This show is a follow up from recent Blog Talk and First Amendment Radio shows. Brother Gregory answers questions about His Holy Church and how the modern church has strayed away from its origin.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: August 28, 2010
Show Notes
- ministers ordained by God
- idolotry
- doers of the word
- Nimrod
- congregation of record
- Levites
- tabernacles/tents
- bear witness
- unrighteous mammon
- lay on hands
- John the Baptist
- power of God
- burnt offering
- tithing
- priests as government
- free will ofering
- church as a foreign government
- case law
- taxation
- holy kiss
- spiritual reality
- establish church land
- safety net
- good Samaritan
- economic strain
- grain storage
- Sacred Purpose Trust
- live by love and mutual communion
- Holy Spirit
Notable Segments
[00:23:37] Question re: Do COR elders receive membership paperwork?
[00:36:27] Question re: Taxation in the U.S.
[00:44:38] Challenges of a voluntary society moving towards the Kingdom
[00:02:44] Question re: laying on of hands and anointing of oil
[00:11:00] HHC members and following Christ
[00:15:13] Question re: burnt offerings and guidelines
[00:20:15] HHC as a body politic
[00:23:37] Question re: Do COR elders receive membership paperwork?
[00:26:35] The early church and baptism records
[00:29:00] The importance of structure in the government of Christ
[00:32:15] Question re: Can a minister represent someone in civil court?
[00:36:27] Question re: Taxation in the U.S.
[00:44:38] Challenges of a voluntary society moving towards the Kingdom
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