In our Matthew 6 study, we learn how, due to our apathy toward the weightier matters, the tax man is our modern day Levite who collects tithes through force rather then through freewill offerings on which the Kingdom of God runs.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: October 14, 2023
Show Notes
- 00:00:30 The bible is about government
- 00:02:40 Greg in boarding school (gregbio)
- 00:05:45 Great Reset
- 00:13:40 Herod Antipas; Wise Men – Magi; Tacitus; Corban
- 00:20:10 John the Baptist’s camel hair coat and leather belt; Parthia
- *00:30:00 Essenes; Religion; Pure Religion; Public Religion; Temple of Roma; Temple of Jerusalem; Polis of Nazareth
- 00:35:00 Jesus was Rich; John the Baptist; Julius Caesar; Dainties; Social Bonds; Freewill Offerings
- 00:40:00 Income Tax
- 00:42:00 Temptations of Jesus; Levites; Idolatry; World
- 00:50:45 Plutarch; Libera Res Publica; Alms
- 01:00:00 Father; Son of God
- 01:08:00 Corban of Christ vs Corban of the Pharisees; Jesus was Rich
- 01:16:40 Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Charity; Mammon; Anxious
- 01:26:15 Altars; Freewill Offerings; Tithes
- *01:29:00 Unjust justice system; Voluntary Army – Militia
- 01:34:30 Covetous Practices; Yoke of Bondage
Paul’s Notes
News behind the news; Bible is about government; The war for your soul; Vatican II councils; Whole truth; Matthew writing to Jews; The solution; Christians without a clue; Christ’s doctrine; Needing something to believe in; Reviewing Matthew; Genealogy; Wise men; Supporting Christ’s ministry; “Magi”; Rightful kings?; Corban; Matt 3:4; Camel hair?; Parthians?; Knowing history; John the Baptist’s lineage; Rome/Parthia history; Social safety net systems; Jesus’ government; Religious duty; Public religion; Temples in Jerusalem and Rome; “Nazareth”; “polis”; Foundational knowledge; Richness of Jesus; Julius Caesar; No coveting!; “Hemyan”; 16th Amendment; Changing the way you think; Sharing wealth; Idolatry; Anti-Christ governments; Caring for each other; “Happy” sermons; Spiritual fulfilment; Christ’s Republic; Destroying Rome; Matthew 6 decrees; Beatitudes; Alms – for needy of society; Compassionate choice; “love”; arrows?; No force!; Fair share?; People’s choice; World’s forced benefits; Lord’s prayer; Which “father”; Praying to God for your daily bread; Forgiving debt; Or NOT forgiving; The choice before you; Fasting instructions; Invisible god; Rich ministers; Your treasures; Learning to love; Matt 6:24; Serving 2 masters; Choosing Christ’s system; Mammon; Sharing your treasure; Anxiety and appreciation; Christ, Abraham and Moses created networks of charity; Seeking kingdom FIRST; Hypocrites; Taxes = tithes; Injustice story; Christ’s intention; Parthian shot?; True Christianity; Seeking righteous mammon; God’s protection; Network together in faith and truth.
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