Key 1915 – The Weightier Matters and the Right to be Ruled by God

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 0915

Understand the spiritual nature of God. Do not divide yourselves using intellectual information that turns doctrine into worshiping idolatry. Don’t get stuck with specific rituals such as the sabbath because the laws of God are written on your heart and mind.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: October 17, 2009

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

Still Faint! – Find a quiet place/time and crank up the volume
Changes to website (, New Google maps – maintained by local Contact Ministers, Kingdom of God = right to be ruled by God, “Weightier Matters” – if your preacher doesn’t know them, you need a new preacher!, Brother Gregory’s local church, fullness of the gospel, Sabbath made for man, We won’t give doctrine for Sabbath or Name, We Require “Seek the Kingdom”, Ten Commandments – which ten?, Pharisees and the Old Testament, Hebrew letters – meaning and sequence, When is the Sabbath?, 2 different words for “month”, looseness of translations, Hebrew letter “tav”, Earn your day of rest, Sunday in the early churchName – God does not need an ID card, Who names you?, Who named God?, Focus on weightier matters, Open your heart and mind, Purpose of the Feasts, The Cross, What are the weightier matters? See Matt 23:23.

Notable Segments

[00:6:26] The sabbath in the Bible.


[00:03:45] a church in Summer Lake area (gregbio)
[00:06:26] The sabbath in the Bible.
[00:27:51] Sabbath issues
[00:36:25] Conforming to Christ’s Church


Coming soon