Matthew 20 includes the story of the mom requesting that her sons sit at the left and right hands of Jesus. Do you understand the significant government implications?
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: December 2, 2023
Show Notes
- 00:01:30 Tables that become a snare; Nimrod; Turtledove Goddess of Sumer; Corban of the Pharisees; Free Assemblies;
- 00:04:30 Matthew 20; Hiring the laborers; Trinity
- 00:20:55 Bondage of Egypt
- 00:25:45 VAERS data; Baal; Balaam; Nicolaitan; Legal Charity
- 00:38:40 Jerusalem = Double Peace; Sitting at left and right hands of Jesus
- 00:46:50 Followers of Jesus were organizing themselves in Tens Hundreds and Thousands
- 00:53:20 Levites couldn’t own property; Freewill Offerings; Exercise Authority; Altars of Clay and Stone; Corban of the Pharisees; John the Baptist
- 00:58:20 First Caller: Rich man through the eye of the needle; Camel = Cable?
- 01:15:55: Family; Teutons; Tacitus; Herman the German
- 01:26:35 Covetous Practices;
- 01:27:45 Second Caller
- 01:32:50 Israel was a republic; Libera Res Publica; Militia; Social Bonds; Teutons; Bee venom to cure lyme disease
- 01:36:30 Nature of the Beast
- 01:50:50 Covet
Paul’s Notes
Undermining the family; Early America; Loving neighbor as yourself; Submitting to Holy Spirit; Ten commandments; Mt 20:1; God, house holder; Parable of hiring workers throughout the day; God’s a capitalist; Christ’s “way”; Huck Finn reference; Covetousness leads to bondage; Admitting being wrong; Is your labor yours?; The Egyptian bondage deal; Militia; Population reduction; Killing care by legal charity; Blind Christians; “Jerusalem”; “Not mine to give”; Christ giving his own life; Opening our eyes; Organizational structure; Family dynamics; The Judgement; Wrath of God; Paul in Rome; Hoses in Acts 6; Levites owning property?; Tithings; Burnt offerings; Altars; Criteria of being minister; Q: Eye of the needle; Narrow gates; Small door in the gate; “Hardly”; Camels a rarity; Rich man difficulties; Class interdependency; Professional courts; Teuton family; Shield bearers; Serving spouses; Investing in our neighbors; Look in the hedges; Bleeding America; Theocracies; Free from things public; Bee sting story; Appreciating life God has given you; Sacrifice in the name of Christ; Nature of the Beast; Biting neighbor and unborn children; Tyrants; Following God’s leading; Sharing our message; Casting seed; Meaning of “covet”; Prophets of the Beast; Blessings to you.
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