Because of their dependency on governments of the world, it is difficult for modern Christians to understand Ignatius who was addressing early Christians that participated in a parallel government based on charity.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: December 4, 2021
Show Notes
- Bondage of Egypt
- Legal Charity
- Pure Religion
- Merchandise
- Curse Children
- Home Church
- Jesus Commanded
- Deacon
- Synagogue
- Tens Hundreds and Thousands
- Free Bread
- Temples
- Ignatius of Antioch
- Elder
- Romans 13
- Exousia
- Breeches
- Christian Conflict
- Gods
- Covenants of the gods
- Constantine
Paul’s Notes
Offices of the family; Families purposefully gathering together; “Religion”; Caring for neighbors; The kingdom of God at hand; Pure Religion; Cursing your children with debt; Home churching; “deacon”; Christ’s way vs Judean/Roman Temples; “Ignatius of Antioch” or “Theophorus”; Writer/humorist; Tens, Hundreds and Thousands exemplified; Allowing others’ right to choose; No force!; Jesus made manifest; “place of God”; Translators are traitors; “presbyter” = “elder”; Holy Spirit’s presence; Returning choice to individuals; Adam and Eve hiding; Your church’s doctrines – of Christ or men?; Being “with” the Father; Ignatius’s journey; John 10:34; Choosing gods; “Elder” is not a Church office; You can’t free yourself; Church hierarchy; Constantine’s church and councils; Apostolic succession; Feel-good ministers; Holy Spirit is your comforter; Being bound by love; Harmony with God; Choose well your deacon; Daily ministration of charity; Remove tyranny from your heart.
[00:00:50] Family enmeshment
[00:08:57] Quarantine camps in Australia
[00:10:05] Conversation with Homechurchers
[00:11:23] Early church congregations of tens hundreds and thousands did not accept benefits of Rome
[00:13:08] Home church group asks about Ignatius of Antioch
[00:18:05] Lots of people were no longer going to the central government temples for welfare because they were gathering in congregations of 10
[00:23:35] Start Ignatius quote: “Take care to do all things in harmony with God.”
[00:24:18] “Place of God” is not a hierarchy; Presbytor = Elder = Head of family
[00:30:36] Romans 13: Power of choice; Exousia; Eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
[00:33:46] Church preachers don’t know what the bible says
[00:36:05] Seven Lepers: Escorting soldiers
[00:37:40] Ye are Gods = Ruling judges
[00:39:17] Volunteer Fire Department
*[00:41:37] Office of deacon, even bishop, is not a position of authority over the people; Greatest among you is the greatest servant
[00:46:10] Constantine and Council of Nicaea
[00:48:30] Fifties
*[00:50:50] Tithingman, Alderman, Hundredsman
[00:54:39] Second Amendment
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