Alexander Tytler is one of many notable figures who described how democracy represents the downfall of a society. Yet the modern church has embraced it while rejecting the polity of Christ.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: December 21, 2024
Show Notes
- 00:01:00 Polity of the Kingdom of God; Nimrod; Sumer;
- 00:11:45 Reactivating neural pathways with mirror therapy
- 00:14:50 Capgras; Mind
- 00:22:30 Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Fervent Charity; Bondage of Egypt; FDR; Social Security; Exercise Authority
- 00:29:40 Cloward and Piven; Golden Calf; Alexander Tytler; Father
- 00:41:05 Golem; Republic; Pure Republic; Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Bishop; Overseer
- 00:50:20 Minister; Covetous Practices
- 00:57:45 Deceitful Meats; One Purse; Cities of Blood; Biting One Another; Pure Religion; Exercise Authority
- 01:00:35 Article 2 Section 22; Pure Religion
- 01:10:10 Electoral College; Burnt Offering; Benefactors; Democracy
- 01:19:32 Burnt Offering; Heave Offering; Peace Offering; Sin Offering; Cities of Refuge; Jehovahnissi; Militia; Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Weightier Matters; Jury; Bishop
- 01:32:00 Signing papers to go to Annapolis (gregbio); Tree of Life
- 01:42:05 Charity; Public School; Tree of Knowledge
- 01:47:15 Greg drafted into military (gregbio)
- 01:55:43 Golem
KOK Notes
Gospel of the Kingdom; God-ordained government; Learning from our mistakes; Dominion; World governments; Limiting government power; Business practices; Bias; Corruption; Ignorance of governance; Righteousness of God; Hate; Rewiring your brain; Story-telling; Civilization evolution theory; Fervent charity; Power of choice; Government dependency; Apathy; Alexander Tytler; The Church; “Israel”; Immigrants; Communism; Federal Reserve Bank; “Patriotism”; “Reparations”; Forgiveness; Wrath of God; “We the People”; “Golem”; Respecters of persons; Selfishness; Republics; Electoral college; Overseers; Collective identity; Charity; Mobilizing resources; Explaining kingdom; Minister servants; Student loans; Aggrandizing the state; Pure Religion; Oregon corruption; Democracy; Abundance to selfishness; Giving up your responsibilities; Burnt offering; Forcing contributions; Body analogy; Moving in the kingdom; Strengthening your spiritual hands; Sacrificing; Calling out corruption; Fighting crime dangers; Militia; People’s courts; Cities of refuge; Honest juries; Draining the swamp; Perfect law of liberty; Emotion vs Spirit; Meditation; Tree of Knowledge; Spiritual pursuit of kingdom; “Sponsorship”; Societal degeneration; Charity vs government; Public schools; Knowing what God wants you to do; Waiting upon the Lord; Seeing your mistakes; God’s plan; Gregory and the military; Humility; Repetitively; Don’t fear the process.
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