Modern churches have built entire doctrines around personal interpretations of the bible while remaining oblivious to the actual doctrines of Christ.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: March 26, 2022
Show Notes
00:00:45 Ukraine; Supreme Court ruling on Navy personnel vax; Following the sCieNcE; Cult members
00:06:35 Idolatry; Adultery in bible is usually national adultery; Imperial Cult of Rome; Temples; Owning gold
00:11:22 Patrick Henry – Constitution made for good men; Legal Title
00:12:30 Ruling Judges; State were as foreign to each other14:45 Mark of the Beast; Char as Mexico is to Canada; Bondage of Egypt
00:14:45 Mark of the Beast; Charagma = badge of servitude
00:17:45 Commander in Chief; VAERS stats; Robust Immune System
00:24:00 No inheritance in the Kingdom of God; Covetous Practices; Golden Calf;
00:30:12 Peor; Balaam; Nicolaitans; Hosea; Wages of Unrighteousness
00:38:10 Private interpretations of the bible vs doctrines of Christ; Virgin Birth; Trinity; Workers of Iniquity
00:47:20 Parts of the brain; WEC’s Yuval Noah Harari; Merchandise; Curse Children
Paul’s Notes
Ukrainian issues; Listening to Christ; Idolaters; Supreme court rulings; Faking belief; Cult membership; National “Fornication”; Your need for repentance; Worshipping statues?; Owning gold; Legal title to property; Imperial Cult of Rome; Use tax; Christ’s form of government; Mark of the beast – charagma; Appointing judges; Death by disease; Robust immune systems; Eph 5:5; Col 3:5; Churches promoting idolatry; 1 Cor 10:6; You are the reserve fund; “Peor”; Nu 25:18; Nicolaitans; Hos 9:10; Wrath of God; Inheriting the kingdom; Becoming the treasury; Doctrines of The Church; Essentials of faith; Distractions from Christ; Leading people toward destruction; Brain anatomy; Monkey heaven; Biblical allegories; Drawing near to God; Follow Christ’s doctrines.
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