We dive into the 5th chapter of 2 Corinthians in a continuation of our series of Paul’s practical advice to that church and its critical relevance today.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: November 16, 2019
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Welcome to Keys of the Kingdom, My name is Brother Gregory and we’re here to talk again about the Kingdom of God against lighting and first-rate radio program computers are working slow and so we didn’t get intro music is to I’ll added later to the recording but the way were going to talk a bit about Corinthians.
What Made Socialism Acceptable
[00:00:55] This morning, we talked a great deal about the plan would I talk about Coach Dave and you find that radio program eventually on the network at hisholychurch.org and KeysOfTheKingdom.info and you can find it on our podcasts under “keys of the kingdom”… But that he had the Coach Dave was talking about the fact that the courts are corrupted in the schools are teaching her kids socialism and he had all this big long list of complaints and so he was offering that we needed to do certain things to prepare because his country seems to be taking a particular course that is going to bring chaos and destruction and in any very well may be a member kids are being graduated from college thinking socialism is good and socialism in the last century killed millions upon millions upon millions of people and the there also even thinking that communism is good and have no knowledge of communism the day they don’t know about the road of bones they don’t know about the gulags they haven’t read Solzhenitsyn they’re ignorant but there is a big movement and I talked briefly about Glenn Beck’s Democrats’ Hydra series and I recommend anybody want to go find a little bit more about what’s going on in the world this seems he’s kind of revealing a lot of things behind the scenes and is a lot more and he doesn’t have it all right everything but you’re not going to get the truth in modern media the media is is extremely controlled and extremely manipulative and to some degree extremely ignorant but my solution was and we have an article up on Coach Dave Daubenmire and what he said and what my response to what he said was in a course that leads to dozens and dozens of other articles that will teach you and explain to you what’s really going on and the forces of nature that are making these things go on in the hearts and minds of people why are people being so easily duped in particular direction why aren’t they more clearly understanding which way they should be going in which way they should not be going why are they seemingly so confused.
Historians before Jesus Warned of the Dangers of Socialism
[00:03:29] I quoted Plutarch who said that the man who first ruined the Roman people was he who first gave them treats and gratuities benefits what the Bible calls the wages of unrighteousness and people just don’t understand how that works but an and I explained in quoted Polybius he was a historian of historians it was 250 years before Plutarch but hundreds of years before Christ and was explaining 150 years before John the Baptist even explaining how this idea of taking benefits at the expense of your neighbor was distractive destructive to you and destructive to the rest of the world because of the fact that it alters the way you think it alters your actual mental capacity to understand certain realities in life and what I tied in this morning is the fact that the same problems going on time of Christ same time as John the Baptist same time as the early church but the decline and fall of the Roman Empire was well on its way.
Rome’s Power Was the Result of Having No Rulers
[00:04:52] People think that some how or other the Roman Empire was made great by its emperors know Caesar conquer this in Concord that became powerful what was wrong became powerful 300 400 years earlier became dominant 300 years earlier 200 years earlier but then begin to flex his muscles became a policeman of the world and they were they were meddling in all kinds of other countries and they were you know actually taking over other countries and that they didn’t colonize so much in some places although there were a lot of Roman colonies of Italy increase in evening what became Spain and Gaul they went there usually do minor trade or something in the course had the ships that were bringing goods from all over but they became really wealthy and powerful because of the fact that it was a Republic had no rulers that had no lawmakers. Even the Senate was not lawmaker site does the word sentiment old man and they were a part of this network that they created to what they called the Hearths. So many families get together and those families would pick somebody and then that those guys we get together and then eventually had they called equestrians and it was this network of community and eventually the equestrians picked who would be the Senate and the Senate would be all man from every different district who were respected and considered wise and they we get there and they would share information about what was going on this province what was going on that province of in this part of the that the Latin League and etc. and that they’s defended one another they helped one another they traded with one another and they created these bonds of society.
Civil Society Governed by Civil Law, Not God
[00:06:57] it wasn’t bonds of a civil society it was bonds of the society view listen to Glen Beck’s Democrats’ Hydra you’ll see dispraise coming up civil society civil society civil law is the law that men make for themselves now if it’s a corporate civil society there’s somebody who’s elected as a lawmaker is not what originally represented as senators were in the United States they were not lawmakers they could make law I mean the president could even sign executive orders you know what the first decade of order of George Washington was that he ever sign use ordering dishes as his executive order now we have no plan signed an executive order stating that the federal government was the supreme moral authority in the United States while I thought making God the supreme moral authority is God and God is to write his laws upon your heart your mind but there’s been a transition and a forgetting of the old ways with these call the ancient ways. And we talked about that ways as a substitute.
Returning to the Ancient Ways
[00:08:22] It is prophesied that, in the last days, there will be some who will remember the “ancient ways.” And we talked about that… the way of Moses is not what most people think it’s what most people are taught today is a distortion of what who Moses really was because Moses and Christ were teaching the exact same thing but the Pharisees were teaching something different than what Moses actually intended by the time Christ came so when Christ began to teach they did not recognize Jesus as teaching the same as Moses. This the old Transfiguration seen that they talk about Moses and Elijah and Jesus Christ were in agreement they were not teaching different things common fallacy in modern Christianity is that somehow Jesus changed everything from what Moses had taught no Jesus changed everything from what the Pharisees were teaching people that Moses the taught. If they really knew what Moses taught they would have known Jesus so anyway that’s an important thing to understand the Corinthians were getting the current Christian Corinthians were getting my Christians don’t get that first modern Christians are doing with the early first century Christians were doing and so we need to get back to doing because that’s the ways of the ancient and we show you those ways in the early church showing those ways in the Levites were really originally doing we show you that the Tetons were doing this and where everybody was doing this they became a stronger society but people would begin to stray away from this formula of Christ which is the formula of Moses which is the formula of Abraham and it began to alter society and alter the way that people thought. So when you go back to read Corinthians… if you go back to study history… you need to understand these principles and parameters so that you can understand what was really going on at that time in these places.
Foundations of America
[00:10:45] So we got to the 4th chapter of 2nd Corinthians and now we are starting in the 5th chapter. I said this morning that I’d entitled the chapter “Do You Walk by Faith?” Walking by faith meant that you were not walking by force. You were not, like Polybius says, “the masses continue with their appetite for benefits in the habit of receiving them by the way of a rule of force and violence.” That’s socialism. It also could be a colonialism. America was not really established by colonialism. The Americans who fought in the American Revolution were against colonialist they were settlers they came here they actually end I could tell you stories about these the secret stuff that went on with the programs and stuff they came here to establish themselves or not to colonize in the sense of colonialism but to actually migrate here and settle here and they bought land from the Indians they didn’t comment is steel all the land from the Indians they were allies with the Indians and their Indians were fighting amongst each other and all the stuff and there are some of the most successful tribes of Indians in the United States today have no tribal status there doing great and all the other Indian tribes could be doing really great if they would stop seeking tribal status and get with the program unfortunately the program of the Republic, what early America was, Americans aren’t even with anymore their strain from that formula and all the problems you’re seeing are not from capitalism is from apathy from my social is a man from not caring about you have to not only not covet your neighbor’s good you have to actively been working to set your neighbor free actively working to help your neighbor get strong also and to take care of one another and be with one another and a system of righteous social interaction because it was must be seeking the kingdom of God and the righteousness of God and so you need this righteous social interaction and to create this camaraderie.
Eb and Flow of Civil Governments throughout History
[00:13:38] The Romans understood this in 300 A.D. and in 200 A.D. but they were starting to lose sight of it and hundred 5080 and that’s why they destroyed corn that’s why they also well Carthage they may have destroyed that partly because Carthage was getting kind of arrogant but we need to always look for the facts right now, according to the Democrats’ Hydra that we see Glenn Beck talking about there are people using some of the same taxi tactics to control the minds of the people getting out there and creating spontaneous revolutions or whatever and they’re actually manipulating people and bring down government so that they can come in and create their own governments and sees world power world government etc. etc. Will they succeed? Well, eventually they will fail because it always fails and really the ultimate evil that is behind all this wants to see mankind fail. Wants to see mankind destroy himself lose dominion on this plan they they don’t really care about gaining control their dangling this control of this power in front of men who are’s trying to CC’s office is a power but the problem was is that you created the offices of power to begin with you should not have created offices power and you did this partly with the Constitution and the changes that you have brought in the Constitution and your dependency upon social democracy for your benefits to take care of one another. And Christ was saying, “No you have take care of one another to faith hope and charity and John the Baptist was saying the same thing and Paul said the same thing and Abraham said the same thing he left war with many souls to do that take care of one another not with civil society, but with a righteous society that operated by faith, hope and charity they walked in faith.
Transform Society by Transforming Ourselves
[00:15:53] So now we’re talking to Corinthians… Paul is writing the Corinthians who are doing this, they’re actually doing it. They’re design church on Sunday or Sabbath and and then talking about how they love God and and and studying a little bit of the Bible’s long as they don’t actually find out what the Bible is talking about their actually practicing pure religion and taking care of one another to faith hope and charity this alters your mind the same as socialism will alter your mind. Your covetous practices will alter your mind you because this what repentance is the changing of the mind so the first verse is, “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle word dissolve we have a building of God and house not made with hands eternal, in Heaven. So he’s talking about spiritual house and see this is when you begin to walk in faith really walk in faith not in of faith in your beliefs but faith in actually walking by faith and set up by force it will spiritually awaken you you you are a spirit inhabiting this this almost robotic, biological unit that we have that with fingers and toes and arms and legs… you’re spiritual entity inhabiting that body that that body is your earthly house of this tabernacle this human body but when you’re awake and begin to listen in the spirit and walk in this spiritual faith… and evidence of that is are you practicing pure religion or do you have covetous practices are you forgiving or are you judging one another pointing the finger those darn Democrats, those darn socialists, those darn ANTIFA people their victims to were supposed to love the was to just drive them crazy drive them away and it might awaken it just depends there is no guarantee so for in this we grown earnestly, desiring to be close upon with our house which is from heaven.” In other words, we want the spiritual identity to become dominant in well we have to walk the walk if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked and I was is another parable about putting on wedding garment. That’s what we need to do we need to walk in forgiveness we need to walk in extending grace to others to that God extends grace to us we have to care about others so that God will care about us. We have to hear the cries of others so that God will hear our cry. People think it’s about going out and explaining everybody what they’re doing wrong and certainly I do that it really is and it’s about loving others with a love like Christ’s. Not a love that weakens the love that strengthens not a love that deludes but I’d love that rebukes different, a lot.
Judged by Our Works
[00:19:36] “For we that are in this tabernacle to grown being burdened not for that we would be unclothed but clothed upon that mortality be swallowed up of life.” He had talked before about this idea of the being burdened that we are burdened in chapter 4 and he was you thought about burden but not at and oppressed but not despair and but we were accepting the way to that burden. And what was the weight that burden? to care for one another to faith hope and charity that it was a heavy persecution at that time in court but there was a heavy social welfare program and you could not be a part of that social welfare program if you are Christian you had did not eat of those other temples then free bread of Rome. You had to take care of one another and at times this got really hard to do. “For we that are in this tabernacle do grounding says being burdened so there is a burden but Christ as his burden is light is light not for that would be unclothed but clothed upon that mortality might be swallowed up of life now he that hath wrought us for the selfsame thing is God who have given unto us the earnest of the spirit and therefore we are always confident knowing that whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord for we walk by faith not by sight we are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord wherefore we labor that whether present or absent we may be accepted of him for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that he had done whether it be good or bad.” So he’s talking about salvation by works he said he will receive the things done in his body according to that he had done whether it be good or bad work will be judged by our works pulses is the number of times most people know kind of skip over skip around it or try to rationalize it but it isn’t that we’re going to earn salvation.
“Christ” Is the Annointing We Are All Supposed to Receive
[00:22:47] What I want really point out here is when he says judgment seat of Christ. “Christ” is not Jesus’s name. Christ is the anointing. We are all supposed to be anointed. I was explaining to the ministers this morning in the email that I sent out… I talk to them on the minister’s call on Monday… about some health issues and that I had a premonition that I needed to do something but I did not follow up that premonition as quickly as I should have and I suffered for but eventually I got caught up with what I should’ve done a couple days earlier and things got way better and it was health issues with myself and evidently now these health issues may extend others who are are having similar problems and and it’s been resolved without going to a doctor because God was showing me the solution even before the problem arrived. But I didn’t listen as closely as I should and I fully admit that but then when I did see an then I was able to course I was actually before it got really bad I was already in the process of getting what I needed but it was a day or so before I guide because of the fact that I had delayed but God knew I was gonna have this problem days before I had this problem. It’s not a big deal, just a electrolyte imbalance, but I mean it was life-threatening I mean I was close to death a couple of times but I overcame it in proper time because I finally did listen to what God said were all getting that opportunity now are all facing things that we need to be doing like sitting down attends and is in thousands and cultivating this idea of caring for one another. Not scolding all of time I do a lot of scolding but I’m not voice of one crying in the wilderness make straight the way Lord I have to tell you you’re not straight with the Lord now in order to have some validity to telling you that you need to make straight the way of the Lord.
Most Churches Aren’t Doing Daily Ministration
[00:25:00] So, right now, most churches are not the social welfare of the people in their congregation most churches send them in the people in their congregations to men who exercise authority one over the other to get their benefits and Christ said we were not to do that the early church wouldn’t do that they were early just persecuted because they wouldn’t do that you people are professing Jesus with her mouth but they’re not actually walking the walk so knowing therefore the terror of the Lord says we persuade men but we are made manifest unto God and I trust also are made manifest in your conscience. Now if you remember, when we were talking earlier things may be in the yacht in the chapter before he he talked about commending ourselves to every man’s conscience and so now here in chapter 5, which continuation on the same letter is not really a different chapter…the same letter, he’s talking about manifest in your conscious that we trust also are made manifest in your conscience that you will think of us you care about us because were working to care about you now I would love it involve our ministers route there rightly dividing the bread from house to house and doing regular daily ministration. But people really haven’t got that idea yet. They’re still dependent upon the daily ministration of the men who exercise authority and some people are starting to get it but the numbers are not great but are you going to only believe when the numbers are great. Will you believe now when the numbers are not so great will you we you believe only by signs and wonders or will you is it written in your heart to go this way some of you it is that go this waiver you cannot be free as a society civil or otherwise and less you go the way of Christ which was a way of taking care of one another without dependence on the governments that exercise authority when I got take down the governments that exercise authority there to fall on their own sore what were going to do is start to be the government of the people for the people by the people operating to faith hope and charity instead of four spirit violence that’s it if you start doing that then your mind will be your consciousness will be awakened to a new way of thinking is called repentance. And it will change the way you act.
Hacker at Station
[00:27:49] So here in verse 12 accident could go to a break now… Somebody evidently broken at the station and a lot of her audios are missing don’t know what happened to him and I’ll be gone so so somebody hacked into the system they change the password I have got the new password so I’m in but somebody has been doing bad things on that the station studio so I’m not going to take a break and when I keep on going.
Glory on Our Behalf
[00:28:19] So anyway, we’re in 2nd Corinthians, chapter 5 verse 12: “For we commend not ourselves again unto you but give you occasion to glory on our behalf that ye may have some want to answer them which glory in appearance and not in heart.” So what is this a glory in appearance and not in heart and probably need to again look at this word glory because it’s really is one of the most misunderstood words in the Bible probably and a lot of people they see it and they read over it and they that have a lots of different ideas about what it looks like an how it is and and and what’s it supposed to mean but we see this the idea this glory in appearance and second Corinthians ways we find it in a few other places where the same word glory at exists in and the text but the word glory is from a particular Greek word Kuching EOL is a noun and it’s translated a number different ways and there’s actually a couple of different words that are but in this particular case it’s this word that is sometimes translated rejoicing sometimes to glory glorifying boasting as a noun and means that of which one glories or can glory matter of ground or glorying or glorying or boasting according to the concordance. But the word itself is from another Greek word could choke my which is a verb and they that’s transcendent glory about 23 times, but also “boast” a times rejoice four times make most enjoy and they say that it it means again to glory weather with reason or without the glory on account of a thing to glory in a thing so are we getting an idea of what this word actually means it’s from a jail which means to boast. So it’s a slight taking credit for something well if you take credit for your righteousness, you’re not a very humble person. If you take credit for the fact that you figured out how the system works you’re going to get yourself into trouble if you try to go out and convince people they’re wrong and they need to think this way then you know is that you glorying is that you taking the credit I figured this out you need to figure this out. I did not figure this out this is shown me and God wants to show you to I just talk about because I am compelled to talk about my faith compels me to talk about and tell other peoples about but this idea of glory has to do with taking the credit for something. And what do they say? To God all power and glory.
Socialism Takes Away from Everyone
[00:31:43] He’s he saying here that ye may have some want to answer them which take credit in appearance well maybe they say they’re Christians they say there say they say their righteous they say that you were doing it right were fighting for the rights of people and trying to get everybody to become socialists just cannot oxymoron but that’s a year because nothing takes away the rights of the people quicker than socialism. Because as soon as you’re in a socialist state the state has ownership of your labor and has the ownership of everything you produce and it will take everything away from you as it so desires. You think is going take away the rich and give do you know it’s gonna take away from where they can take away from and they’re going to keep it. And they’ll like you they’ll take away from you to because you’ve taken away the right of the individual to have them be the means of production. That’s what socialism does.
[00:32:51] Back to… “Some want to answer them which take credit glory in appearance and not in heart.” of hearts we have to give God the credit and he goes on verse 13. “For whether we be beside ourselves it is to God or whether we be sober it is for your cause for the love of Christ constrain and thus, makes us humble because we thus judge that if one died for all then were all that and that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them and rose again.” will how do we live for Christ if you need us we live for Christ to live as Christ who came to save others so we gather and attends hundreds and thousands not to save ourselves not to take credit because we figured it out but to help and save others not, certainly, like the home churches who get their little home church group yeah they want to go get another little home church groups but I have not yet found a single home church group that wants a daily ministration that takes care of the needy of society. They all all the ones I’ve come across night and say all of them come across all of but they all go to the men who call themselves benefactors but exercise authority one over the other and and light for Polybius that have an appetite for benefits in the habit of receiving them by the way of the rule of force and violence. They don’t do the force of violence, they have the government do it and they’ve grown accustomed to feed at the expense of others and a pen for their livelihood on the property of others through a socialist state and is getting worse and worse and worse in their advocate used to be when I grew up communism was bad. Socialism was bad. Now mostly kids coming out of school because you send them to a socialist school think the socialism is good this is altering the course of society is going to turn everybody and bury savages and the zombie apocalypse will be upon you so you have to change your ways you can change the yeah you can bear witness but really I think the key thing is that you have to create a network that is actually doing what Christ said. And in that process you’re going to be putting on the wedding garment that Jesus talks about and you will be clothed, like Paul talks about, because of the fact that you are taking care of one another but not boasting of yourself you’re actually doing it and you cannot get it done without sacrificing of your self like Christ so that you will have a more abundant life and more abundant spiritual life and then when you need to get something for your health are turned left her turn right for your health or for your life to save your life to save others lives you’ll know what to do because you will be spiritually awakened unfortunately most people are not spiritually awakened so so I’m not sure they will not rise in Christ they will not rise in the anointing they will not receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit they will not be able to do all the things that Christ did, and even greater things than what Christ did they will not be able to do because they will not lay down their life and love for others. They will not gather for the purpose of saving others. This alters you in a way of putting you in another place where you are actually plugging into a spiritual source that will give you information you will not even be able to get from the tree of knowledge. The people trying to study what I teach and think while I’ll get all this knowledge and I’ll put it all together and then I’ll I’ll go and I’ll be able to do it myself now because it’s not were not eating of the tree of knowledge were eating of the tree of life. And you can’t get near the tree of life if you’re glorying in yourself if you’re glorying in your cleverness if you think you’re going to figure it out and you know do this this this this and then you got it made because you figured it out. No you can’t figured out Holy Spirit must reveal it to you must he must be the comforter. Not your intellect. and having a rills being real smart individual with a big intellect remember all kind of facts and information is actually a dangerous temptation. Because it’s power. And power corrupts you of your really smart that’s power and not being really smart and corrupt you and think that while I can you the tree of knowledge figure this out and I will have my edge. No!
If Any Man
[00:38:29] So he says… and this is my title of this paragraph… “If Any Man.” And it’s the last paragraph in this chapter. “Wherefore henceforth, no, we know man after the flesh yeah a though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.” Now is talk about is still crisis in the flash was here he’s not here now how do we know Christ how do we know Jesus how do we know the spirit of God how do we receive the comfort says in verse 17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ be in the anointing he is a new creature all things are passed away they are passed away…” He’s passing way he is not the pain been upon necessary all the old things that he learned I’ve been taught lots of stuff most of where IA has got me to where I am today I had to forget stuff that I was thought that wasn’t simply not true have to let go of the and is one of the big things that we talk about these things and people have heard this before they don’t want to let go of what they have already accepted as true and that sealed the old Mark Twain: “It’s not so much what you know it’s see what you don’t know but it’s what you absolutely know is so that just ain’t so they get you into trouble because you have to let go of the lie in order to take hold of the truth. “Old things are passed away. Behold all things are become new.” Well actually nothing is really new in the set is this new you and you are starting to see things differently.
Ministry of Reconciliation
[00:40:23] He goes on in verse 18, “All things are of God who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation.” The ministry of reconciliation. That’s an interesting concept. So what is a ministry of reconciliation? We’re trying to get back not only to the yellow pricing come to take us back to the days of Moses although he was going takes back through the days of Moses in the sense of sitting down the 10 centers of thousands that’s way commanded that we organize that way and start taking care of one another to faith hope and charity not like you did in Egypt where the government was going to take care you. You don’t want to do those things you you want this what he calls the gospel of a reconciliation so what is there is a gospel of reconciliation and how does that work in and where does that put us in the scheme of things. That were reconciliation there is a word that shows up only four times in the Bible and its stress a reconciliation twice it’s also translated atonement is also translated is not the only word for atonement and reconciling and it has to do with an exchange. That’s actually what it means… exchange of the business of moneychangers exchanging equivalent values adjusting of a difference a reconciliation a restoration to favor a restoration to grace so that’s really what the word is talking about in that particular verse. And so one we read that in verse 18 he’s talking about… we’re supposed to be taking care of one another they are telling you don’t have to do anything but you do have to do something to take care of one another and that’s how because we have to hear the cries of others forgot to hear us to hear our voice we have to hear others did to be forgiven we have to forgive others that’s really the key. Verse 19: “To wit that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses under them and have committed unto us the word of reconciliation when he says that and in the verse 19 that word world we should always try to point out when they use the words world that is Constitution reconciling the constitutional orders and systems of government unto himself. But they have to change not to change the way they do things well if you me the government of the people for the people by the people, the best thing to do is to start taking care of one another in faith hope and charity to congregations attend hundreds of thousands. That is going to be the best way to preach the gospel to other people is to become a doer of the work. “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God did the seats you BIOS we pray you in Christ in the anointing stats in Christ then be reconciled to God for he has made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” will still worship must be Christlike were supposed to be gathering together willing to lay down our lives to one another and right away since the next chapter chapter 6 starts out we then as workers to gather with him beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain you have to be workers now workers of iniquity not covetous practice perfect religion that’s what is the message for he said I have heard the in a time accepted and in the day of salvation have eyes to curb the whole now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation. Giving no offense in anything that the ministry be not blame, but in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God in much patience in affliction and necessities in distresses.”
Take Your Eyes Off Government
[00:45:08] Necessities and distresses. Well, these derths were passing thrugh the land… so Paul, one of his first jobs when he joined with the apostles and Barnabas was to go out and deal with the necessities and distresses that were taking place because they had to be the entire social welfare. They couldn’t call on row they couldn’t call on government. So when Coach Dave talks about you don’t take your eyes off government how much do you want to take your eyes off government you just want to not not go down and try to get the right guy elected or are you going to become the government of the people for the people by the people’s are taking care of one another in a righteous society instead of the civil society whether doing it by force because the force they were using in the Corbin and the Pharisees was making the word of God did not affect all you have to do to make the word of God to affect is to start taking care of one another to faith hope and charity start helping one another and you need to do it the way Christ said do It Sharing Way, Christ said do which is in the tens hundreds of thousands which is the way of Christ. And that’s what we have to go back to that way of Christ in order to make these things happen according to the righteousness of Christ. We haven’t always done I actually got quite to the contrary of that.
Clothed Me When I was Naked
[00:46:37] In my side panel here, we had a few notes back there in chapter 5 of 2nd Corinthians… In Matthew 22:11 it says, “And when the king came in to see the guests he saw there was a man which had not on a wedding garment.” So how do you get the wedding aren’t he has to start actually being a doer of the word you can’t just bully you are say you believe you can just profess with your lips you have to profess with your whole body with your whole life and yelling he went on verse 12 of Matthew 22″ “And he said to him friend how famous thou in hither not having the wedding garment and he was speechless then said the key to the sermon buying him hand and foot take him away and cast them into the outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Boy, that’s serious stuff. Christ is saying that this is Christ’s parable but Paul’s talking about us being close how because were actually clothing ourselves by taking care of others what he Christ said many so, my name I know the nod to be workers of iniquity and I have link to the site panels and go read that article will be bringing to the kingdom and who did he reject? T those that did not clothe me when I was naked, they should but these over here who clothed me when I was naked they can come in when they they’re the ones who called the least of his brother who are his brother and those that are doing the will of the father there are many people out there in the world will never become a part of our network. But when they see us doing like they’ve seen me over the years doing what I do take care people taking people in my house actually have several living quarters where I can take people in… I built them and I live in very I don’t live in abject poverty very comfortable house but I built it myself and I heated myself to take care of myself and pay the bills myself with my labor that the fellow is visiting your when I came in the system unit Saturday how come you’re working so hard?” And I was speechless I mean I work every day you know I I should be taking a day of rest and a lot of you would be working the way you should be working I could take more days of rest you believe I just was retired at 55 or manual labor I’m still out there doing manual labor add Brad at quite a few years beyond 55. But the reality is is that those people who blessed me were blessed. And those of you who blessed the brethren of Christ will be blessed and I’m not the only brother prices others out there we should be trying to find but you have to that’s part of seeking the kingdom of God… is seeking those who will be a blessing to others and supporting them in their work.
Living Under a Strong Delusion
[00:50:03] I’ve got here: Does the delusion beget delusion? Where is the strong delusion? I have a live link to our article on “strong delusion.” If truth begets the truth and a lie begets a lie and that’s what’s going on as the modern church is telling you alive telling you a false short easy sugarcoated gospel that is not true and they’re diluting it does delusion beget delusion yes do modern Christians live unto themselves or according to the covetous practices of the world they live according the covetous practices of the world. of modern Christians real Christians don’t modern Christians are real Christians and if they were the world would be in the state that it then today but had to be this great falling away. We’re told that. but now that I’m telling you there’s been this fall away you get to turn around and come back but right now you must realize that you are made merchandise you have cursed your children and you have been cursed by your parents because they all went after those men that Plutarch talked about who were giving away these gifts for two decent benefits. They can became accustomed to living at the expense of others and they pray two men and call themselves benefactors but exercise authority one over the other. And they have been again delivered entangled again in the yoke of bondage is where you’re at because you haven’t been praying to your father in heaven you been trained your father in Sydney, Australia and Washington DC, and London and all the places where you get your benefits. Because the church is not the benefactor of charity anymore it does have some charity but this token stuff.
We Face the Same Problems of the Early Church
[00:51:56] Completely different than when America was becoming great completely different than when Rome was becoming great but very much like wrong when Rome was beginning to fall. And that’s when we see Christianity rising not to become real Christians. That’s we see the Corinthians doing becoming real Christians taking care of one another sending aid to Jerusalem where Jerusalem could do redistributed to other parts of the world where it was needed because they had this network of tens 50s, hundreds, thousands, and 10,000s and 144,000s. And that’s what you need is at the will of the father to covet to fight or to love one another and have life like there to article on one of the meanies says be careful you do not buy one another less you be done by our done deal your devour because you been biting one another versus little things like public education then public education supported not just by the county but by the state and then not just by the statement by the federal government. And then now they regulate when everybody is learning and reading and the regulating the press and the regulating Facebook in the regulating all these things all sin is a triangular transgression of the law. And covetous practices are violation of law. And if you’re going that way you have no inheritance in the Kingdom of God.
[00:53:28] Go to preparingyou.com. Go to hisholychurch.org. Look for the network links. Join the network in your local area. Join congregations in your local area. Even if you don’t come and meet in the same house, but do that so that we can start to expand that network that is part of Christ’s plan and so that you can have an awakening. Whatever energy you expend in that direction will start to awaken you spiritually and so that you can walk in spirit and truth but until then may peace be upon your house and may God be with you so until next time. God bless.