Bad things happening in society won’t be fixed by fighting against them. Those people and situations need to be exposed to more light…which can be brought only by congregating with other families.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: November 28, 2020
Show Notes
- Face Masks
- Exosomes
- Vaccines
- Marriage vs Holy Matrimony
- Coronavirus
- Levites
- Freedom of Religion
- Davy Crockett
- Jordan Peterson
- AnOmaly
- Kim Clement
Paul’s Notes
Talk with those around you; Even if they don’t agree; How do I get into the kingdom?; Will God hear you?; Hypnosis; Getting you to go along; Concentration camps and gulags; Inhumanity; Lie-ruses; Are you being manipulated?; An0maly’s progression; What don’t I see?; Judean “priests”; Promoting truth; Faith in vaccines; Good lies are full of truth; Replicate truth; Not those who *say* Lord, Lord, but the Doers; Actual forgiveness; Love and light; Love of desire; Do you want to see?; Loving your enemy; What you know that just ain’t so; Love in action; Miracles around Christ; Why Christ came; Touched by the Holy Spirit; vs Being filled; Different than emotional experience; Unholy spirits; Husband and Wife – God’s creation; Rulers and Leaders; No rulers allowed in God’s kingdom; Turning up your light; Loving father and mother; Mask shaming; Immunity deniers; Modern Church posers; Mt 13:16; Seeing truth about yourself; Fertile ground in you?; Why Paul appealed; “Rhomaios”; Repentance = changing of your mind; Humility is key; Humiliation vs humbling; Resolving autoimmune issues via diet; Loving the journey; Gather in tens, hundreds and thousands; Evil’s divisional intent; South African prophet?; Shooter mentality; Following the Spirit of the real Jesus; Mt 5:13; Embrace forgiveness and freedom; Nu 18:19; Levites = God’s 2nd institution; Sanhedrin; Mk 9:49 – Salting sacrifice; Jn 9:39 – Judgement; Paul’s appeal to Rome; Paul’s legal terms; Acting upon what you’re shown; Gathering with imperfection; Allowing choice; Mt 13:23; Fruit of the Holy Spirit; How to stop being merchandise; Deut 28:29; Fighting monsters; Righteous rule; Thieving, lying priests; Learning from Adam’s faults; Binding and loosing; Mark of the Beast is to control others; Stop usurping God; Freedom of Religion; Pygmalion; Paine or Crockett?; Is forgiveness at you core?
Notable Segments
[01:18:37] Congregating stifles bad seeds that won’t germinate when the field is planted with good seed (gregbio)
[00:02:54] Relationship of modern hypnosis and shaming to concentration camps and gulags; face masks and commercials – people are highly suggestable
[00:14:47] Priests made up 60-70% of Judean government. If you choose a king, God will not hear you.
[00:17:06] HHC Youtube channel and other websites
[00:18:20] Vaccines don’t keep you safe
[00:23:26] Love is like a candle
[00:26:42] Jordan Peterson’s progression
[00:33:07] Being touched by the Holy Spirit is not necessarily an emotional event
[00:37:02] Marriage was designed to allow the two individuals to receive the full truth of God.
[00:40:52] Difference between a leader and a ruler
[00:59:17] Jordan Peterson’s health issues
[01:06:15] Kim Clement, South African preacher, predicted Trump presidency in 2007
[01:13:49] Numbers 18:19; Levites (firstborn) are turning up the light of God in the family and the nation.
[01:18:37] Congregating stifles bad seeds that won’t germinate when the field is planted with good seed (gregbio)
[01:27:27] Friedrich Nietzsche – Beware when fighting monsters that you yourself don’t become a monster
[01:37:14] Freedom of Religion
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