Key 1057 – What it means to seek the Kingdom

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 1057

Learn about the Pilgrims who came to America, the Living Network and what is a freeman. What does it really mean for someone to seek the Kingdom of God and its righteousness? When we first learn about Jesus Christ in the context of history and then read the Bible, we get a different view than that typically offered by today’s modern church.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: November 27, 2010

Show Notes


Paul’s Notes

Reading the bible in the context of the time it was written, Milk and Honey, What were the Pharisees doing?, How to get out of bondage, Be like the ant, Can you forgive?, Strong delusion, Not those who say “Lord, Lord”, The Living Network, Christ’s “weightier matters”, Feeling good vs Being good, His Church Seed Trust, Do we need possesions? Can we practice charity if we have nothing to give away?, Are we there yet?, Community Supported Agriculture, Nutrition the goal – not profit, Aspartame?, Lab rats and cancer, Correctable Diabetes, Re-mineralizing fields, Do this for your neighbor!, What spirit is guiding you?, Building congregations, What the early church was doing, The slothful should be under tribute, Keeping your word, Making your yes, yes, Step 1 – find the others, Pilgrims and the Mayflower Compact, The Declaration of Independence – unwaranted usurpation, becoming a freeman, That was then…, Law vs Legal, Power tempts, Pilgrims learned to govern themselves, supporting one another, George III was the violator of the law, Today’s “freemen”, Where is the character of Christ?, Hebrew “mem”, Join the Living Network because you have something to offer, The Kingdom empowers choice, Who/what are “elders”?, Giving to ministers.

Notable Segments

[00:02:25] How you got into bondage and how to get out (15:20-17:11 greg)
[00:27:21] What was the early church doing and NOT doing?
[00:33:57] Pilgrims, the Declaration of Independence and the Living Network


[00:02:25] How you got into bondage and how to get out (15:20-17:11 greg)
[00:09:22] HC Seed Trust and other projects
[00:19:29] The Living Network and Contact Ministers
[00:27:21] What was the early church doing and NOT doing?
[00:31:02] HC and community projects
[00:33:57] Pilgrims, the Declaration of Independence and the Living Network

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