Poor response in the aftermath of natural disasters is exactly what a society reaps when it prays to Benefactors who exercise authority rather than being diligent in the daily ministration of the polity of Christ.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: January 11, 2025
Show Notes
- 00:00:50 Rituals and Ceremonies; Logos = Right Reason; Doctrine of Christ; Wrath of God; Colossians
- 00:08:40 HHC X Space; FEMA; Dearth; Temple of Ephesus
- 00:18:00 Daily Ministration; Tens; Covetousness; Charity; Turtledove Goddess of Sumer
- 00:29:30 Seven Men; Tens Hundreds and Thousands
- 00:34:00 Polity; Social Bonds; Fervent Charity; Pure Republic;
- 00:40:40 Perfect Law of Liberty; Freewill Offerings; Contracts Covenants and Constitutions; World
- 00:46:20 Covetous Practices; Idolatry; Daily Ministration
- 00:51:10 Kingdom of God; Bondage of Egypt; Pharisees; Nimrod; Cain; Sodom; Herod; Corban; Religion; Wrath of God
- 00:55:30 Tytler Cycle; Human Resource
- 01:01:30 One Purse; Cauldron; Biting One Another; Workers of Iniquity; Hue and Cry; Corban; City of Blood; Legal Charity; Alexis de Tocqueville
- 01:13:55 Federal Reserve; Public School; Schools as Tools; Doctrine of Christ; Covetous Practices; Idolatry; Merchandise; Curse Children
- 01:21:05 Benefactors; Curse Children; Pure Republic
- 01:27:05 Social Security; Jesus Commanded
- 01:35:15 John the Baptist; Zacharias; Alexis de Tocqueville; Legal Charity; Son of God; Moneychangers; Strong Delusion
KOK Notes
Rituals and ceremonies of Christ; Feeding hungry, healing sick, explaining doctrine (logos); Bible studies; Critical thinking; Freedom of speech; Non-fact facts; Bible translation; Context; Changing word definitions; FEMA?; California fires; Protecting your home; Sloth; Relying on neighbors; Volunteerism vs tax-funded; Preparation; Returning responsibility to the people; Welfare in Christ’s time; “Assurance”; Paganism; Col 3:8; Gathering in a network; Tens; Daily ministration; Caring for needy of society; Forced sacrifice; Was Christ political?; Taking kingdom from Pharisees; “Religion”; Rightly dividing resources; Dearths; F.E.M.A.; Charity = Love; Objectives of Christ; Setting the captive free; Saving the whole world; Societal degeneration; Breaking system addiction; Social relationships; Fervent charity; Pure republic; vs Democracy; Socialism; Fixing abuse; Cultivating care; Legal charity?; Polity Article 9; Preaching the gospel; Manifesting the real Kingdom of God; “His” Church; Covetous practices; Isa 9:7; Isa 61:1; Understanding where we went wrong; Repentance; Christ’s kingdom “at hand”; Corruption; Lk 9:2; Self-governance; Sodom and Gomorrah; Loving your fellow man; Judging others; Government of, for and by the people; Defining lies; Tytler cycle; Caring for the lazy?; Selling brothers into slavery; Burdens of bondage; Courage; Liberty brings responsibility; Selfishness – the problem; Dependence; Born into bondage; Needing the poor?; Supporting police; Free bread; What made America great; Danger of anger; Communists; “Notes”; History in school; Whole gospel of the kingdom; Doctrine; Believing lies; Article 10 – caring with charity alone; What Jesus do you believe in?; Fathers of the Earth; Guaranteeing safety?; Statutes of Moses; Social Security; Corvee; Tribute; “No king but Caesar”; Social bonds; “Kingdom tracks”; Christ’s only “command”; Sheep example; Nu 11:6; Rejecting God for a central ruler; Wrath of God; Restoring your rights; John the Baptist; Modern churches riding the beast; Praying to government for your salvation; “Son of God”; What Early Christians were really doing; Having protection from God; Assemble Christ’s puzzle.
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