Brother Gregory plays a variety of clips from social media as a launching point to add additional Kingdom perspective that everyone seems to miss.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: January 4, 2025
Show Notes
- 00:00:40 @GregoryHHC on X; Mass Formation Psychosis; Polity; Legal Title
- 00:09:40 Father
- 00:20:35 Alkali Lake
- 00:41:15 Cain; Bondage of Egypt
- 00:55:10 Fasting; Levite; Lazarus; Nicodemus = Simon the Leper = Simon the Jar Maker
- 01:00:05 Abraham; Nimrod
KOK Notes
Following Christ; Declining civilization; Reading the instructions; Seeking the whole truth; Metallic money; vs Paper money; “Legal”; Righteous in your generation?; Fathers of the Earth?; Anger; Fear; Imagination; Why darkness?; Humility; Alkali Lake; What you did right; Finding good in others; Doing right because it’s right; Taking back responsibilities; Hearing the hard message; Raising the bar; Answering prayers?; Having life more abundant; Evil appearing as good; Seeing the kingdom of God; Substitute spirits; Q: Death and Hell?; Why are you hear on this planet?; The love of God; Contextualizing Christ’s message; Discipleship; The love that leads to life; Fasting and prayer; Answers you want to hear; Doing the job; Strengthening the poor; Taking the next step; Abraham and Isaac; Wanting the people to be free; Haggai; Abraham’s background; Membership; Propagating fear; Sacrificial love; Freewill.
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