You can awaken from the system that teaches lies and learn how to go back to the Kingdom. Special guests Troy and Jean of the Unique Kingdom Ministry share their experience of serving God and His Kingdom.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: September 26, 2009
Show Notes
- free will choice
- Babylon
- sloth
- envy and selfishness
- Yahweh
- Yeshua
- hand of Caesar
- charity
- the Ransom
- world system
- sabbath
- U.S. Passport
- 501c-3
- spiritual and physical salvation
Paul’s Notes
Live from the retreat!
News with Views article – Water control, the Gospel of the Kingdom, 2 kinds of hunger, Special guest: Troy and Genie, Troy’s background in Christian music, living with the Amish, mission work in Haiti/Dominican Republic, getting back to basics, history of cities – Joseph in Egypt, Network – no place for envy or jealousy, Matt 28: 18-20, Troy and Genie’s bouts with Authority, Scripture Rock, the sheep and the goats, another King, the early church, setting your neighbor free, US doesn’t recognize dual citizenship, ALLegiance to the Creator, the Dark Side, our Redeemer, Passports, the two Gospels, Ransom Atonement, Christ IS King, who is your father?
Notable Segments
[00:28:05] Prepare for the rough road ahead applying common bonds of faith, hope and charity.
[00:42:59] Troy: Out of Lucifer’s system
[00:04:23] Economic collapse in Haiti and the world
[00:10:12] Strange gods subjugate us
[00:16:22] Lessons learned by Troy and Jean of the Unique Kingdom Ministry
[00:28:05] Prepare for the rough road ahead applying common bonds of faith, hope and charity.
[00:33:00] Troy: allegiance to the creator and its trade-offs
[00:36:42] Gregory: Jesus said the burden is light.
[00:42:59] Troy: Out of Lucifer’s system
Coming soon