Keys 1939 – 2 Corinthians 2-3

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 1939

It’s critical to understand that the people Paul was writing to in Corinth were practicing a religion not understood by modern churches. In Part 2 we talk about the practical applications on “love” and what that has to do with government.

Part 1
Part 2

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: November 9, 2019

Show Notes

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Welcome to Keys of the Kingdom. I’m Brother Gregory and, again, we’re going to be talking about the Kingdom of God. We’re looking at 2 Corinthians. We’ve gone through 1 Corinthians. We’re not going to review any of that 1 Corinthians, although all recordings are up and available for those people who want to study for the people who want to study at with a lot of side notes. There is so much that we can actually tell you or remind you or point out that there just isn’t enough time to address during these reviews of that particular epistle to the Corinthians. We set the scenes of what was going on in Corinth and everything, but just the basics of the gospels… So many people assume that they understand the basics of the gospel. They “believe in Jesus.” They “believe in God.” But do they?

[00:01:29] A prominent personality that has been going around the Internet for, now, several years, which is Jordan Peterson, is always asked, “Does he believe in God?” And he talks about the assumption that you believe in God…that you are following Christ…is it is too vain for him to actually say. He says, “I live as if I believed in God.” What he saying…I believe what he saying…I don’t speak for him, but… What he saying is that he is striving to live the life of someone who believes in God. I believe he wants to believe in God. He wants to believe that he believes in God. But he’s not gonna be so audacious to say that he does. But he professes his belief by the way in which he lives.

[00:02:27] That really is a very Christian approach because we were to SEEK the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. We were to pursue it. We were to be followers of Christ. Followers of the Way of Christ. That’s what Christianity was called—The Way. It wasn’t called Christianity until Antioch.

[00:02:52] We made reference to this in our page that is “Daily Ministration” at PreparingYou. You can go there and there’s lots of links to other articles that will explain many of the things that we talk about. It begins with the idea that the conflict between Jesus and those who had been controlling the activities within the temple in Jerusalem were evident from that his presence there. So what was the conflict? It’s actually the same conflict that we do eventually see in the conflict between Christians and Romans. Because when Herod built the Temple, he built it much in a design based on what was also going on in Rome at that time. Rome had been Republic 500 years before. That Republic had been decaying over time. There was a great deal of success, a great deal of prosperity. There was climate change at that particular time. There was global warming which, of course, global warming means more crops are going to be grown in higher elevations, higher up the mountains of the Alps and the different mountain ranges as well as the far north in Germanicus, in Germany, where the Teutons lived. Of course, the Romans were moving up into those areas because it was very prosperous to trade with them because their life was improving because of global warming.

[00:04:30] We’re told global warming is bad. Of course, it is too hot, yeah, that would be bad. But global warming actually brought in prosperity because the planet got greener and crops were more successful. Now there were crop failures in different parts of the world. Africa had quite a difficult time. But the Romans had defeated the Carthaginians hundreds of years before. We read about that when we read Polybius’s articles.

[00:05:04] One of the things is going on in America today is that your kids being graduated from high school and college are all becoming socialists. They believe in socialism. They would actually vote for socialists. We see this going across the board, how people advocating socialism are winning elections and people are wondering… Isn’t socialism bad?! You don’t know. You didn’t educate your children. You sent your children away to a socialist institution called public education and you thought your kids were learning things like history and all this. They weren’t.

[00:05:46] I home taught my kids and I tell a story about I was on the roof with someone who worked at the local public school, fixing his roof, and he was talking about the fact that schools are really good now because he didn’t waste time teaching kids history. History classes were simply removed. First they changed them to social studies and they stopped teaching history. Your kids are being graduated from high school and know nothing of history. So they you have doomed your children through your apathy to repeat the mistakes of history because they never learned about history in school.

[00:06:35] We have an article, I just visited it this morning, on “Schools as Tools” or “Schools for Fools”… whichever one you want to look up. It’s at PreparingYou and it shows how… and this is something I discovered, just homeschooling reading history books that were 1920 history books, 1945 history books, 1960 history books, 1990 history books (which didn’t really exist even, they were the social study books) and I saw history changing before my eyes. They just simply removed information from the history books. Many years later I discover that this was an actual conspiracy. That some men thought that we needed not to teach those histories. Of course, you know, this is well-documented… discovered by an investigative team that was hired by the Congress of the United States and their findings exist. You can you can hear the interviews. We have some of the interviews on PreparingYou with some of the people that were a part of those investigations. They simply… Some people found it to their advantage, or believed it was to their advantage, to change the way in which Americans viewed history. And they it! And they were able to do it because of the apathy of the parents, the apathy of the people. They were more interested in their own success than in the truth. And that’s why you have the media you have today.

[00:08:08] You know… Supposedly Trump is the president of the United States is trying to secure the borders because all these people are coming across the borders… to the tune of tens of thousands of people are coming across the border. Some of them are criminals. Some of them are covetous… want the benefits that they can get in the United States but don’t get in their own country. Instead of making their own countries better, they want to come here because there are so many free handouts. And, of course, certain parties in the government are advocating free healthcare for illegal immigrants but they don’t even have free health care for the people in their own citizenry. But they’re buying more votes.

[00:08:53] This was all prophesied by the early founders. It was prophesied by Polybius and Plutarch thousands and thousands of years ago. But you wouldn’t know any of that if you didn’t know history. And, of course, you don’t know history because this idea of changing the way in which Americans viewed history did not start with your children. It started with you. It started before you. It started with your grandparents. Their minds were changed and altered as to their view of what history was all about what was really going on history.

[00:09:31] That is also true of the history of the Bible and the history of what was going on at the time of Jesus Christ. Plutarch and Polybius were hundreds years before Christ, but they predicted the decline and fall of civilization through socialism. They didn’t have the word socialism, but they said through covetous practices, through coveting your neighbor’s goods, desiring benefits at the expense of your neighbor, electing men who can exercise authority one over the other to take away from one class to citizens and distribute to another… This would turn the people into perfect savages and bring in long periods of tyranny and despotism. They were telling us this in history. We point this out a PreparingYou. We show the different statements they made over the years. But most people don’t want to hear it. They just want to feel good. They want to feel like they love Jesus. But Jesus was saying the same things.

[00:10:33] In Matthew 26:55, we see, “In that hour Jesus said to the multitudes, “Have you come out, as against a robber, with swords and clubs to take Me? I sat daily with you, teaching in the temple, and you did not seize Me?” But then they come out to crucify him. And he says the same thing in Mark 14:49… “I was daily with you in the Temple.” What was he doing in the Temple? He was instructing the ministers. Actually, at one point, he was in the royal treasury instructing the ministers of the royal treasury. This is a government building, you remember, the Temple is a government building in Judea. The Temple of Moneta was a government building. That was a Roman temple, but it was a government building. They minted coins. That’s what they did in that Temple… they minted coins. And there were other temples where they provided welfare. And there were other temples that operated more like investment brokerages. And people put money in the Temple to get money back out of the Temple like an investment. This is what those temples were.

[00:11:49] You don’t know that because you don’t know history. That part of history was removed because a new kind of religion had been invented. Actually it started… It wasn’t that new, by the way, it was just new in comparison to Christianity. But a new kind of “Christianity” was invented, let’s put it that way. It was an old kind of religion, but was a new kind of “Christianity.” And it was that all you had to do was to think of thought and you’d be saved and God would love you and protect you and all this stuff if you bow down to this image of God that we create. And those images actually got to the point of creating statues and stuff like that. But what it is, is any image of God which is manufactured through your imagination, or somebody else’s imagination, and you accept their description of God or Christ or whatever. That’s idolatry. And that’s what was going on in 300 A.D. That’s what was going on in 1300. That’s what was going on in 1930 in the United States. That religious people… they weren’t really religious as in the sense of religion was in the word “threskeia”, they were religious in the sense of the word “superstitio”. They created an image of God that made you feel good. And church was a place you went to feel good. And they fed you a line about Christianity that was not true. And your parents excepted it, and your grandparents accepted it, and you’ve accepted it. Well, actually, today many of the young people don’t even go to church because they don’t need that. Because they have another religion.

[00:13:44] Religion. Socialism is the religion you have when you have no religion. And modern Christianity is not a religion in the sense of the Greek word threskeia. It is a religion in the sense of the Latin word superstitio. Threskeia, pure religion, pure threskeia—that’s the Greek word for religion—is the caring for the needy of society in a righteous way, unspotted by any unrighteous way, And that’s what Christ came and this is why they didn’t like him in the Temple. He cast out the money changers which had become these and robbers. Money changers are the porters of the Temple. They receive the contributions of the people—the sacrifice of the people—and they deposited it in the treasury and in the royal treasury. And then they redistributed those funds when you had need. If you were sick…

[00:14:48] Why were all these sick people near the Temple? Because that’s where the welfare was handed out, the free bread was handed out, at the Temple. There were other places… other synagogues to do the same thing. But all the synagogues… a synagogue was 10 families gathered together… they would form a synagogue… and that synagogue would be connected to the Temple created by Herod. Now all synagogues didn’t do that. There are many synagogues that were not connected directly to the Temple in Jerusalem. And the Temple in Jerusalem was not the only Temple built by Herod. Herod also built the temple of Roma which was doing the same thing but had different statues and different images because they could have statues and images of their gods. But they were doing the same thing. They were providing social welfare.

[00:15:47] But this form of social welfare was dependent upon forced contributions because these were government temples, government buildings. And when you signed up, you were required to pay in. And they had Gabbia Molechi ministers of the Temple in Jerusalem that we go out and they would pace off your crops to see how much they were going to get from you, They would count the branches on your cumin plant in the window at your house. Tthat’s what people did. They planted it in the window boxes and it would produce these branches and then a portion of those branches had to go to the Temple. They HAD to go to the Temple. That was the way in which they collected their corban, their sacrifices of the people. It was forced offerings. That system made the word of God do not affect because, from the beginning, we see in the Old Testament you had to take care of the needy of your society through freewill offerings. That’s what it says in the Old Testament. Freewill offerings… that was your corban. If you don’t do it that way, you will not remain free. You will end up back in the bondage of Egypt. They will set the table with benefits, the wages of unrighteousness, because they’re based on forced offerings. That’s the basics of the difference between the gospel of the world and the gospel of Jesus Christ. And you don’t understand that because you don’t know the history around the gospel of Jesus Christ. You don’t know what Herod was doing. You don’t know what Rome was doing. You don’t know why Polybius said that Rome would produce a people who were perfect savages and bring in despots 150 years—or at least 100 years—before the first Emperor which was Augustus Caesar. They knew this was coming. You didn’t know was coming because you don’t know history. You don’t know history because you depended on men who exercise authority to provide you with a free education. And you know what a free education is worth? Zero. It’s worth what you paid for it. And, unfortunately, now you’re going to really pay for it. Because you didn’t know that you are not being taught the gospel of Christ. You are being taught the gospel of a fake Christ, a false Christ, a false image of Christ created by modern religion. You think that might get me burned at the stake by saying that? Well we’re going to prove this.

[00:18:26] If you look at Mark 14:49, He was daily in the temple, teaching and, like I said, he was actually in the royal treasury. In Luke 19:47, it says that He taught daily in the temple. He’s instructing daily in the temple. Why? Because He’s the Christ! He’s the Lord! He’s the highest son of David! We see that right in the text. The people claimed him to be the highest son of David. They lay hands on Him because he was so popular. He was the king of Judea! But the chief priests and the scribes and the chiefs of the people sought to destroy him because he was taking the power of government away from them and returning the power of government to the people. But you can’t do that unless the people take back the responsibility of the government, and the responsibility providing the services of government, through the perfect law of liberty. Through faith, hope, and charity not force, fear and violence.

[00:19:36] John the Baptist was going to do this through charity. Share! Those that have extra, share with those that don’t have enough. And he did it according to the tens, hundreds, and thousands which Christ commanded his ministers also organize the people tens, hundreds, and thousands. And that’s the way the early church was. And it was still that way a thousand years later. Then another church which DID NOT organize in that way started crowning men to put down anybody who did not submit to this system of corban, of forced contributions, and redistribution of wealth.

[00:20:17] That’s why we have Lady Godiva on the Free Church Report. Because she wouldn’t go along with that. And she didn’t ride through the town naked either. But they don’t want you to know what she did. They don’t want you to know history. That was written 100 years after her death… that she through town naked. It was written by one of those religious monks who wanted the government to take away from the people to provide him with funds so that he could live comfortably.

[00:20:50] Now there were church people who were still operating according to faith, hope, and charity, That’s the problem. Both are called “church.” And you can’t distinguish between the two because you don’t know the gospel. You’ve got that fake gospel. The false gospel of modern religion that does contrary to the ways of Christ.

[00:21:14] In Luke 22:53 He says, “When I was daily with you in the Temple you stretched forth no hands against me. But this is your hour and the power of darkness.” Jesus knew this was coming. And it’s coming again. Bbut the hour of darkness is coming for you because you’re involved with false religion. You are in need of repentance the same as the Pharisees were in need of repentance. You need to turn around and do something different than what you are presently doing. You’re going to church and getting a good feeling. Your phileo love is all over the place but you’re not following the gospel of Christ. You’re not doing what Christ said to do.

[00:22:00] In the early church, in the beginning, they worked daily in the Temple of Jerusalem. That’s what it says. They worked daily in the temple, Home churches say, “Oh, we don’t need any kind of big church building.” And they’re right. And most early Christians met in homes. But the apostles and the 120 that were in the upper room were working daily. In one accord. In the temple. A government building with a gigantic treasury office. And what were they doing? They were breaking bread from house to house. And did eat there meat with gladness and singleness of heart. What was that? They were sharing the contributions of the people. Remember, at Pentecost they were all cast out. If you got the baptism of Christ, you were cast out of the system had been set up in the Temple. So you had to set up another system that did not operate like a Gabbia Molechi ministers who were forcing the contributions of the people. You had to operate by faith, hope, and charity and take care of all the social welfare of your community through pure religion. Some went that way. Some went the other way. What way are you going? Come right back and we’ll tell you.

Welcome back to Keys of the Kingdom.

[00:23:24] So, like I said, not only was Jesus daily in the temple instructing the people, even those that were in the royal treasury, he was telling the people to live by faith, hope, and charity not force, fear, and violence. John the Baptist had said the same thing. The MODERN Christian depends for his free education for his children on forced contributions of his neighbor. They even borrow money against the future of their children to pay for their education. Is there any wonder that all the student loans out there have put graduating kids from college into 40, 50, 60, even $100,000 worth of debt? All that because you don’t keep the Sabbath.

[00:24:11] What? What? Because you don’t worship on Saturday? I just read an article this week were some Christian church…so-called “Christian” church…is now switching from Sunday to Sabbath. And they think they are righteous because now they’re using Sabbath day for worship instead of Sunday. They’re still in just as much data as they ever were. They still have children that graduating from college in debt/ They are in debt. Their children that are born are in debt. Because the whole nation is in billions and trillions of dollars worth of debt. But they think they’re righteous because they’re taking Saturday for their day of worship. They don’t even know what worship means! God is not so insecure that he needs your praise in order for him to feel good. That’s not what worship is. We have an article about worshiping. Go read that. But that’s not going to be our topic.

[00:25:11] But the reality is your temples, now, are the Social Security Administration, the national social insurance in other countries—wherever you’re at— the same thing is all over the world. The whole world has gone this way. All that… Social Security is socialism. Public schools is socialism. Federal Reserve is socialism. All these things are socialism. And you’re worried about the country becoming a socialist nation? It is! And you are! And your parents are! And your grandparents are. And all because you are not following the true gospel of Christ. You’re not living by love. You’re living by force. Christ said… Christ—meaning “the anointed,” “the king”—said when He appointed the kingdom to the apostles who were called out to be the new ministers of His kingdom… Because He was going to take His kingdom away from the Pharisees… He was going to give it to these other guys that he called out so that they could bear fruit. Well, they cannot bear fruit unless they’re teaching the people how to live by faith, hope, and charity. And that’s not what the modern church is doing. It’s about tickling your ears and making you feel good and making you feel like you’re saved when you’re not. They get you to follow a false Christ. The Christ that they tell you about doesn’t tell you what Christ told you. The apostles, and they continued daily in one accord in the temple breaking bread from house to house. In Acts 5:42, it says, “and daily in the temple and in every house they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ. The real Jesus Christ. It said that you were not to covet your neighbor’s goods. Socialism is covetousness. Communism is covetousness. Social democracy is covetousness. The majority the people covet somebody else’s stuff and want that stuff and want to borrow against their children to get that stuff. And I don’t care what day they gather… Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday… they are in debt. And God doesn’t care what day you gather if you are not working first and then earning your day of rest. You didn’t earn your day of rest if you borrowed against the future. You don’t get a day of rest. You get the Mark of the Beast… which you’ve already got.

[00:27:49] So anyway, Luke 22:29 says, “And I appointed unto you a kingdom as my father hath appointed unto me.” This is what he’s saying to the ministers that he trained up, his disciples, the student ministers. He’s appointed them a kingdom. Why did he do that? He said, “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. To His little flock. His called out group. They had to sell everything they had, give it to the poor, and own all things in common, and take care of one another through faith, hope, and charity. And provide the services of a government that operated according to the perfect law of liberty. You’re not doing that if you’re in the modern church because they don’t ask you to do that. If you need anything they tell you go the government, but if you want to be comforted by them—not the Holy Spirit, but them—you come to us because we’ll tickle your ears and we’ll make you feel good about your iniquity. And you can keep being workers of iniquity, coveting your neighbor’s goods, but we’ll make you feel good about it because we’ll tell you that you’re saved.

[00:29:02] Matthew 21:43 – Why did Jesus say this? “Therefore say I unto you, the Kingdom of God shall be taken from you…” Who’s he talking to? The Pharisees. “…and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. Jesus did that. Who did he give it to? The little flock. What the little flock do? They gathered daily in the temple and they rightly divided the bread from house to house in a daily ministration based on free will offerings. Based on charity. Based on agape. Based on love.

[00:29:29] Christ said “love” many, many times using the word agape. When Paul says it, they often translate it “charity.” You don’t even find the word “charity” in the Old Testament. But you do find the word “free will offering.” It’s the same message in both places.

[00:30:00] Now, the people who are supposed to be Christians, followers of what Christ, said… But if you’re coveting your neighbor’s goods through the rulers of other nations, through the rulers who exercise authority one over the other, the rulers who call themselves benefactors but exercise authority by taking away from your neighbor or borrowing against the future of your children… Then you’re not following Christ. Because he said, “You are not to be that way.” You are not a Christian. Write it down. If your minister says, “All you have to do is believe in Jesus”… What Jesus is talking about? Because if you believe in Jesus you have to believe in what he said. Because Jesus said, “Not those who say Lord, Lord, but those who dooth the will of the Father. When did it become the will of the Father for you to covet your neighbor’s goods?

[00:30:51] The Corinthians that Paul was writing to already figured that out. They were just now trying to figure out how to implement that in their life. Most of you… I don’t know how many people are listening… I don’t know how many people will eventually listen to this because we’ll put it out there on the website… We’ll put it under 2 Corinthians chapter 2 so that you can hear this again. But if you don’t understand this… All the times that we were reading the word “Lord” in 1 Corinthians, when they’re talking about Jesus, they’re talking about Him being that other king. Peter says, “There is this other king, one Jesus.” And Peter was doing contrary to the decrees of Caesar. And we see in the trial of the those seven Christians that they tried in North Africa… They said, “We pay all the duties and imposts and everything, but we practice private religion.” That’s what they’re saying. This is how we do it. We gather every week, often in homes… because the temple, eventually, was destroyed by this time… and they gather in the temple… the GOVERNMENT of God met in the Temple daily. But that government operated by faith, hope, and charity. If you want to be a free people, you’ve got to learn what the Christians were doing and follow the ways of Christ. There is no other way but the way of Christ. The problem is that most the people who say they’re Christians are following the ways of the Pharisees. They’re forcing the contributions of the people in their community so that they can have free education, free healthcare, free care for my parents… And then they do no more ought for their parents. Which is the sin of corban that was making the word of God the none affect. I point this out to the preacher and they say, “Oh no, no, it was something else.” I say, “What else was it?” Because I can show you in history that’s what it was. And that’s what we show you. Go read the article on Corban which is linked on these articles like the daily ministration. You tell me. That’s what you’re doing. How in the world do you think you’re a Christian if you’re not doing what Christ said to do. If you really love Christ, you will love to do what Christ said to do. Most of the people who claim to be Christians don’t even know what Christ said to do and what Christ said not to do. They are the many who are still workers of iniquity though they profess Christ. Now you can change that right now by thinking a different way. By realizing, “Oh my gosh! We should not be coveting our neighbor’s goods. We should not be praying to men who call themselves benefactors but all they’re doing is taking away from our neighbor.”

[00:33:48] We worry about the kids growing up to be socialist. we’re socialist now! The people of America. The people of Australia. The people of the European Union. Even the people in England who want to leave the European Union with their BREXIT… they’re still socialists. They just don’t want to get in the deep end of the pool. But they’re still bathing the iniquity of socialism.

[00:34:17] Now there are people out there that are starting to put this together. How is it that their minds can see what so many cannot see> Are they “woke”? Most of you I know who talk about being “woke” are not woke. They’re actually farther into the problem. How do you judge what to think in your mind with your mind? How do you understand the world by eating of the tree of knowledge?

[00:35:57] Recently, somebody has done some experiments with psychedelics and they ended up getting themselves into a lot of trouble. We’d like to help them out. But the reality is that they need to repent. Because the idea that you’re going to fix things through your cleverness, through your intelligence, through your study, is eating of the tree of knowledge. It’s vanity. It is witchcraft. It is pharmakeia. And evil wants to seduce you into thinking that you can fix this. Same in politics. You can fix this. Same in, you know… I just read an article this morning, early, on the problem of the depression in the United States and all the world. You can go all over the world and find this problem of depression getting worse and worse. Researchers have found that, contrary to pharmaceutical industry claims, commonly prescribed antidepressant drugs such as Prozac are actually addictive and can wreak havoc with the brain’s ability to produce serotonin. The New Scientist, which is a credible magazine, says, “After stopping antidepressants, some people get withdrawal symptoms which can include anxiety, difficulty sleeping, stomach upset, vivid nightmares, memory and attention problems. These can last for a few weeks or months. Antidepressants like Prozac—and is not exclude it to Prozac… I’m just quoting them…Ritalin does the same thing and and you’ve put tens of thousands of children on Ritalin but it has the same effect and then they have a number of other aluminum-based drugs that the they upgrade to when Ritalin’s not doing the trick anymore. You’re destroying your youth. Not only with public education but with the drugs that often come and are associated with that public education.

[00:37:28] I’ve seen this for years and years and years. I’ve dealt with people and their parents. You know, the child ended up having seizures. And I said it’s the drugs that you’re giving them. And they said, “No, he only has the seizures when he stops taking the drug on the holidays.” That’s called withdrawal. And they’re saying, after stopping antidepressants, some people get withdrawal symptoms. Well, that’s called withdrawal. And they go on antidepressants like Prozac which are known…Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors raise levels of brain-signaling molecules called serotonin, seemingly by blocking the compound that gets rid of serotonin. See, they are not actually giving you serotonin. The’re blocking the compound gets rid of serotonin. But they say after several weeks of taking the medicine, the brain responds by making less serotonin, which may be why when people stopped taking them they can get long-term withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can last a year or more. They don’t know how long it can go. They know it can go at least a year. Snd they’re doing this. Evidence shows that the brain may be unable to return to normal levels of serotonin production for months or, in some cases, even years after the antidepressants have stopped being taken Well, of course, they are going to give you some that’s addictive. There’s great money in this. University of Liverpool conducted a study with 1,800 New Zealanders who were prescribed antidepressants, mostly of the Prozac type, and found that more than half of them suffered from psychological symptoms when they stopped taking them. That’s their study. So this is what’s going on. And the same is true of public education, Social Security… You’re addicted to these things. You can’t imagine a society without them. You think you need them.

[00:39:56] Actually, if you repent and turn around and start thinking, “Well, wait a minute. If we want a free society, we must operate the society according to the perfect law of liberty. We have to allow other people to think what they want to think. We would have to allow other people to say what they want to say.” You see that in this new wave of socialism (because socialism is been here for over 100 years) this new wave of socialism, they don’t even to SAY things. You know, because you’re going to trigger somebody. It’s insane! And it’s getting worse and worse and worse. And I can show you this on all kinds of levels.

[00:40:43] So what is the kingdom of God and his righteousness what was Christ really saying we’re supposed to be seeking. Where are we supposed to be going with this. The Christians, the early Christians, they were starting to take care of one another through faith, hope, and charity instead of force, fear, and violence. Eventually, like in North Africa, they would be persecuted. This was the Christian conflict. Because they would not join the Temple systems that were all falling apart. Socialism eventually ran out of other people’s money and so they wanted to bring the Christians—who were a successful society operating with free religion (this is why we have the Free Church Report, to show you how that could be organized today)… But they were still being successful because they were they were surviving the climate change (because there was some cooling going on, there were some volcanoes going on, Mt Vesuvius went off, there were earthquakes that were felt all over the Roman Empire, so there were other changes that were starting to take place, and there were crop failures. So there derths in the land. And we see Paul moving funds all over the Roman Empire, from Galatia to Corinth, from Corinth to Jerusalem, and from Ephesus etc., to help out Christians. And they were successfully doing it because they were a network, as commanded by Christ, on tens, hundreds, and thousands. They had these ministers who took on a particular status of coming out of the world but still serving the people, not exercising authority like the rest of the world was doing, but practicing pure religion, taking care of one another through faith, hope, and charity. That spirit is still around, but it’s not very well organized because people don’t know how to do it. And they don’t know how to do it because they’ve been given fake good news, fake gospel. And they need to repent and start seeking the true gospel.

[00:42:44] The people who recognized these called out ministers of the early church mostly met in homes. That’s where the people met. But these people, (like a said, they weren’t even called Christians yet, but) they were well-organized. They would be, eventually, called Christians, followers of this Christ, and they would run into conflict with the Roman Empire because they wanted to continue to practice pure religion.

[00:43:09] Not like the modern religion today which is not pure religion. They do not take care of the widows and orphans and needy of their society through faith, hope, and charity. They take care of them by praying to the men who call themselves benefactors but exercise authority. And they think, “If I elect the right one, then we will be great again.” But, no, you need to change in your heart and your mind. And you don’t know how to change your heart and your mind if you only use your mind. The ways of the kingdom must be written upon your heart and your mind. That’s a spiritual event. That’s not going to come through Prozac. It’s not going to come through Lexol. It’s not going to come through Ritalin. It’s not gonna come through mushrooms. It’s not gonna come through these things. It’s going to come spiritually, because the Christ, the anointing, will be upon you if you repent and seek the Kingdom. You’re you’re not gonna make it happen. It will happen to you if you turn around your thinking, Now, what’s that look like? Well, you have to be humble. You have to be serving others. You have to be forgiving. You cannot hold animosity for your brother. You must forgive him. You must put your faith in the way of Christ, this perfect law of liberty. You have to let go of your vanity and realize you cannot save yourself. You can be saved if you surrender yourself to the spirit of Christ who loves you and wants to give you life. Well, how do you know that you really love him? Are you giving life to others? Are you taking life away from others? Are you depending upon men who exercise authority or men who exercise charity and forgiveness? Which one are you going to be a part of? Are you seeking the kingdom of God and the righteousness of God or the self-righteousness of your own vanity? Do you know the difference between phileo love and agape ove? Do you know the two different kinds of love? The love that taketh life or the love they giveth life? Do you need the person you love? Do you feel incomplete without the person you love? Or do you come together with the person you love because you want to give life to them, not take life away? Boy, that’s a question that’s not going to be answered easily.

Murmuring Greeks, Early Christians Establishing a World Bank

[00:46:03] Acts 6:1 “And in those days when the number of disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration.” Were these the Greeks in Jerusalem? Or were these the Greeks in Corinth? And the Greeks in Acacia? And the Greeks all over what we know as Greece today? What did Peter do? He said, Look out amongst yourselves to find men you trust and we’ll appoint them over this business.” What was that business? To set tables? Serve pancakes in the morning? Tortillas? Matzoh? No. They were establishing a World Bank that could operate… This is why Ephesus was so upset with the seven. Because it was another seven in Ephesus. Why seven?

[00:47:09] Well, we explain that elsewhere. Join the network and we’ll explain it to you. But we’re not going to give all that… Well, we do give it out… What we’ve done is create a forest of information out there. You can go to You can go to his You can go to a number of our websites and you can walk through the forest. It’s all there for free. But we want the spirit of God to be your guide. We don’t want to be leading your round telling you what to believe. We give you facts and information and you have to figure out what to do with it.

Wrap-up of First Hour

[00:47:43] So, we went through 1 Corinthians. And 1 Corinthians was a scathing, hard-hitting, heavy words of Paul scolding the Corinthians for a lot of things they did wrong. The 2 Corinthians is more about love, which we talked about last week. And we started in 2 Corinthians where he says, “But I determined this with myself, that I would not come again to you in heaviness.” So this was, as I said “Paul lite” whose going to talk about love more. And he does. “For if I make you sorry, who is he then that maketh me glad but the same which is made sorry by me. And I wrote this same unto you lest when I came I should have sorrow from them of whom I ought to rejoice, having confidence in you all that my joy is joy of you all. For out of much affliction and anguish apart, I wrote unto you with many tears, not that ye should be grieved, but that he might know the love which I have more abundantly unto you.” And, of course, we see this repeated in Revelations were, “A,s many as I love I also rebuke.” And that’s what he did. But now he’s going on talking about this love. Which this afternoon, I will continue with our sermon on love so you understand the difference. But we’re going to go through 2 Corinthians really quick and get into 3 Corinthians so that you can start understanding this gospel. We’ve set the scene. Now let’s play the play.

Well, welcome back to Keys of the Kingdom.

[00:49:37] So we’re in 2 Corinthians and we’re talking about some of the things that Paul said and why he said them. And what the early church was doing and why Paul is moving from place to place. But were also can talk a little bit about how Paul is moving from place to place. How does he know where to go? You get a little hint of this in 2 Corinthians verse 5, “But if any have caused grief, he hath not grieved me, but in part that I may not overcharge you all. Sufficient to such a man is this punishment which was inflicted of many so that contrariwise ye ought rather to forgive him and comfort him less perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with over much sorrow.” The fact is is that somebody was doing things wrong in 1 Corinthians and he came with heaviness and scolded people and explained those problems. But he’s explaining them to people who are actually forming a network of charity to take care of all social welfare in pure religion. That’s who he’s talking to. He’s not talking to people that to go to church to feel good, feel comfortable. He’s talking to people who are actually…

Blind Man Cast Out of Welfare System

[00:51:13] Everybody got the baptism at Pentecost—the baptism of Christ and the apostles at Pentecost—all those families, thousands of families, were cast out of the social welfare system, the Corban of the Pharisees, and were no longer going to get benefits for their parents and their grandparents and for the blind etc. You know, we see that in John where the blind man is professing Christ after Christ gave them his site back. And they’re saying that he needs to be cast out. This guy’s been blind since birth. He has no skill. He has no way of making a living. They ask his parents and they say, “We don’t say who healed our son because we know that you will cast us out of the welfare system run through the government of Judea. We don’t want to get cast out because we need those benefits. We love the wages of unrighteousness. We will lose our Social Security if you cast us out. So we’re not going to say. He’s old enough to speak for himself. And they let their son get cast out. And Christ goes and looks for the son and brings him into this other system that operates by faith, hope, and charity and, therefore, makes the word of God to affect. Is the system you are in making the Word of God to none affect or is it making to World of God to affect? Because the system most people are in exercises authority one over the other. And Christ forbid that. He said it wasn’t to be that way with us. But it is that way with you!

More coming.