Key 2321 – Exodus – Part 26

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2321

In this study of Exodus 22, we learn that it’s about learning the proper application of judgment rather than worshipping the law.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: March 18, 2023

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

Setting down false teachings; Reducing world population; Decapitation; Reasons for war; Controlled opposition; “AI”; Biasing you; Are you willing to see whole truth?; The solution to liberty under God; Your choice; Meanings of metaphors; Sabbath; Deliverance from Egypt; Precedents of Moses; Societal amnesia; Christ’s weightier matters of law, judgment, mercy and faith; Perfect savages; Putting people to death; Drawing near Holy Spirit; Sacrifice; Caring for others; Seeking righteousness; Dwindling crowds; Ex 22:1; Intentional crime; Finding moral people; Restitution?; Imagining you’re saved; Loan forgiveness?; Subsidies?; Relating to individuals; Elohim; Responsibility; Ex 22:16 – social justice?; mem-hey-resh = surely endow; Word repetition; Undermining commitment; 22:18 – witches?; Slighting mother and father; What made America great; mem+kuf-shin-pe+hey; removing from altars; Community; Circumventing laws of God; Masoretic text; Justice vs oppression; Afflicting widows and orphans; Getting God to hear you; Inheritance tax; Usury; Credit unions; Deciding fact and law; Ending homelessness; “Revile”; tav-aleph-resh; Seeing Hebrew; vs Fabricating meaning; Contribution to charity; Meat with blood in it; Being priests to all nations; Blacking out trauma; Patterns of anger; Vices; Awareness of self; Substitutive forgiveness; Abel and Cain; Gen 4:6; Shepherding vs plowing; Receive the breath of life.

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