Key 2435 – John Part 17

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2435

In John 17, Jesus talks about the world and his relation to it. The entire message is religious gobbledygook unless one understands which one of the five Greek words for “world” is being used.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: May 18, 2024

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

John addressing problems; Man’s re-creation of self; Repentance; Interpretation; Bible interpreting itself?; Contradictions; Bible as a whole; God has the answer!; Understanding ourselves; “Grafting in” to Christ; Looking for the “Word” of God; “logos”; “Corban”; Sacrifice; Rightful king of Judea; Making the word of God to none effect; Expedience; “leaven”; Biblical warnings about welfare; Bringing together; Killing care; John 17:1; “glorify” = “doxazo” = think, be of opinion of; Character of Christ; Covenanting with men; Saul’s folly; Taking care of one another; Exousia?; Christ’s government; Tithing?; Coming with the heart of Christ; “Submit”; 1 Pe 2:13, Titus 3:1; Heb 13:17 “Obey”?; No exercising authority; Christ’s “world”; “God’s many”; Pilate vs Jesus; Admitting you are in the bondage of Egypt; Faith; Christ = King (Anointed); John 17:5 “world”; Saving the “world”; Born into debt; Keeping God’s word; “Son of God”?; Socialist bonds; Fasting from unclean benefits; Prayer for apostles/ministers; Jesus made himself poor; Degenerating the people; “Name” of God; Pure Religion; Forgiving – giving- judging; Mammon; Decreasing liberty; Right reason; The “way” of Jesus Christ; “Worship”; Your neighbor, your slave; gods of the world; John 17:20; God’s opinion doesn’t change; Gift of faith; Loving truth to love God; People trapped in the world; Imagining Holy Spirit; Serving false gods; Reproving the world; Conscripted fathers – lawmakers; Qualifying for Christ’s Church; God sending Jesus; Receiving Holy Spirit; Taking life; Admitting you’ve been wrong; “Religion”, No coveting; Weakening the poor; God giving sight to the blind; Sharing truth within you, then with others; Being a giver of life; Seek His kingdom and righteousness.

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