Unlike the modern church that participates in public religion and legal charity, the early church members were given a unprecedented level of independence because they practiced pure religion with daily ministration of fervent charity.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: January 18, 2025
Show Notes
- 00:00:45 Polity; Kingdom of God; Kingdom of Heaven; Benefactors; Peculiar People; Nimrod; Pharaoh; Plutarch; Bondage of Egypt; Flesh Pots; Golden Calf
- 00:08:00 Seven Men; Tables; Daily Bread
- 00:10:35 HHC X Spaces; Tens Hundreds and Thousands
- 00:15:20 Seven Men; Golden Calf; Freewill Offering
- 00:25:27 Apathy; Slothful; Justin the Martyr
- 00:36:15 Legal Charity; Exercise Authority; Polybius
- 00:41:45 The Way; Charity; Cities of Blood; One Purse; Cauldron
- 00:46:00 Doctrine of Christ; HHC X Spaces; Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Congregation; Free Assemblies; Milk and Meat
- 00:51:15 Benefactors; Covetous Practices; Cities of Blood; One Purse
- 00:58:30 Socialism; Snare; Nimrod; Cain; Human Resources; Sodom; Merchandise; Public Religion; Father
- 01:03:25 Snare; Polybius; Fathers of the Earth; Patronus; Son of God; Julius Caesar; Public Religion; Social Security; Deeds of the Nicolaitans; Error of Balaam
- 01:11:10 Barabbas; Sanhedrin; Social Safety Net; Covetous Practices; Fervent Charity; Litergy; Mammon; Public Religion; benefactors; Exercise Authority; Worship; Honor; World; Pontius Pilate; Dainties; Plutarch
- 01:29:35 Solomon; Nicolaitans; Balaam; Tytler; Bondage of Egypt
- 01:32:40 Sodom; Sumer; Babylon; FDR; LBJ; City of Blood; Biting One Another; Corban; Apathy; Sanhedrin; Seventy; Leaven; Social Welfare
- 01:39:05 Cloward and Piven; Free Assemblies; Fervent Charity; Freewill Offering
KOK Notes
Politumai, polis; Kingdom of God/Heaven; Nimrod; Free bread; Greatest destroyers of liberty; Golden calf; Mobilizing resources; Waiting on tables?; Following the money; Gathering/networking in “Tens”; Firefighting; Being prepared; Credit unions; Liberty; Freewill; Character of God/Christ; Insurance?; What to do to prepare for calamity; Forgotten things?; Sitting in darkness; Apathy; Socialism; Self-sacrifice; Rich and poor relationship; “Emma”; Knowing your public servants; Selfishness; Degeneration of society; Legal charity; Perfect savages; Welfare snares; Christian activities; Helping your neighbors; Living in fear?; Justin’s apology; Charity vs forced offerings; Prime directive of Christians; Turning the world upside-down; Treasuries?; Repentance; Love; Doctrine?; Matt 20:25; Mark 10:42; King of Judea; Capitalism; Lk 22:25; Benefactors?; Not to be that way with Christians; Covetous practices; One purse; Valueless money; Other people’s money; Waiving your rights; Sodom story; Hearing the cries of your neighbor; Pagan temples of public religion; Kingship (government) of The Church; Free assemblies; War casualties; Military Industrial Complex; Prophets of the Beast; Fathers of the Earth; “Son of God”; Who is your king?; To whom do you pray?; Wanting to know the whole truth; Barabbas; Social safety net?; Fervent charity; Consequences of choice; liturgios = public minister/servant; Unrighteous mammon; Consenting to membership; Being Doers of The Word; Seeking His kingdom and righteousness; Government of, for and by the people; John 12:26; “Worship”; “Honor”; John 18:36; not of this “world”; Sin?; Trial before Pilate; Nicolaitans and Balaam; Conquered people; Recognizing your bondage; What can you do?; Financing your own destruction; Cities of blood; Christ’s Sanhedrin; Prodigal sons; Coming together in sacrifice; Cloward and Piven; Fear not!
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