Key 1060 – The Sabbath – Pt 2

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 1060

Saturday or Sunday? Learn the original precepts and principles of the sabbath. Erroneously, we often ask modern-day Pharisees to clarify this topic that the early Christians, before Constantine, understood.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: December 11, 2010

Show Notes


Paul’s Notes

Look at your calendar, Don’t ask the Pharisees, they got it wrong, Moses in agreement with Christ, Bible is a tool – not the source, Resting, Eusubius and Constantine, Pontifex maximus, Baptism without repentance, A “way” for rulers, Sunday and common assembly, Meaning behind Sabbath, Eucharist, Acts of Marcus Auerlius, Why were Christians persecuted?, WWJD – Mimic that, Asking government to take from your neighbor = not OK, Welfare = not OK, Social Security = not OK, Public Schools = not OK, Socialism = not OK, Instead seek the Kingdom and His righteousness, Debt then work is anti-sabbath – work first, then spend, 1st day assembly – what needs to be done?, Community by love knows where the needs are, Saved by faith, judged by works, Agustus and the Senate, Details of the Roman republic, Family is key!, Then the decline, Apotheos, Now we have abandoned the way of Christ, Proverbs quotes, Repent!, The path of Israel, to the early Church, Strengthening the poor, What to do about it, Spirit + water + blood, God’s spirit in you, Will you see?

Notable Segments

[00:15:48] The way God told us to seek the Kingdom
[00:23:29] The early Roman church within the Roman civil government
[00:37:13] Constantine, no sabbath and socialist society (40:27-41:34 gregbio)


[00:01:35] Sabbath according to the ways of Christ
[00:04:18] Why sabbath on Sunday (12:49-13:49 gregbio)
[00:15:48] The way God told us to seek the Kingdom
[00:23:29] The early Roman church within the Roman civil government
[00:37:13] Constantine, no sabbath and socialist society (40:27-41:34 gregbio)
[00:44:21] We need to agree in spirit

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