Key 2220 – The Idolatry In Which We All Participate – Part 2

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2220

Modern churches have built entire doctrines around personal interpretations of the bible while remaining oblivious to the actual doctrines of Christ.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: March 26, 2022

Show Notes

00:00:45 Ukraine; Supreme Court ruling on Navy personnel vax; Following the sCieNcE; Cult members
00:06:35 Idolatry; Adultery in bible is usually national adultery; Imperial Cult of Rome; Temples; Owning gold
00:11:22 Patrick HenryConstitution made for good men; Legal Title
00:12:30 Ruling Judges; State were as foreign to each other14:45 Mark of the Beast; Char as Mexico is to Canada; Bondage of Egypt
00:14:45 Mark of the Beast; Charagma = badge of servitude
00:17:45 Commander in Chief; VAERS stats; Robust Immune System
00:24:00 No inheritance in the Kingdom of God; Covetous Practices; Golden Calf;
00:30:12 Peor; Balaam; Nicolaitans; Hosea; Wages of Unrighteousness
00:38:10 Private interpretations of the bible vs doctrines of Christ; Virgin Birth; Trinity; Workers of Iniquity
00:47:20 Parts of the brain; WEC’s Yuval Noah Harari; Merchandise; Curse Children

Paul’s Notes

Ukrainian issues; Listening to Christ; Idolaters; Supreme court rulings; Faking belief; Cult membership; National “Fornication”; Your need for repentance; Worshipping statues?; Owning gold; Legal title to property; Imperial Cult of Rome; Use tax; Christ’s form of government; Mark of the beastcharagma; Appointing judges; Death by disease; Robust immune systems; Eph 5:5; Col 3:5; Churches promoting idolatry; 1 Cor 10:6; You are the reserve fund; “Peor”; Nu 25:18; Nicolaitans; Hos 9:10; Wrath of God; Inheriting the kingdom; Becoming the treasury; Doctrines of The Church; Essentials of faith; Distractions from Christ; Leading people toward destruction; Brain anatomy; Monkey heaven; Biblical allegories; Drawing near to God; Follow Christ’s doctrines.

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