Key 2501 – Polity of the Kingdom – Part 8

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2501

The services of the early church included providing for widows and orphans who were baptized into the polity of Christ. The modern church gets them wet then instructs the to accept the baptism of the world’s government for social security and welfare.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: January 4, 2025

Show Notes

KOK Notes

Rituals and ceremonies; “Rite”; How The Church does things; Taking care of the needy; “Religion”; Exercising authority?; Executing the king?; Moneychangers; Fervent charity vs Legal charity; Offices of Caesar; Mt 20:25; Not to be that way with you; Acts 23; Pharisees and Sadducees; Mark 10:42; Freedom of choice; Civil law; No coveting; “One purse”; Servants of the people; Cities of blood; Early Church model; Lk 22:25; Paul on trial; “Church” = “ekklesia”; Levites?; Golden calf; Loyalty to gold; “Temples”; Treasuries?; Welfare snares; Synagogues; Heave offering; “Corban”; Lk 22:29; Kingdom of Judea appointed; Pilate’s proclamation; Plagues and filters; Israelites helping Egyptians; “Whited wall”; Wall around a city; Mt 23:27, Lk 11:24; Robbing widows and orphans; “Visit” in James; Church use of funds; Keeping you from the kingdom; Human resources; God’s government; Being doers of the word or workers of iniquity; Paul’s “us” and “we”; False gospels; Forms of godliness; Repentance; “Polity”; Justin’s apology; Sin of Sodom; Actually helping the poor; Imagining you’re doing good; Is Christ your king?; Public schools; Christian schools; Feeding His sheep; Idolatry; Choosing your religion; Weakening of the church; Constantine’s church; Salvation; “Holy apostles”; Article 8: Objective of The Church; Following Pharisees instead of Christ; Saul’s folly; Righteousness; Offices of power; Free nations; Social bonds; Family; Bondage of Egypt; Civil vs Natural rights; Willingness to return to Christ’s way; Your duties; Caring for your neighbor; Advancing peace; Prov 16:7; Making neighbors merchandise; Inflation; Christ’s instructions; Prayer; Isa 26:3; Free assemblies; Self-organization; Conforming to Christ; Isa 32:17; Ps 37:11; Addiction to benefits; Mal 2:6; Feel-good churches; Equity; Mt 5:25; Lk 10:5; Act 10:42; Believing lies; Listening to Holy Spirit; The Way of peace; Repent now!

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