There was an amazing amount of interaction between servants of the Kingdom and rulers of the nations. But unlike modern church leaders who have the same government as politicians, the servants had a distinct polity.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: December 14, 2024
Show Notes
- 00:00:45 Polity; The Free Church Report; World; Romans 13; Tribute; Principas Civitas; Tupper Saucy
- 00:13:17 White Pine Confederacy; World
- 00:22:45 Herod; Temple of Jerusalem; Temple of Roma; Pontius Pilate
- 00:38:15 Polity; One Purse; Golden Calf; Free Assemblies; Strange Fire; Exercise Authority; Doctrine of Christ; Logos; Daily Ministration; Covet; Social welfare; Charity
- 00:51:38 Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Romans 13
- 01:01:50 Red Heifer; HHC X Spaces; Pontius Pilate; Tiberius Caesar; World; Paul the Apostle
- 01:22:55 Father
- 01:34:10 Ekklesia 10
- 01:43:35 Sacred Purpose Trust; Levites; Breeches
KOK Notes
Need for a Polity; Authority; Christ’s appointing a kingdom; Possessions of Christ; Paying tribute; Caesar – president of Rome; Maryland; Setting men free; Rome in America; Sanctuary?; Aristobulus and Hyrcanus; “Law of the Place”; White Pine treaty; Rome and the Gauls; Socialism; Being of the “world”; United States jurisdiction; Pilate’s wife; Right of self-determination; Red Sea crossing; Living in the spirit; Spiritual jurisdiction; Tree of Life; Forgiveness; “Polity”; Family = creation of God; Strange fire; Free assemblies; Jesus the king; Turning the world upside-down; Setting the captive free; Charity; Church CEOs?; Right to choose; Policy enforcement; Guidelines; Loving our neighbor; Foreign aid; Romans 13; Pilate – procurator of Rome; Paul’s execution?; Britannia?; Paul’s family lineage; Police; Article 5 – Servants of the Kingdom and mankind; “Constituency”; “Christening”; Public baptism; Witnessing; Deut 14:29; Blessings; Ministers; Lk 10:27; Ministerial jurisdiction; 2 Thess 2:13; 1 Thess 4:9; Owning thing common; Belonging to God; Salvation; Q: Darren – Self-determination; E.O. 13083 (1998); Citizenship; Coverage for Levites; Reliance on Holy Spirit; Don’t test God.
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