 22, 2022
Show Notes
- 00:00:45 Matthew; Covenants of the gods
- 00:01:28 Sight and other senses; Eyewitnesses, Trial of O.J. Simpson
- 00:10:10 Who was Matthew?
- 00:12:00 Angel = Messenger
- 00:13:36 Purpose of the begats – generations; Ruth & Boaz to King David
- 00:15:00 Five elements of a biblical constitution; Cities of Refuge
- 00:18:00 Government of Rome; Imperator; Pharisees and Captial Punishment; Herod
- 00:28:09 Christ = Anointed = Rightful King; Judges were corrupt
- 00:30:20 Apotheos = Appointer of Judges/gods
- 00:33:10 Law of Nature is its own judge; Psychosis = Sole illness; Psychiatry = Soul Healing; Mass Formation Psychosis; Babylon Captivity; Bondage of Egypt
- 00:39:20 Justin the Martyr wrote about the “president” over a Christian gathering; Freewill Offerings; Charity; Social Bonds
- 00:44:45 Umbrage with local Oregon sheriff writing about “privilege” of Second Amendment; Fourth Branch of Government; Sanhedrin; Altars of Clay and Stone; Living Stones
- 00:47:30 Broken wrist (gregbio)
- 00:50:30 Pharisees had the Kingdom of God but they turned it over to Jesus
- 00:52:08 Dr Malone quote about recreating social bonds
- 00:55:20 Jesus commanded the apostles to make the people sit down in Tens Hundreds and Thousands
- 00:59:20 Socrates quote about learning from others; Marcus Aurelius quote
- 01:04:30 Christ was putting the responsibility of government back on the people; Daily Bread; Legal Charity
- 01:07:55 Lake County Volunteer Fire Department; Daily Ministration; Pure Religion; Corban of Herod and the Pharisees
- 01:12:03 Task of the Church; Daily Ministration; Communion of Christians; The Way; Imperial Cult of Rome
- 01:16:50 Birth of Jesus prophesied in Samuel
- *01:18:20 Political turmoil in Judea at the time of Jesus; Sanhedrin; Pontius Pilate; Mary of Magdaline
- 01:23:00 Merchandise; Temple of Herod and Temple of Roma; Legal Charity
- *01:25:30 No town named Nazareth; Nazarite; Nazarian Essenes; John the Baptist; Legal Charity; Polybius; Mass Formation Psychosis
- 01:33:15 Communities in early America vs modern bedroom communities; FDR
- 01:37:30 Levites did not do animal sacrifice
- 01:41:00 Numerous Scientists
Paul’s Notes
Do we see what we think we see?; Brain dependence; Witness variations of events; OJ Simpson trial; Two eye-witnesses?; Bible – a witness; Who is Matthew?; Mark?; No original copies; Angels?; Why we read Matthew; Mt 1 – generations; Cities of refuge; “Israel”; Roman government; Why go to Pilate?; Determining truth; Whole truth or lie; Abraham … Jesse, David; David – a king?; Children of God; Lineage to Jesus who is called Christ; Corrupt judges -> king?; Appointing judges; “Apotheos”; “God” vs “god”; God’s judgement; Exercising; Captivity and bondage; Choosing a ruler; Deut 17; Principas Civitas (first citizen) = President; Love requires choice; Forgiveness; David’s repentance; 4th branch of government; Sanhedrin; Law exists; atrophying bonds of society; Reading bible is not enough; Empty throne in Jerusalem; Sick society; Today’s corruption; Importance of communities; Communion; Home gatherings for kingdom purposes; Self-organizing Christians; Doing the father’s will; Caesars called son of God and savior; Protecting neighbor out of love; How to exercise your responsibilities; The key to liberty; Volunteerism; Christ’s gospel; Forcing neighbors is not love; Teaching sound doctrine; Sharing this message; Find each other; Daily ministration; Pure Religion; The Way; Matthew writing to Jews; Jesus king and high priest; Pilate’s determination; Emperors and Christ; Lev 4:3; Anointing kings; Today’s harlots; Emmanuel; Jesus set captive free; Nazareth?; Doctrine of John the Baptist; Mass psychosis; Diverging from reality; Being a king after God’s own heart; Isolation vs Community; Willingness to admit you’re wrong – like Paul; Sharing; Thanksgiving; Choose Charity.
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