Key 2071 – Electing Servants Not Rulers

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2071

Governments throughout history operated on a system based on tens, hundreds and thousands as did the early church. But the system of the early church was based on charity rather than force. Modern Christians participate in the world’s kingdom of force and have no idea that they should be working on the daily ministration required for the parallel system to function.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: November 7, 2020

Show Notes


COVID benefit check
Social Security card in Santo Domingo

Paul’s Notes

Kingdom of God – at hand; Took from Pharisees – political party in power; Essenes; Unrighteous world used force; Making word of God of none effect; Stimulus checks; Church-owned land in common; Jubilee; Strong delusion; Saying vs Doing; Forgive, care, love without force; New Corinthians; Social Security solvency; You are surety; Kingdom voting; How kingdom works; Christ COMMANDED.; Tens, Hundreds and Thousands; Christ’s appointment; Rich made poor; Private vs Public Religion; Already having the mark; The Church is.; “Ekklesia”; Incorporating church; Jews accepting Jesus; Who counts the votes?; Minister’s job; The way of Christ; Deacons; Kingdom blood flow; Congregations and elders; Your status and responsibility; Biblical constitutions; Community/communion; Modern ear-tickling churches; What you can do; Joel’s “Joy and Gladness”; Helping you with your unbelief.

Notable Segments

[00:22:33] Court case of Christians tried in North Africa; Private religion was legal in early Rome; Social Security is PUBLIC religion
[00:28:15] Why Gregory doesn’t vote; Church is a separate society/kingdom
[00:43:33] Duties of a deacon


[00:01:05] Essenes described
[00:06:19] Gregory never cashed a low-income check that was sent to him (gregbio)
[00:10:44] William Jones book Persecution of the Early Christian Church; Early church-owned lots of property; owned land in common.
[00:18:07] Voting in the Kingdom of God; Communities organized in the tens, hundreds and thousands throughout history
[00:22:33] Court case of Christians tried in North Africa; Private religion was legal in early Rome; Social Security is PUBLIC religion
[00:28:15] Why Gregory doesn’t vote; Church is a separate society/kingdom
[00:37:11] Corruption in Oregon increased with mail-in ballots
[00:43:33] Duties of a deacon

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