We continue our study of 2 Corinthians and explain how Paul’s practical instructions apply just as much to the Church today.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: November 16, 2019
Show Notes
- 2 Corinthians 5 notes
- Tens Hundreds and Thousands
- Democrats’ Hydra by Glen Beck
- Coach Dave Daubenmire
- Covetous Practices Make Us Merchandise
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Welcome to the keys of the kingdom with brother Gregory all usually overcome to gaze aching and my brother Gregory and will again be talking about the kingdom of God that were gonna be in second Corinthians but the some of the things that went on this week is that I read an article by a Coach Dave Daubenmire who writes for news views as well as I’ve written for news and views the really should be probably send them more articles on a regular basis but I responded to to the couch and the and his article and the suggested some thoughts that I also shared with everybody that’s on the network and that the network is the living at work and it’s the it’s basically at the beginning it’s just everybody joins in email net group that is geographically oriented to the area in which they live if you live in California there’s a California group if you live in Oregon is an organ group and it was actually right now includes Idaho and Washington and you may think of your nostril you can join a group etc. and there’s not a lot of conversation going on on the group because…
Sitting down in the Tens Hundreds and Thousands
[00:01:42] The most active people have actually joined what we really call the living network which is sitting down in the tens of hundreds of thousands informing congregations of picking a minister at that minister picks a minister which is a way ancient Israel was organized is probably the way in which Abraham set up his alters of Abraham as certainly there were other people using the same pattern all throughout history people are completely unaware of that because just been removed from the history books there are some historians that are rediscovering this and republishing but the main idea of history as you think well somebody got a king and we did what that cane said are we elected a president and we did with the president said we have this very centralized view of governments of the world were somebodies in charge and everybody else obeys those people in charge are we great democracies and then we elect new guys every four years or every so often we create a new government and then they run things and then we just go do her own thing and so we have this kind of view of that’s what government is and that’s not really what government has always been there has been free governments what they used to call republics most people don’t even know what a Republic is the day.
Glenn Beck’s Democrats’ Hydra
[00:03:06] And that’s part of the problem with the Coach Dave Daubenmire are part of the problem with the Glenn back I also listen to a program somebody recorded to his Hydra to my Democratic Hydra I think is what he calls that you can look it up yourself common interest is to our specialty put together and it to run Sioux history of some stuff that’s been going on in American in the world all way around the world for the last hundred or more years back to the 1800s it started and yes, conspiracy theory but it has a lot of facts and information with it as worth listening to him you want to go look it up don’t accept everything as gospel but then most of which are taught in the churches as gospel isn’t really gospel either so you know it you need to try to find out what the whole truth is at even though he does give you some feminine side in and hit so you go do that on your own into your own study time to look up the Democratic Hydra Britishers what they call it and that is with Glenn back and it’s kinda interesting
Coach Dave Daubenmire
[00:04:21] The solution though is to actually do it Christ really was talking about and that’s the same thing for Coach Daubenmire and his thing and what I had said when I shared yet he talked in the first part of his article he’s up big sports fan and so he’s correlating you know different teams like the Browns in and of the buffaloes and talks about the red zone and all the stuff but eventually he gets down to our we simply to count on Bill Barr and the Republican Party to get the ball into the end zone you know whatever that means in all meet the zero metaphor cities using eyes fine he says that take a quick look at the U.S. Constitution instead of focusing simply on the Bill of Rights take a few minutes to read it all and ask yourself how the simplicity of the words could become so misconstrued today and he says only lawyers could make a mess of a so simple of a document well maybe there are lawyers who can understand and their lawyers who don’t somebodies making a mess of the document
Contracts Covenants and Constitutions
[00:05:43] But, of course, we have looked at the U.S. Constitution in our series on Contracts Covenants and Constitutions and the book that we have free online on the U.S. Constitution and of course we clearly show beyond a shadow of a doubt that the U.S. Constitution is not biblical document it is not following biblical principles this is not a bad document as government documents go in there said certainly of you will listen to the Glenn black Glenn Beck’s Democratic Hydra you’ll show you how there’s a lot of people out there planning to rewrite constitutions all over the world and most people don’t understand the U.S. Constitution to its strength and its frailties it that it’s it’s foolishness and fallacies as well as it’s the yellow fostering group good ideas there’s there’s a mix in this institution we call the US United States government.
Changing Definitions, Religion, Republic vs Democracy
[00:06:46] And one of the promises of people don’t understand what Republicans eat you can here in England back and you can hear it in other people when they talk about saving our Republic your Republic hasn’t been set Republic is almost all but gone from the face of the earth then you moved over into what they call democracy which none of the forefathers were really in favor of democracy democracy even in the first part of this entry are the 1900s which this is you in the last century democracy was a bad thing at was it was explained and defined as a bad thing in US military manual unit you didn’t want democracy democracy was not a good day now democracy is the answer to everything and we show in our article at preparing you exactly the history of the changing of the definition of democracy we also show you the history of the changing of the definition of the word religion how it was defined one way to hundred years ago and is defined a completely different way today so you don’t look at the changing of the defect definition of words your I can understand what they’re talking about when you read historical documents it’s your night because you’re going to be using modern definitions for words that they were using back then so when they talk about freedom of religion and you don’t know what they mean when they say religion you won’t understand that Social Security is a religious program is public religion Social Security welfare Medicare Medicaid are all public religion that and by the definition of religion just to hundred years ago when this U.S. Constitution was created
Quote from Coach Dave’s Article
[00:08:52] But, now, I’ve thrown out things and I’m not disparaging U.S. Constitution it has validity has some value but if you don’t understand where it sits in the scheme of Christ in the scheme of history in the scheme of God’s creation you’re not gonna understand where his weaknesses are at and they will do an end run around you and you will lose the game using some of coach Dave’s metaphors so what were trying to do is fill in a lot of those gaps I can’t fill a man I can’t fill all of them but I can tell you this that you know go if you go listen to Glenn Beck’s Democratic Hydra or go read the news and views a coach actually have links in preparing you and when I put up a post on the subject I had links back to his article single read the whole article my comments on the article were you basically accorded what he said towards the end of his article where he says the courts are corrupt public education is socialist indoctrination the media is laced with the liars money rules in the halls of Congress the government military complex is a money laundering operation…
Billions Missing
[00:10:17] I mean they’re there missing billions of dollars in Ukraine there missing billions of dollars what was it the ostrich I think of the name there was a recently a black congressman from somewhere back east and he died and then suddenly there was evidently $13 billion missing somehow related to him and nobody seems to know where that is they don’t know where the $7 billion it went missing in Ukraine is an only seem to care I mean it was billions of dollars missing it was announced just before 91 1 billions of dollars missing in the Pentagon and suddenly 911 occurred and nobody asked about what I’m to the billions of dollars and if so what are you billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars and eventually get up to real money were you talking trillions of dollars are just flat out missing you know if you’re absconding with $1 billion you could pay a couple hundred thousand dollars to some people to look the other way and they would and they don’t care what happens to the rest of the country because they don’t care about the rest of the country they just care about their couple hundred thousand dollars in somebody else gets away with millions of dollars and this is pervasive.
Various Religions Don’t Know Their Own History
[00:11:45] And the reason is pervasive is because all the people claiming to be Christians are not really Christians all people claiming to be due were Jews and followers of Moses and Abraham are not really followers of Moses and Abraham even Muslims who claim to be followers of Mohammed they also therefore claim to be followers of Moses and Abraham because they see these as a progression of profits they’re not really following them because none of these people who are all occupying seats in governments all over the world are really honest and we could probably say the same of the Buddhists.
[00:12:26] At least economy in his claim to be atheist general history you know Ed and so they eat there at least being in all that was one of them was a Dr. Schwartz who wrote a book years ago I met him once at a Thanksgiving dinner and in his book was you can trust a communist to be a communist and at least we can you know they tell you where they’re from other going although today most Communists most of the people in America claiming to be communist sympathizers don’t really even understand it because they don’t understand anything about history they are completely ignorant of history.
Igorance of History, Holocaust
[00:13:09] Your kids graduating from high school graduating even from college really don’t know history they don’t know what the road of bones are they are the many of them don’t even know what the Holocaust was or how it came about in the Holocaust was not just 6 million Jews it was millions of fun millions of people the Roma who were we call them gypsies a lot of times they were annihilated by the tens of thousands and put in work camps and died in work camps and the were probably executed as well as the other people that were executed and they’re completely unaware of how this came about if you’re a real Christian you should be able to see the sign of the times the Christ talked about this you should be able see what’s coming because you can you see things spiritually. Sorta talk about a lot of things were actually going to get into the sweet savor and the bad savor of the world today what is sweet savor what is bad savor what is this stinky stench of the pit and where is it coming from and how is it permeating in to our lives and into our society.
More from Coach Dave
[00:14:29] Coach Dave, he’s noticing that you know the government military complex is this money laundering in the cart cards are corrupt and pastors preach pablum I’m quoting him here the Pope is a commie secrecy and actually that that’s a fact is that the present Pope is very communist and in his philosophy and orientation he goes on secrecy and government affairs is repugnant for the truth as fallen in the streets how can we possibly recover goes on to say take your eyes off of the government for a minute well take your eyes off of what government the government of the world is what he’s talking about because Christ preached government called the kingdom of God you don’t take your eyes off the kingdom of God that’s why you’re in trouble. You guys out the kingdom of God and put your eyes on the kingdoms of the world the governments of the world and it anyone who knows the different definitions of the word world that we see in the Bible know what I’m talking about if you’re new you may not know you might want to look up our article on world at preparing you and find out what I’m talking about but anyway coach goes on to say do you have a plan do you have a network of people with whom you can hunker down if things turn dark do you expect the government to come flying in and rescue you or are you making plans with friends and neighbors to coalesce around a community plan are you and your family ready for the trouble that is coming cc trouble coming in is asking what your plan is a he goes on to say what are you waiting for no who are you waiting for do you have your lamps trimmed referring to a quote in the Bible are you helping others to do likewise what if you are the one that others are looking towards failure to plan is planning for failure now is the time to prepare so what is your plan. So anyway what I wrote back to cut the coaches basically know I expound on it here and on our page at preparing you which is actually a entitled the page coach Dave Dubin Meyer I should tell a little bit about him on the page but I’ve got to that point yet is waiting for him to write me back is written before to try to get his response because of I I said a better question is what is Christ’s plan because this is where the church don’t really understand what Christ was telling the early church and they don’t understand what the early church was doing and they don’t even understand how that’s important today.
Conspiracy Has Perverted Understanding
[00:17:38] Because what was going on in the wrong way back then is going on today that that’s the conspiracy it’s a conspiracy of the heart and it’s a conspiracy of the mind and unfortunately most Christians God is not writing on the heart in their minds but the evil is writing on the hearts and their minds and false religion is covering that over and we need to repent of that but we don’t even know we need to repent of that because we don’t know is going on because of those ministers out there that coach talks about our preaching pablum there preaching all yeah you give a little charity and a God loves you and you say these magic words and God loves you because you’ve accepted Jesus in your heart but have you really because Jesus warns that all kinds many people will think they’re following him they will think they’re Christians many he said but they’re actually workers of iniquity week we show this all the time but were to show it here in relationship to the couch and will one of the things I point out and I have all kinds of links on that this page that will take you to articles on what a republic really is
[00:19:00] In a republic your leaders are not lawmakers in a republic your leaders are titular that means their name only they don’t make laws for you they make laws for them you know how they do certain things but they don’t make laws for the people because you’re in a republic you’re free from things public that’s what republic originally meant and we need to show you and we do and in books like Thy Kingdom Comes and the Covenants of the gods which are also free online that the history of this work republic originally it meant was from a Latin idiom Libera’s public of meaning free from things public that changing for Rome this is exchange for the United States that and for the whole world originally free from things public was the essence of a republic but then it became red as public out things public and it and Tacitus talks about the fact that this original idea where you had a government of the people for the people and by the people where it was not a democracy were 51% of the people can take away the rights of the other 49 that’s one of the bad things about a democracy the other bad thing is that those 51% can outvote in benefits for themselves at the expense of others.
Coveting Your Neighbor’s Goods
[00:20:22] And, of course, that’s what we see going on today coming out of all of our high school kids all over college kids are coming out thinking it’s a good thing to take from your neighbor to get benefits for you even if you borrow against the future to get those benefits you’re cursing your children with the debt that your borrowing but you get your benefits today and eat somebody else will have to worry about paying off that debt but you’re just thinking about yourself and this is the problem that’s not a Christian way to approach life due to put the burden on somebody else or to take away from your neighbor to covet your neighbor’s goods to get benefits that is totally anti-Christian and if the 10 Commandments are laws that’s criminal but it’s legal today in most of the countries of the world and I would even say all of the countries in the world but not amongst all the people of the world because some of the people in the world do not want to covet your neighbor’s goods those might be Christians versus other parameters to being a Christian but if you still want to cut your neighbor’s goods then the agency of men who exercise authority one over the other you know they call themselves benefactors they actually just take from somebody else either from your children’s future or from your neighbor you’re not a Christian because you’re not following Christ you’re not doing what he set if you loved him you would do what he said and you would not be coveting your neighbor’s goods that you might be calling yourself a Christian but you’re not a Christian if your desiring benefits at the expense of your neighbor.
Plutarchs Lessons and the Socialization of America
[00:22:12] And if you go back in history and I’ve always quoted Plutarch I love what Plutarch said the real destroyers of liberties of the people is he spreads amongst them bounties donations and benefits that’s a real destroyer of liberty that’s where your liberty went to you listen to the Democratic Democratic hydra that Glenn Beck talks about and you will see those those real destroyers of liberty offering gifts gratuities and benefits like FDR and LBJ want poverty and all these kinds of things Woodrow Wilson all these guys that will that principle was laced in their political philosophy and that’s how they rose to power although Woodrow Wilson rose to power because somebody split the vote Theodore Roosevelt split the boat with the bull Moose party and therefore a guy was not really very popular in America got into power and he began to alter the course of history for everybody else because somebody split the vote he got into power and but he was following a particular spirit that we see in it you can go also if you read the life of a courier Choreo Alanis which was written by Plutarch but hundred A.D. was written by Plutarch which is now this after Christ is nearly church he was writing these things because these this was the debate going on between the conflict of Christianity in the conflict were Rome was going he said that the man who first ruined the Roman people was he who first gave them treats and gratuities that’s so they knew that that that ruins the people and we can go back to the time of Polybius and he says that it would turn the people and the perfect savages. We’ll be right back.
Covetous Practices Make Us Merchandise
[00:24:17] Well, welcome back to Keys of the Kingdom. of the night and hear the break coming up listing but the so we were interrupted their little bit but is talking about this Plutarch who said no at the time of Christ in the early church was explaining to the people that the man who first ruined the Roman people was he who first gave them treats and gratuities and that those people who spread amongst the people these bounties donations and benefits welfare what everyone a call at our destroying liberty of the people destroying the right of the people to choose this is the problem when coach Neumeier is talking about things that he sees wrong in the world of corrupt courts and etc. and the schools that are indoctrinating the kids he is seeing the dance of the problem and pointing out the evidence of the problem is seeing the these symptoms of the sin if we can make all of that he is not actually talking very much about the actual sin he doesn’t mention the actual sin if he it to some degree and I’m not pick on the guy that’s why want have a conversation with he’s pointing at what they’re doing wrong that neither solve the problem because the problem is what we’re doing wrong appear tells us to covet this practice as they will make merchandise of you he’s pointing out there making merchandise of us but way needs to point out is that is Sue are covetous practices that we are being made merchandise by them so would it you need to identify the problem Is a somebody comes in and he’s lost blood and you immediately start giving him a transfusion because he’s lost too much blood but you don’t do anything about the fact that his bleeding yeah this you have to cauterize the belief you have to address the problem so that it doesn’t go on.
Selfish Roots of Abortion
[00:26:41] And this what was the all time is that people don’t address the problem you know like abortion they see abortion as a bad thing I see is a bad thing too but I know where it comes from it comes from a selfish heart that is willing to kill others to make their life more comfortable make a rationalizing was it a baby is it a fetus as it is I God is living in me over and but that’s not the problem the problem is you’re a selfish individual and nothing breeds selfish is some more than socialism nothing breeds selfish is a more than coveting your neighbor’s goods that the agency of men who exercise authority which is why Christ bed Christians to be like those governments
Covetous Roots of Public School
[00:27:39] Everybody wants any socialist program to make their life better where you take from your neighbor something you know taxes to have a public school if you want to tax your neighbor to have a better public school your coveting your neighbor’s goods that the agency of men who exercise authority one over the other to get what you want for free you’re not following Christ and you’re going to be changed by that in your area according to Plutarch you’re going to be rule in John the Baptist told you not to do that if your kids are getting educated at home in your neighbor’s kids are not getting educated at home help your neighbor educated kids at home get together best way to get together as the tens under 2000 and help them so that he doesn’t have to send us get the public school because public schools going to indoctrinate his children no matter what you do your children are going to get indoctrinated because I have read the textbooks at the school even if the teachers a nice guy is going to get indoctrinated because the textbooks are missing huge portions of history and they don’t study history in the schools anymore not real history the first he took all the history out now they’re feeding back for fake history.
Rule of Force
[00:29:27] Polybius said the same thing the masses continue with an appetite for benefits in the habit of receiving them by way of the rule of force and violence John the Baptist said don’t use force a whirl using force you don’t use force share used Jerry if you’re still using force to get what you want from society through any kind of government you’re not a Christian you’re not following Christ enough following John the Baptist you haven’t even repented yet I you met may love certain aspects of Christ’s character some aspects of the story of Christ may love that but if you’re not doing the will of the father be doing contrary to the will of father which is what Cane did—force his will on others—you’re not you’re not forgiven your you haven’t repented yet yet to repent and seek the kingdom of God the kingdom of God is people sitting down in a network of tens or hundreds of thousands and taking care of all the social welfare for each other to faith open Jerry that’s the kingdom of God you cannot do that in this you are changed within you don’t know how to change yourself within the Holy Spirit can come and help you change within the Holy Spirit won’t come and less you repair what you have to repent up coveting your neighbor’s goods for senior neighbor bludgeoning your neighbor Amelia should over there and hit him arrested him and throw him in jail but he doesn’t contribute to your free school your take his land away from of the resistor to have somebody come down there and bludgeon him and throw him in check that the system you’ve created the Constitution and create that system but you created because his spirit has gotten into you that says that’s okay and got into you in a lot of different ways sometimes peeled your greed and avarice etc.
Degenerating into Perfect Savages
[00:31:34] Polybius went on to say that people having grown accustomed to feed at the expense of others which is what happened in America and all the other countries in Europe and all around the world some to greater extent sum to a lesser extent but it’s everywhere it’s pervasive accustomed to feed get those benefits at the expense of others and a panda for their livelihood on the property of others institute the rule of violence and now uniting their forces massacre banish and plunder until they degenerate the people literally degenerate again into perfect savages and find once more a master of the monarch and of course we see NT and we see these other groups out there and they’re calling for this violence that they’re like savages there there like crazed animals.
Impeachment Hearings
[00:32:28] And of course now if you go you there the Syrians going on and you can go to the impeachment hearings A: it is it’s a complete circus and travesty and I you I don’t want to be defending Trump or anything, but the reality is that it’s a travesty no matter who were talking about but that it you go wash everyone I find it very difficult even watch them is like going to the gladiatorial games and you put your thumb down and curse this person occurs that person by who wants to follow John the Baptist was doing this coach Dave want to know this coach stay want to do what John the Baptist was doing take care of all the social welfare in this little network of people not defending it all up on Gary said don’t look to the government
Health Issues Resolved by Listening to the Holy Spirit
[00:33:35] Are you looking the government for your social security check for you looking to government for your Medicare Medicaid you know I just had some health problems serious health problems and I never went to the doctor that I had some of the same similar problems not nearly as bad years ago and I went to the doctor was total waste of time and I ended up resolving the issue on my own by listening to the Holy Spirit and following the guidance date God would offer me well that’s what I did this time and I just didn’t waste time going to the doctor say I share with the ministers of that little thing actually just this morning because someone else was having a similar problem and so I thought I’ll start with the ministers and they can share with their people when they see this same kind of problems arising there are other solutions far cheaper thinks went to a doctor far better than going to a doctor not that I’m against going to a doctor that I’m I’m against not listening to the Holy Spirit and you need to listen to the Holy Spirit so anyway
Plan of Christ
[00:34:35] So I mentioned a number of different articles are Plutarch article or Polybius article a John the Baptist article you can or you coach Dave Dubin Meyer you can go look at that is all kinds of leaks and that will take you to other articles all over the place but the plan of Christ was and is what he commanded that you sit down the students hundreds of thousands and you start practicing pure religion by taking care of one another to faith hope and charity and not looking to the government temples of Rome which worse where they ran their welfare state state where you can get free bread if you are hungry and they actually at one time or giving out a universal healthcare universal healthcare they had that under nerve and a few of the other emperors and because they were bankrupt already because of other corrupt influences and but most people see all this history they can’t they can’t get the get the pieces of the puzzle together and they try to create a picture of what’s going on.
Sitting Down in the Tens, Hundreds, Thousands
[00:35:40] Glenn Beck did a pretty good job but is missing huge elements I’m nothing is missing in his heart he just hasn’t got all the pieces of the puzzle you all the pieces of the puzzle are available for you if you are willing to seek them that’s why we created the PreparingYou website and his HisHolyChurch.org website will hope we were going to create more of these things God willing and but you have to sit if you sit down the 10 sons and thousands you will not receive the renewing of the mind nobody got any loaves and fishes until they sat down in the tens, hundreds, and thousands and 50s, hundreds, and thousands so that they created this network of people that were learning what it was to be a real Christian you had to care about your neighbor as much as you care about yourself that something you have to practice V don’t you become those perfect savages that Polybius talks about but when you practice that pure religion then the Holy Spirit will enter in and awaken you to all sorts of new information you will hear the same words and get a new meaning to those words.
2 Peter 2:20
[00:36:59] Peter talks about it in 2 Peter 2:20, “For if after they have escaped the pollution of the world.” remember I mention the word world that word that you see there is constitutional order system of government the pollution of the government that exercises authority one over the other that takes from their neighbor that gets the habit of getting benefits at the expense of others this is what he’s talking about that’s the pollution of the world and they Christians were escaping that because they were leaving the system of Corbin that was making the word of God and unaffected moving into this the system of Christ the sacrifice of Christ that was made the word of God to effect and it was awakening them and showing them but he Peter is saying that you know your escape is pollution of the world to the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ what he was really saying to do and repent they are again entangled there in and over, and the latter is worse with them than the beginning Peter’s telling you that’s what he saying you’re going to be made merchandise because of your covetous practices you’re gonna cursor children with debt because of covetous practices Peter tells you all this your preachers read that they don’t understand what he’s talking about what is this all these modern Christians have become accustomed to receiving benefits at the expense of their neighbor through men who exercise authority one over the other completely forbidden by Christ. But they don’t see it.
Christ Commanded…
[00:38:45] Christ appointed to his little flock a kingdom and they were rightly dividing the bread from house to house do this network of charity if you’re not doing that you’re not doing what the early church was doing is going to church to get years tickled lots of luck with that you’re not going to see what’s going on the coach sees what’s going on even says you talks about network first Christ commanded that we organize a network that enable you they see us putting that network because is nothing in the Bible about a network commanded Christ commanded his disciples to make the people network together in tens hundreds and thousands he commanded only place he commanded his disciples to actually do something use the word commanded some so I mean like a and you know that you know your content with the wages of unrighteousness we have another article where the wages of unrighteousness that those benefits that Plutarch was talking about Polybius to start about John the Baptist to talk about that come not through charity but to force you start living by charity whole life will begin to change the whole way of life will begin to change.
Sweet Savors and Sour Savers
[00:40:15] but anyway we were to talk about Corinthian action was going to talk about sweet savors and sour savors immediate smell since the mean you we hear people use these metaphors in like something stinks in Washington DC something rotten in Denmark now something’s going on that’s not good and up back on her talk about in second Corinthians there were a number of places that it talked about a sweet savor as second Corinthians 214 to 15 to 16 right on through now thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph in Christ and make it manifest a savor of his knowledge by us in every place okay know when I read this before I kept saying Savior there instead a savor even though I have a footnote on the page that you and I as he heard myself say it I knew someone was wrong with what I was saying but I think this is actually a spiritual and a Freudian slip because you know if you read in the next verse four we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ that odor was he talked about were the odor of Christ savor of Christ sweet odor of Christ in them that are saved and in them that perish in the goes on and uses the word again to the one we also are the savor of death unto death and to the other the savor of life unto life and who is sufficient for these things that.
Breath of Spirit, Whole Light of Christ
[00:41:58] Everything in the physical realm has a corresponding spiritual existence is the spiritual that giveth life to the physical realm there was there was no form on the and there was darkness on the deep and God breathed in breath is associated with spirit and that breath moves things into existence and so when we’re talking about the spiritual things which if you don’t live in the spirit you don’t understand spiritual things but we can only talk about them and relate them to you by talking about physical things which is why Christ went came out of the grave and walked up to the apostles in the locked room he breathed on them and says receive the Holy Spirit what is he talking about when he says this receive the Holy Spirit by breathing on that the breath is associated with this spirit that is passing from him to them just if you just breathe on anybody doesn’t mean they will receive the Holy Spirit you have to have a place in you that will receive it you have to be able to take that Holy Spirit and I tell you this is by the breath of the Holy Spirit you cast out demons because the demons hated why. Imagine here, another metaphor, Christ God is white light pure light talks about himself being light then he talks about darkness darkness is less than like if you walk out of a really in a bright outside and you come into a room that is not well lit it will seem very dark until your eyes adjust and then you will be able see pretty clearly in that dimly lit room because your eyes adjusted if you live in that little that the Romeo think that life for a long time you’ll think that in this realm this is the way this is like now you go out into the bright light you can see there until your eyes adjust so Christ is this complete white light has all the frequencies and light and something less if you take out one of the characteristics of Christ you have West light it will still seem light but it will be less then Christ is not the whole truth Christ is the truth is also said you I am the way in the light in the truth that way that light that truth if you take out some aspects of the way some aspects of life some aspects of truth you have a lie you have darkness darker than light and you are going to lose your way you you you are not the is not the whole truth so you want the whole truth the whole truth is you cannot live by force and be following Christ you cannot be coveting your neighbor’s goods and be following Christ you cannot be a socialist and a Christian at the same time you’re going to have a different savor and I can have the savor of Christ sums gonna stink sums not complete sound savor smells these are combinations of elements and if some of the elements are missing you’re going to get up with some if if you’ve supplanted some of those elements with foul elements in a like I the doggie do cake finest chocolate finest flowers finest eggs but then we mix in a little doggie do ruins the whole cake you want to eat it was you know that’s in there to die so it’s the same thing with the smell of Christ when he talks about Dubin Meyer talks about preachers preaching pablum they’re not preaching the whole Christ the whole message of Christ.
[00:46:06] The churches are not being what the early church was you you would need to create your own little personal network of bodies to survive the coming Holocaust if you are all Christians you would not only have your local neighborhood Christian bodies but you would be connected to thousands of other such bodies in the tens 50s hundreds and thousands and 10,740 4000 all across the world you would really be Christians you wouldn’t have any Pope it would be from the bottom up but your altars of clay and stone your living alters of clay and stone would connect you to all the other living alters of clay in stone and like in the days of Abraham when Abraham had to go save his nephew you would have allies coming from every different direction to help you because you would be a part of the body of Christ that is bound together not by the entanglements of the world the covenants contracts and constitutions of the world but by the Spirit of God which came not to be saved but to save others that’s the purpose you give your gathering in a group to take care of one another and to save one another and to help one another and to serve one another you’re not gathering in the name of Christ and you’re not going to have the savor of Christ unite us smell like Christ is stank it back to the sweet year you’re not gonna have the whole truth.
The Church at Corinth Was Part of a Worldwide Network
[00:47:52] That’s what Paul is talking to people who are actually doing that they’re not going to get the free bread of Rome there are gathering together and not only take care of one another in Corinth but they’re sending aid to Jerusalem who sending aid to Syria who’s getting aid from Galatia whose sending aid when it’s necessary to Ephesus they’re all helping each other out because that’s the kingdom of God because there is another king one Jesus is all there in the text but nobody puts together you don’t need a new plan you need to follow the plan of Christ and asked what they’re talking about inquiry and the Internet and there talking to people who are actually doing that if I went to local churches around and told him about this that we go like what you talk about where no were supposed to get our our welfare from the government you know we just come to church to pray and to seeing the feel good about whatever it is that you want to feel good about to imagine that were saved because we believe in Christ we do great things in the name of Christ have big altar calls in the name of Christ the Kreskin is a gi from because you guys are still being workers of iniquity as you are really taking care of one another to faith hope and charity like John the Baptist said like Jesus at like Paul said like Paul was doing.
What Home Churches Are Missing
[00:49:24] Your home churches are just as bad! you if you’re just a little home church or couple home churches you’re not the tens under thousand 10,000 hundred 44,000 you are not learning the song of Moses you are not learning the song of the Lamb you’re missing some of the notes some of the basic notes that that did the same thing we see in odors and an eight-year-old because this is an analogy the older the savor is an analogy of what goes on in the spirit of your missing elements of the Spirit of Christ you’re missing Christ you take out some of the truth it’s a lie your Christianity is a lie if you’ve taken out some of Christ if you’re not doing with the whole church was doing the early church was doing your church is not the church established by Christ and that’s where were at the day that to someone as bad news to others that’s the good news all you have to do is repent change start loving walk in love as Christ also hath loved us. We’ll be right back to gaze the kingdom
[00:50:45] Welcome back to Keys of the Kingdom. So anyway, during the break, I was noticing that the coach has a couple of different emails I probably should email the other email that I used to have and maybe I would’ve got a response by now but maybe will send them a copy of this program eventually and the other things in the sea we can get a lot of thinking and tracks he sees a lot of things I it but tonight I know iron sharpens iron so you know the fact is he’s a pretty strong-minded individual and may be we can learn something from each other.
The Power of Real Love
[00:51:16] Just at the end of the last part of the show I was quoting from Ephesians 5:2 and it talks about the at and walk in love as Christ also hath loved us putting your neighbor’s goods electing governments to exercise authority one over the other are ruling over your neighbor is not walking in love the same word love that we see there is also translated charity when Paul uses the term so this idea of a walk in love is what the church really should be doing and that not the pablum love in all but real love and real love I can say is utility it’s a power is force so he says walk in love as Christ also hath loved us how did Christ love us how did you know this is the love thy wide hips as Christ loved the church so how did Christ loved the church what did he do he had given himself for us and offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor Christ came to sacrifice himself not to save himself and that’s why say that we need to gather to save one another that others might be saved not just save ourselves or couple of our bodies and those who love us we can’t just love those who love us so the church is really doing what it’s supposed to do all the people say their Christians were really doing what Christ said to do you wouldn’t have the problem that you’re having today in the world you wouldn’t have they would not be able to brainwash the public you would have a force moving to a vast network of real Christians, true Christians ,that would stop the enemy in their tracks.
Taking the Fight to the Enemy?
[00:53:09] One of the things that the coach also says and since we’ve talked about them already before we get into second Corinthians again is that a year he has a really has pass the salt ministries I think that’s original but I was early part of you that I followed him off and on for quite a while but he talks about it to you to to wake up and engage the culture and we need to engage culture with the spirit of Christ which is different than a lot of other people might think is a really know Christ as well as they need to know Christ and he says by taking the fight to the enemy but did Christ take the fight to Rome know he took it to the hearts of the people because that’s where the enemy really see that’s really the problem is in abortion the problem is the enemy is already infected the hearts of the people so that abortion is the symptom of the lack of Christ in their hearts that’s what we have to realize that the enemy is the absence of Christ the way you take the fight to the enemy is you feel your own heart with Christ how do you feel your own heart with Christ repent and actually follow the way of Christ and then you will make a place in your heart as you clean out your temple with these false ideas of fake religion and start getting pure religion in your day-to-day activity in the practices of pure religion instead of the covetous practices of the world as you switch as you repent of one and move towards the other the enemy is driven out of your own heart and you become not just a light on the hill, a candle on the lampstand, you become a glowing beacon of righteousness and and you are not the glow, it’s Christ in you that becomes a the cellular fight the enemy and I can do it with no shouts and screams. You’re going to do it with righteousness because that’s also were supposed be repenting thinking a different way which is what I’ve just explained your you’re supposed to be seeking the kingdom of God that the government of God which is people sitting down and attends hundreds and thousands taking care of one another to faith hope and charity instead of force fear violence and you’re supposed to be seeking the righteousness of God that means you at the righteousness in you that means you have to start forgiving and giving and laying down your life daily and sacrifice so that you may pick up life more abundant so that you may have something to share with one another in a way that strengthens the poor so anyway that’s a cabinet not shown we can expound upon that and of course that’s what Paul’s doing in second Corinthians 2nd Corinthians is expounding upon.
Moses Setup a Republic
[00:56:20] We’ve gone through 1 Corinthians. The last paragraph of the 3rd chapter seeing then that we have such hope we use great plainness of speech and that’s what I’ve been doing and not as Moses which put a veil over his face that the children of Israel could not stand fastly look to the end of that which is abolished the people didn’t want to hear God on the mound they said Moses you go and then you tell us as a Moses data, I’m not as a water down but somehow or other he he he fed them at those who could hear what they could hear and those who cannot hear he didn’t beat them but he also created his Sanhedrin is 70 of men filled with that same spirit to keep reminding the people of exactly where we were going nowhere is the end of this what are we shooting for the society which is really what Moses was setting up was a Republic because the leaders of the Mosaic Israel were the Levites were actually servants as they were rulers they were not passing new laws and statutes and everything they were part of the appeals court to the cities of refuge which were appeals courts which but the evening they became corrupt just as Coach was noticing the corruption in the courts today.
Corrupt Courts
[00:57:53] There was a judge who just ruled this week that the parents at at one of the school shootings could now sue the gun manufacturers as if they’re responsible for the way in which the gun was used and that’s insane of course is absolutely insane them if that were true you can you know somebody picks up was somebody here actually in our County picked up a barbecue fork and stabbed his neighbor with a barbecue fork evidently got mad Bobby too much beer at the barbecue and killer can you sue the manufacturer of the barbecue fork now because have a killer with a barbecue fork again if somebody kill somebody with a car can you sue the car manufacturer now it’s insane but that they their savages that their that they are mindless people that are going about that and there the room they can’t think straight that no common sense so but so courts can become corrupt how do they become corrupt and the records the Levites were also becoming corrupt and this is why you once and for our first Samuel chapter 8 they talk about how there were the courts were taking bribes they were becoming corrupt the people could solve that in the tens hundreds of thousands but had to care enough about their neighbor and aunt in order to do what was necessary to solve that corruption that was coming in instead of doing that in the way that Moses said originally show the people they decided to have a king.
Five Elements of Biblical Constitution
[00:59:46] Moses knew they were going to have a king eventually. They would probably go that way and he said if you’re going to gain a mannequin exercise authority one over the other a Chief Executive Officer commander-in-chief you’re going to have this you need to read any of these roles every day you need to write them down and read the mail today he’s telling you what to put in your Constitution and he put down five things back there and Deuteronomy that you are to put in your Constitution in order to be a biblical Constitution and I will talk about this but I would add it you can go look it up in our Contract Covenants and Constitutions. We explain all that but those five things only one of those five things are actually in the U.S. Constitution, coach Dave knows that now we’ve been publishing it for years we’ve explained in detail only one of those five things is in the U.S. Constitution and that one thing that is in the Constitution they’ll pay attention to anymore.
Removing Moses’ Veil
[01:00:48] That’s just the way it is but the problem again is the spirit and the people and I cannot change I want change the rules of the world I I certainly can change the rules of God but I can call people to repentance in the heart and I tell you if you sit down in the denizens and thousands start practicing pure religion people will start to even wake up Mormor and I see in coach Dave at the spirit of God speaking I just need the thinking to step it up another level and that’s of course what were trying to show people how to do so I’m taking off that veil and taken it to the next level but even unto this day when Moses is read the veil is upon their hearts nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord the veil shall be taken away this is the story of Christ Christ took that veil away unfortunately I don’t unfortunately but the reality is Christ cloaked a lot of this message in parables and people have been able to turn the meat of Christ into the pablum of the world and they are not preaching the truth is there not preaching the whole truth.
The Kingdom Begins Within You
[01:02:10] So in verse 17 now the Lord is that spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty so there you have your solution there is liberty where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty and the word there is the area that we see in there but but we’ll talk more about that later the Greek word is L3 but we all with open face beholding as in a cut glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from the glory to glory and that we talked about that were glory last time even as by the spirit of the Lord you don’t know how to change the way you think we know repentance is changing the way you think it’s thinking a different way you know how to think that different way unless it is revealed to you that’s what people are often frustrated try to explain this to other people and they get the deer in headlights looks they can’t get but there are people out there who are getting part of it coach is one of those and any seems to be changing will he see the rest I don’t but he’s not not alone he’s out there talking to a lot of mean he has a website that talks about being in the salt and brigade I can remember what the name of the website is but the stories talk about brigade was evidently other people that are starting to wake up to some of these problems but I’m telling them that that they really want to solve the problem they have to focus on where the kingdom begins and that’s within you and then how do we cultivate that kingdom within us we sit down according to the commands of Christ and tens hundreds and thousands which gives him his network and we start caring for one another to faith hope and charity so that we don’t have to look to the government the bill bars or to the social welfare systems of the government or the public schools of the government or that Medicare Medicaid of the government we start take care of it ourselves that’s gonna be a big transition process but with that attempt of seeking that processes the seeking of the kingdom to do this all ourselves we will be changed because right now were were just I’m just explaining it like you know beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord telling you what the end should be looking like this that’s what the early church was doing that’s why they’re persecuted that the Christian conflict of an article on that will read as well so they can understand where all this fits together all these pieces the apostle fits together but you will be changed into the same image of Christ Christ will be written in your heart his Holy Spirit will and that’s when you start getting the sweet savor instead of the file saver I see coming out of the modern church so anyway that’s where we need to go.
Sacrificing Daily to Care for One Another
[01:05:29] Now we’re in Corinthians… 2nd Corinthians 4. And I entitled the first paragraph of that “Earthen Vessels of Power.” “Therefore, seeing we have this ministry as we have received mercy we faint not. So many people have come and then you have for one rational reason or another or irrational reason or another they fall away love persevere don’t fall way stick with it start caring about one another the patient which you care the amount that you care what you decide to share what you decide not to share that can be up to you in Christ and the Spirit of Christ were not making you do anything were not the government of force were the other government the government of love how fast you walk how strongly you rock walk in the ways of Christ that can be up to you but don’t faint don’t take your hand from the plow Christ warns about that. Persevere. And any other name the 12 apostles the little flock they were appointed the kingdom because they remained with them stick with it Toby wandering off and tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine that it’s a simple process. And it and it allows Christ to come into you as you sacrifice daily. As you walk in that sacrifice.
Allow God to Turn Up the Light
[01:06:57] He goes on in verse 2, “But have renounced the hidden things of this honesty,” which is the system the world is so dishonesty you want why do so many liars in Congress and all of these these trials going on the people it is lying left and right I mean is hardly whether they say how can you tell a politician is lying because his lips are moving the dishonesty is everywhere not walking in craftiness which is what you see them doing other the extreme you’re doing the same thing in your local communities on times a lesser degree I would want to compare you to the wickedness we see in high places but the same principle is still there until Christ purchase it from your very heart not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully vessels pablum preaching preachers who don’t tell you what the real meaning of the word religion is they changed it like it is why we have an article on religion in pure religion so you can see when and how they changed and then hopefully with price help you will see how that change makes a difference but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God you get to decide we don’t exercise authority offer over every man’s conscience I encourage you not to take your hand from the plow once you sit down the tens under the thousands you stick it out if there are people in your midst that you do not think are of God allow God to turn up his light in you with forgiveness you have to forgive them and allow God to turn up his light in you and if they do not change they will leave God will cast out the demons you’re supposed to be the light on the lampstand you can be a light on the lampstand if you leave talk with you so but if our gospel be said anything to them that are lost or something when I can see this at you when I say our gospel Paul talk about the gospel of Christ as he prescribes first in whom the god of this world and then you know I don’t know if I have in the article here I should make that a Livelink singleseat who are the gods of this world had and I think the word there is age is not though the word that means constitutional order system of government but the God of this world which is actually a spirit that you see in your sorrows and all these people that were mentioned by Glenn Beck in his Democratic Hydra series which I am not upset about that has blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine into them. So, obviously, the people that are the socialist the Communist the NT for people a lot of the other groups out there I don’t know you put all kinds a letter names on them they don’t see the blind but unfortunately a lot of the pastors are blind to their the blind guy just like the Pharisees were the blind guides.
[01:10:26] That’s why they promote the Korbin of the Pharisees to take care of the religion of their congregation. When I say religion of their current congregation timing the public welfare of their congregation religion was welfare Christians were persecuted because they were private religion they were private welfare system even Justin Martyr said in a week together every week and those that have share with those that don’t have enough he’s telling this to he’s writing this to a letter to the Emperor explaining how we practice religion why was Rome practicing religion what you sign up at the Temple you get tessera to identify you as a member of the Temple or that Temple and when you needed free bread you go to the Temple and they give it to you but you also get taxed so that’s that’s the Korbin of the Pharisees it was a compelling offering it wasn’t the free will sacrifice that was mentioned in the Old Testament and because that’s what the record means a sacrifice but their sacrifices making the word of God did not affect because it was by force you see that it’s the same thing if you have eyes to see you can see it because it is said there over and over again so lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine into them they don’t see they don’t get it they are content with living at the expense of others they are content with their covetous practices for we preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord ourselves and ourselves your servants of Jesus for Jesus’s sake that why how are they serve as well you see Paul collecting funds and helping out this area that was having a dearth in moving funds from here to there to help out with these different nurse because there was global there was climate change at that time there were crop failures and there was starvation and with that there was also disruption in the economy and the government was bankrupt and operating on borrowed money especially after Nero as he absconded with huge amounts of the money and do you know a legacy created to you know a foundation somewhere and moved a lot of that money to his foundation how how amazing that is I would fill you in on the blanks but that’s campfire talk.
Jesus Both King and Priest
[01:13:08] “For God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts to give the light of knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” So the face of Jesus Christ weekly on the face of Jesus Christ to join in the face of Moses note in the mail over it but Jesus took the veil off and said you have to live by my flesh by my blood I was rich but I made myself for so that I could be both King and high priest even John the Baptist and figure this out on his own he had to send messengers he says are you because what he said this is why come after me he was talking about Jesus being I praised not Jesus being the King immunology is going to be the gain technologies is going to be the Messiah he had to send messengers asked Jesus are you the one and he does go back and tell what you say he wouldn’t even tell I’m sure you figured it out he had an inkling of what he pondered about was a huge thing what were looking at all this after the fact they did the apostle didn’t know whom Jews was they didn’t know he was the Christ they began to know that and how did they begin another how who was the first to really know what it was Peter Angie is that Blessed are you Simon because you know this not because of flesh and blood is revealed to you but my father and reminisce to revelation is that revelation is the rock is coach Dave receiving revelation is the beginning to see this will he continue to receive it I do not know how about you we you received this revelation that is the way we’re supposed to be.
International Network of Love
[01:14:55] So what is the next chapter called. Power may be of God and not of us that’s an important idea at the end of the last chapter the excellence of the power may be of God and not us next chapter verse eight we are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our bodies what he say lay down our life that we may pick up our life more abundantly. This is not to be an easy road to go it and it will take a miracle to save us like the loaves and fishes the marital loaves and fishes would not come until the people until the disciples until the ministers of God’s kingdom made the people sit down in the tens hundreds of thousands of yes coaches right when he says network that network has to be more than just your local community has to be an international network of love and the duty of that network is not just take care of one another when things go bad to take care of one another on a day-to-day basis that the practice of pure religion instead of the covetous practices of the world that have now made you merchandising first your children Christianity is a big change it’s a different way of thinking it’s a way of walking it’s a way of life be right back.
Difference between the Church at Corinth and Modern Churchianity
[01:16:52] Wecome back to Keys of the Kingdom. So he talks about the trouble and perplexed but not despair and then I quitting or not taking the hand of the pump plow was he talking to the starting two Corinthians and a socket Corinthians that have decided to live by faith hope and charity instead of force or violence who are deciding to eat the bread of Christ rather than the bread of Caesar and they are taking care of one another and practicing pure religion is not like the mine church are just going down the church to get ears tickled and receive some pablum these people are eating the meat of Christ the blood and flesh of Christ they are taking care one another entirely to charity not to the temples of the government of the world but to the Temple of the government of Christ in the house temples are made out of living stones and the way they constructed is to the tens 50s hundreds and thousands and that’s what they’re doing and that’s why Paul knows who to go see when he goes to court and who to go see when he goes to Galatia and who to go to see when he goes to Syria or Ephesus and who is going to guide somebody back from cormorants to give contributions in Jerusalem and then Jerusalem will take those contributions and send them out wherever they’re needed because they are an international network of charity. Nobodies ruling over anyone everyone is acting according to their own guy giving conscience and as they do their conscience is awakened by the Spirit of Christ this is the process of seeking the kingdom of God and the righteousness of Christ but if you leave out I said no I just want to be taking government benefits and go to church and feel good not to work. Who you sit down with you only sit down with Saints no absolutely not you sit down with whoever will sit down with you.
A New Way to Walk
[01:18:55] He’s telling you something… “Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body for a way we which live are all way delivered unto death for Jesus’s sake that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh so then death worketh in us but life in you so people are laying down their lives daily and something mystical is taking place awakening not only their minds but in their flash making them healthier. “So then death worketh in us but life in you he says then verse 13 we have the same spirit of faith according as it is written I believe and therefore have I spoken we also believe and therefore speak knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus and shall present us with you for all things are for your sake and the abundant grace might through the Thanksgiving word there is you greased the oh Thanksgiving of our many rebound to the glory of God for which cause we faint not but through our outward man perish yet they inward man is renewed day by day say in an essay just talk about life after death is talking about death to an old life and a rebirth in a new life a new way a new way of walking in love instead of walking and force is that walking like chain in Nimrod and Caesar we are walking like Christ taking care of one another and something mystical takes place we are blessed in mind and body now guide can write up our hearts and our minds new things more information than we would’ve otherwise known.
Christianity Has Been Perverted Like Judaism under Pharisees
[01:21:30] We’re come to serve and we faint not. Christ fainted not when he went to die that you might be say because when he sealed the kingdom in his blood with a plaque saying this is the king of the Jews the sinking of the Jews as the king of the Jews on Pentecost all those who received his baptism were Jews they were in the government of Judea and I you see the apostles working daily in the government Temple rightly dividing the bread from house to house but they were becoming a living Temple because they knew that Stone Temple would die that Jerusalem and Israel are not a geographical location there are spiritual identity. And when Jerusalem fell 1 Judea fell to the Romans the real Judea the real Israelites of God the real children of God lived on in what was known eventually as Christianity. Unfortunately today mine Christianity has gone the way of the Pharisees the way of false religion they’re not doing with the early church did not taking care of one another they’re going and praying to the benefactors who exercise authority in the fathers of the earth. Because they were not steadfast in the ways of Christ they have accepted a false Christ a false image of Christ rated by the modern religion who says they are Christians some are starting to wake up now list go and continue that awakening process renewed day by day and faint not for our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory what is that me well that’s it you won’t know what that means it until it does tell a hat fence and it’s not gonna happen unless you do it Christ commanded and unless you start practicing pure religion and start moving in the direction of pure religion instead of public religion start turning away turning around taking a different way we can do this yourself we can do it better.
No Forgiveness without Repentance
[01:23:52] “While we look not at things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal and so was he talked about what’s not seen spirit if I breathe on you and say receive the Holy Spirit do you actually see the spirit know you you may feel the breath but you’re not going to see the spirit unless you receive the Spirit receive the spirit you have to let go of the spirit of the world what is the spirit of the world of spirit of the world’s force fear and violence control manipulation that’s what you see you there was a video that float around Facebook I I thought was just amazing was so funny where somebody was talking and arguing about something on the street in the somebody all dressed in black which properly and T for at least somewhere far that he took the guy looked away for a second and this guy took a soccer shot right for his job hit him but there was another guy standing there and he put up his hand and he caught the punch in the distance so quick and casual is ridiculous that the young guy was putting his whole shoulder into the punch but when he hit that guy’s army to stop like it hit a wall like a brick wall and the guy was a big guy but it it looked a little surreal the way he stop that prejudice did not go in any say that the guy was about to get sucker punched it was oblivious to this punch coming and he pointed his finger at the guy and you see a smile coming on his face like you know you said and done that distills scolding smile on his face and on his shirt it said repent written across it I thought like is that an angel in disguise and then the other guy who’d missed the sucker punch he has this bewildered look on his face like he did not even see somebody else save you buddy you are making your argument in the flash but somebody else in the light saved your bank but it was it was very apropos but the reality is that the Spirit of Christ who comes to sacrifice himself that you might be saved every says or say because Christ died no Christ died that you might be say you can’t be saved unless you repent you don’t even know what you’re supposed repent because you been listening to the paddling ministers you have the repent of your covetous practices of the Corbin of the Pharisees of out also of your forgiveness you think you’re forgiven Christ said if you do not forget neither are you forgiven.
To Find Solutions, You Must First Know the Real Problem
[01:26:49] So it’s very dangerous…and this I will point out, because it was the ice I can see it in the article that day was putting out there now not picking on David all but this is a dangerous audit going back saying to us that were pointing Nam as if I heard just for the show started pointing at abortionists at abortionists are the problem performing illegal abortions or any kind of abortions all of them are illegal in the eyes of God but these there the problem they are the symptom of the problem the problem is Christ is not in you Christ is not in you have no idea of the power of the Holy Spirit when it dwellest in you and you become the light.
Cockroaches Flee from Light
[01:27:41] I lived in a little cheapo apartment when I was working on a boat down in Florida when I was living on a sailboat had at the boat out once I was in his apartment and that it was a cheapo apartment and in Florida and/or cockroaches I mean the thing I never seen him like that there are the size of birds if you just turn on the light and all the severity look at at all you had to turn on the light and a run and they disappear they begun to turn off the light and all back again this is how you drive out evil start on the light but you are the light Christ is the light Christ in you is the light how is Christ going leaving you if you are still coveting your neighbor’s goods if you’re still unforgiving you have to forgive your enemy you have to love your enemy that’s how you fight your enemy is not what hating your enemy because they’ve done this they take away my rights and take away my freedom you want to when you need the love of Christ in you the love of Christ was so powerful the Pharisees stood far off Christ had to turn the light down so that they could have the courage to crucify him he had to put a veil on the light so they would have the courage to cruise they could not have come near him if he shined his light out he had to allow them to come in what they thought was darkness. but that’s how it works coming this it it’s mystical but it’s also there is a physical reality that we need to conform to we need to walk in the ways of Christ.
Commending Ourselves to Every Man’s Conscience
[01:29:36] What does it mean to be commending ourselves to every man’s conscience why does he talk about that commending ourselves to every man’s conscience we allow you to make your choices so we sit on a congregation of 10 and you say well this guy wants to do this and this and this you have to do it you have to do it God is putting on your heart and your conscience is a violent gallery because ICs got problems if you got problems for the amount same speak out this freedom of speech the kingdom of God you don’t have to drive him out you have to turn up the light in you. In order turn of the light in you you need humility you need to see where you’re missing the gospel of the kingdom where you’re not you where your perplexed and are despairing and so you leave. Where you’re troubled on every side but not distress. But your distressed or distressed as this guy is not perfect and is it in our congregation so turn of the light he will either leave or he will change. How do you turn up the light you don’t have the power God has the power you have to let Christ in you it is a personal struggle to sit down in the tens hundreds and thousands. And care about your neighbor as much you care about yourself it will challenge you spiritually to do that unfortunately many people meet the wall and then they say I can’t go any farther and so I’m just gonna leave this like I said so much about those who make excuses of not sitting down in the tens hundreds of thousands and then once they do then they take their hand on the plow innately we are all ministers of the of Christ we are all candles in the darkness we come together in the tens hundreds and thousands in the job of the minister is not to rule over your conscience the job of the minister is to connect you with the next nine congregations so that you don’t just love those in your home church congregation but you love the whole body because it’s not enough just to love those who love you you have to love the whole body and is a great danger and that little home church congregation that you will become content with your comrade array and a fellowship with each other and never reach the fullness of the fellowship with God.
Emotion Is Not Spirit
[01:32:23] Emotion is not spirit. Spirit and emotion are two different things. Spirit is of another realm. The emotions of the fleshly realm. And yes fellowship can bring about illness and emotional attachment and emotional bonds but the spiritual bonds of the ones that hold in the face of all iniquity and wickedness the rejection of the gospel is here traced to the willful blindness and wickedness of the human heart. That’s actually a quote from Matthew Henry’s concise commentaries and I I put it in there so that you would connect was what that this rejection of the gospel is traced to the willful blindness and wickedness of the human heart how come you can’t see that it is not like Christ to covet your neighbor’s goods how can you not see that when you become accustomed to living at the expense of others and development appetite for the benefits and the habit of receiving them by the way of the rule of force and violence that you are not change how can you see that history tells us that that’s the case pagans will even tell you that certainly John the Baptist was warning you that certainly Paul talking about the covenant is that no inheritance in the kingdom of God. People just don’t see the fullness of the gospel. They’re blind to the wickedness of their ways they think all this the way we do it today this that we do it. But how can Christ live in such a heart and there are emotional Christ you can put in there and the people sailed on the Dell stimulate your motion Chris any music in any big-screen TVs in any day charismatic preachers who will get you all worked out because it’s Jesus is going to save you but that’s not the kingdom of God in the world is spiraling down towards destruction and most people will be pulled down in that same current. But all you have to do is change in God’s miracle will start to take place but now you know where you’re supposed to be changing this post be practicing pure religion and you’re not doing that.
We Are Back in the Ways of Egypt
[01:35:05] If you go back to the 2 Corinthians 3:13, “Could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished what was abolished the ways of force the ways of Egypt what was ways of Egypt yet it you want to win in Egypt that he they had to sell themselves the 20% of their labor now or belong to the government but the government would take care of your social welfare but the burden got greater and greater the government got more corrupted the new Pharaoh didn’t know the old Pharaoh and then begin to oppress the people how he did that we’ve talked about that many times but the reality is it’s worst with us today having nobodies meet people pay far more than 20% because not only do you pay income tax… Social Security tax is 14 something percent and then you pay income tax and then you pay sales tax and pay gasoline taxes you pay property tax even if you’re renting your pain property tax in your rent your tax far more than 20% because you walked away from the ways of Christ you can use your blind to it you haven’t been steadfast in the ways of Christ and you become merchandise because of your covetous practices gives you desire all these benefits from a government that I said and here buses are Dave is seeing Eocene that we got take her eyes off that but what we have to do is put her eyes on the real Christ the real kingdom of God and the real righteousness of God are you willing to do that how many of the people and your network has to be more than just your local community has to be the body of Christ unfortunately the pablum preaches he talks about they are not it but amongst many of those churches in many of those places you will find real Christians you also find real Christians out on the streets you find a mock you know will probably go have a look at hedges like I said discussed we need to be setting the table of the Lord we need to be building the Temple out of living stones men who have the courage of the conviction of Christ not just their personal conviction but the conviction of Christ are we willing to go that way which is the way of Christ.
Alters of Clay and Stone
[01:37:36] The word in the Greek is not normally translated abolished in other translations it is it appears as passing away so the law of Moses was really the same for what rep Moses really intended before the Pharisees twisted everything you know where you started thinking stone alters I should put some links and there’s stone alters and alters of clay what were they originally meant to be because over the thousand years there they twisted it and until people thought were active postal pile of rocks and burn up sheet and then democracy comes along and looks at the old Septuagint and they get the same idea but we clearly show and numerous articles and books that are all free online that the alters of clay and stone were living alters also according to the teachings of Moses they had a purpose a social justice purpose that was based on free will offering like I point out were Jerry doesn’t shop anywhere in the Old Testament but free will offering shows up and that’s kinda what charity is the Corbin of the Pharisees was supposed to be free will offering at the time of Herod it became forced offerings and was making the word of God to not affect so now we’ve gone so far away from from the kingdom of God so far away from the ways of Christ that when I point out what Christianity should look like people go like I don’t know about that that’s not what I heard you what is your heart you are you willing to go the other way are you willing to turn around and repent of the ways of the world
Who Is Your Patronus?
[01:39:15] Now we’re coming on the fifth chapter the fifth chapter is a little bit longer not much longer it’s only a three paragraphs also and I’ve got several headings there I don’t know if we get very far don’t you have a few minutes left but it says, “Do you walk by faith is the first title that I put on the first paragraph and the fact is the modern Christian is not walking by faith I percent of the time they are dependent upon force their dependent upon the minute call themselves benefactors but exercise authority one over the other if you don’t know what that means look up benefactors and preparingyou.com. They also were not to be calling any man on earth father what is that mean the Emperor of Rome who was the commander-in-chief of the military Army Navy was no Air Force yet so he was able to make fire come down from heaven sidemen but he did have an army and and a Navy and he was a commander-in-chief that’s what imperator means he was known as the Patronus of Rome the father of Rome our father around will be thy name making them come when I will be done and so does the benefits I daily bread will come when I do the will of the father but appears that there is another game who says there is God the father Warne heaven and hell be his name and your daily bread is supposed to come to from him doing the ministers he appointed to the kingdom but that’s not what’s happening so know you’re not walking in faith you could you start repenting right now.
join us on a network join said that HisHolyChurch.org or PreparingYou.com. We have a number of websites, but join the network in your area, Get ahold of us and we’ll start showing you the ways of the kingdom. Until then, peace on your house and may God bless you God bless
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