The policy (polity) of Christ was built on a foundation laid in the Old Testament with principals like stonings and altars. If something about that sounds off to the ears of modern Christians, they should learn the original meanings of those words.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: December 14, 2024
Show Notes
- 00:01:00 Polity of Christ = Policies of Christ; Paul the Apostle; Tiberius; Caligula; Claudius; Nero; Imperator; Christ = Anointed
- 00:07:35 Temple of Rome; Temple of Jupiter; Herod; Kingdom of Heaven; Temple of Roma; Temple of Jerusalem; Baptism; Sumer; Romans 13; Pure Religion; World; Corban; Temple of Ephesus; Social Security;
- 00:14:15 HHC X Spaces; Romaios; Christian Conflict; Benefactors
- 00:23:08 Logos = Right Reason; Tables; Snare
- 00:31:15 Cain; Sodom; Melchizedek; Altars of Clay and Stone; Social Bonds; Human Resources; Ekklesia; World; Corvee; Bondage of Egypt; Covetous Practices
- 00:39:25 Tens; Corban; Freewill Offering; Charity; Benefactors
- 00:45:15 Levites; Exodus
- 00:51:15 Romans 13; HHC X Spaces; Covet
- 00:59:00 Golden Calf; Levites; Altars; Stoning; Heave Offering; Polybius; Merchandise; Snare; Deceitful Meats
- 01:09:30 Logos; Freewill Offerings; Bondage of Egypt
- 01:17:00 Fervent Charity; Belial
- 01:23:17 Homeschooling; Covetous Practices
- 01:30:30 Gathering of Stones; Leaven; Deacon; Wages of Unrighteousness; Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Heave Offering
- 01:42:25 Nicolaitans; Bishop
KOK Notes
Policies given by Christ; Epistles?; Misunderstanding Paul; Paul’s court experiences; Crazier Emperators; US Commanders in Chief; Moral authority?; King Jesus; Travel at Christ’s time; Incense-burning; Benefit Temples; Centurion Christians; Rightly dividing bread from house to house; “Religion”; Temple membership; Acts 17:7; “Rhomaios” status; Appealing to Caesar; Explaining Christ; Salvation; Article 1: Congregations; Article 2: Seat of authority; What did Christ say?; “Logos” = right reason; Article 3: Conscience of The Church; Government of, for and by the people; Trees of Knowledge and Life; In, but not of, the “world”; Romans 13; Power – of choice; Consequences; Abraham and Lot; “Altars”; “Melchizedek”; The Church is a possession of God; “Church” = ekklesia = called out; Corruption of power; Term limits?; Statutory bondage; Article 4; Repentance; Covetous practices; Christ’s commandments; Harmonious arrangements; Lev 20:26 “Holy”; Consecration; Separation; Covenanting with kings; Following Holy Spirit; “Put to death”; Judgements of Moses; Lev 22:2; Turning the world upside-down; False witness; Minister separation from the “world”; Pilate’s declaration of Christ as king; No coveting; Loving God and our neighbors; Lev 15:31; Mt 20:13; Ordained of God; Lk 6:22; Getting kicked out of bondage; “stoning”; Having hard discussions; Num 18:14; John 15:19; “world”; Private Religion; Your duty to your fellowman; Welfare snares; The Gospel message; John 17:14; Denying the power of God; “Dunamis”; Judging; 2 Cor 6:14 “believer”; Lot’s wife; Freewill offerings; Ananias’s offerings; “Levites”; Sitting in darkness; Withstanding tyranny; “Infidel”; Phileo love; Faith compels action; Agape love; Sacrifice; Giving your choice away; Elder-driven Church; Homeschooling; Individual choice to love; “Belial”; 2 Cor 6:17 Be ye separate; Heb 7:26; Article 5: Servants of the Kingdom; Living stones; “Leaven”; Ensnaring yourself; “Deacon”; Tithe; Rewards of unrighteousness; Deut 14:29; Legal title; Doing the will of the Father; Acts 13:2; Barnabas; “Nicolaitans”; Serving congregations; Doing contrary to Christ?; Repent.
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