Learn about Jesus’ solution for this world and the next. This is the first of a series for those who determine to turn around and go the way of Christ.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: September 11, 2010
Show Notes
- repeating Roman history
- democratic centralism
- imperial authority
- American Revolution
- Constitutional Convention
- Bolsheviks
- free government
- food stamps
- wholeness of the gospel of the Kingdom
- religious philosophy
- weightier matters
- higher liberty
- indirect democracy
- modern empire
- runaway inflation
Paul’s Notes
Our only salvation, to incorporate, or not to incorporate, Nimrod and Cain, the spirit of Satan vs Christ, Your responsibilities, HHC in the Real World, Sacred Purpose Trust, Living Altars, Pure Religion, Who is the beneficiary?, Episkipos = bishop, How to love Christ, “Israel” defined, Abraham and Shem, The faith of Abraham, Apostolic Church, precept upon precept, What about “All things in common”?, the Bill of Rights, equitible conversion, the voice of the people – rejecting God by electing, Repent, expatriation, our righteousness must exceed theirs, vows, “Go cry unto the gods…”, Christ’s Comforter, Bonds of the Kingdom are not contractual, “feed my sheep”, What is a trust?, the Constitution of Christ, the Church of the State, understanding the New Testament, Living Stones, unregulated except by Holy Spirit, the Church is a separate government, Statute of Mortmain, the rise of kings – 1000 years after Christ, Magna Carta, Barnabas’ righteousness, returning every man to his possessions, role of the minister, living under God alone.
Notable Segments
[00:10:42] The temple of free bread and circuses that exercise authority
[00:16:21] The different patterns of the early church and Rome
[00:00:32] The solution offered by Jesus
[00:05:56] Practices of a free society based on faith, hope and charity
[00:10:42] The temple of free bread and circuses that exercise authority
[00:16:21] The different patterns of the early church and Rome
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