The greatest threat at this time is not coronavirus but rather the economic shutdown. We are seeing fear being preached. However, God is the true comforter. We must stand up and think for ourselves…including about vaccinations.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: April 11, 2020
Show Notes
- vaccinations
- vaccines
- Body of Christ
- Corban
- freewill offering
- exercise authority
- Social Security
- constitutions
- coronavirus
- fornication
- covetous practices
- cancer
- perfect law of liberty
- bondage
- benefactors
Notable Segments
[00:18:01] Acts 15:20 and 2 Peter 2:20
[00:23:39] Vaccinated vs. un-vaccinated
[00:29:08] Will there be forced vaccination?
[00:36:40] Difference between vaccination and natural immunity
[00:01:31] Coronavirus issues
[00:05:14] Vaccination and coronavirus
[00:18:01] Acts 15:20 and 2 Peter 2:20
[00:23:39] Vaccinated vs. un-vaccinated
[00:29:08] Will there be forced vaccination?
[00:36:40] Difference between vaccination and natural immunity
Susan’s Keywords
- antibodies
- cellular communication
- polio injection
- zinc
- exosomes
- toxins
- human genome
- China
- PCR tests
- natural immunity
- antibiotics
- autoimmune
Paul’s Notes
Why economic shutdown?; Viruses and exosomes; Pharmaceutical industry within your body; Vaccination studies; Coronavirus severity; Accuracy in testing; China recovered without vaccination; Alleviating symptoms only; Natural immunity; Antibiotics; Sharing success information; Acts 15:20; Eating meat with blood in it metaphor; Freewill vs force; Pollution of idols; 2 Peter 2:20; Where we’re at now; Vaccine side-effects; Causation?; Identity dysphoria; Boosting immune system; Seeking your solutions; Vaccine benefits unproven; Truth avoidance; Misplaced faith; Vaccine exemption letters; Incomplete statistics; Who survives?; Adapting to mistreatment; Religious arguments; Constructing an effective letter; Countering rampant apathy; Knowing your audience; The Church’s role; Coming together in one accord; Herding cats?; Drunk on benefits?; Quick history on Social Security; Holy-spirit driven kingdom; The real miracle of loaves and fishes; Overcoming strong delusion; Suicide increase; God is your comforter; You choose!
Coming Soon