Keys 1401 – The Truth Is The Truth

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 1401

Mind’s controlled through controlling ideas; “Dogma” (defined) vs Truth (also defined); People wanting to you manipulate you, prune your tree/branches; “Ubuntu” make-over; The “Sacrifice of Red Heifer”; And what about the Passover Lamb?; No leftovers!; Part of strategy of that holy-day; Living altars; Not sectarian/denominational; Deserving poor; How charity distributed; Lots of misconceptions about altars; The “Bless” (“Bloody”/”Sweat”/”Toil”/”Sacrifice”/”Minister of Christ”) connection; A basic function of the priests of God; “Woe unto you…”; Fruit not easily obtainable; If making someone else pay?(!); What we should have been doing instead; Bring kingdom spirit into business; Role (and reward) of ministers; Labeled today as “social justice”; Only through freewill offerings – by faith, hope, and charity; Take back responsibility; Congregations are free assemblies; One man, one woman… raising a family; Minister isolating his congregation from gathering of congregations?; Dead stones, and piled-up, dead, red heifers?; Waive my rights!; Ready for what Pentecost is really about; Workers of iniquity and foolish virgins; Different kinds of societies; The reality; A republic is very different; Election of Sauls; The “American Creed”; Voting in a democracy makes you a party to it; Legal – but not The Way ; Examples of working (sacrificing) together; Federalist Papers #10 quote; Evil is very smart; “When the people find they can vote themselves money…”; Take stock; Loyalty to law, judgment, mercy, and faith… to right, and right only; Not against governments (can actually save ’em); Why “Every child a burden”; “…lost genius of own independence…; How to be free; Right reason; What we need; Churches should be providing; Caesar was right; Two different definitions of democracy; “… no protection for error”; Recommended for homeschooling: “The Higher Liberty”; Reese Commission Report in US Congress; Not US Constitution that had made nation great.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: January 4, 2014

Show Notes

Coming Soon


[00:01:07] Controlling minds through controlling ideas;

[00:02:50] “Dogma” (defined) vs Truth (also defined);

[00:03:44] So, “Knowledge of Good and Evil”?;

[00:04:35] Who’s honestly not eaten of tree of the knowledge good and evil?;

[00:04:44] Who can say they only eat of the Tree of Life?;

[00:05:10] People wanting to manipulate you … prune your tree/branches;

[00:05:30] “Yeah but for the lack of knowledge”;

[00:06:00] “Ubuntu” make-over;

[00:07:30] The “Sacrifice of Red Heifer”;

[00:07:50] Sacrifice of the Red Heifer, and the Altars of Clay and Stone;

[00:08:50] And what about the Passover Lamb?;

[00:09:09] There weren’t no leftovers!;

[00:10:10] Part of the strategy of that holy-day;

[00:10:40] “Living” altars – of charity;

[00:11:00] To not become sectarian/denominational;

[00:11:30] The deserving poor;

[00:12:30] Very important how charity distributed;

[00:12:50] A lot of misconceptions about these altars;

[00:14:20] “Faith” and the “Bless” (bloody/sweat/toil/sacrifice/minister of Christ) connection;

[00:16:37] A basic function of the priests of God;

[00:18:01] Quote on socialism;

[00:19:40] What the socialist, and often the freedom fighter, does not understand;

[00:23:12] Jesus said, “Woe unto you…”;

[00:26:14] That fruit up in the tree is not easily obtainable;

[00:26:55] “I don’t know how they decide who gets a house”;

[00:27:50] And if you’re making someone else pay for it…;

[00:32:56] Each individual congregation gathers together, then those congregations gather…;

[00:33:17] Where the State gets it’s power;

[00:34:00] What we should have been doing instead;

[00:35:51] Showing how to bring kingdom spirit into business;

[00:36:50] Role (and reward) of ministers of congregation;

[00:38:30] What’s labeled today, “social justice,” must be accepted first before it’s thought normal;

[00:40:04] Now bread only provided through freewill offerings – and by faith, hope, and charity;

[00:41:15] YOU must take back YOUR responsibility;

[00:41:56] Our congregations are free assemblies… not associations… not corporations, etc.;

[00:42:45] Man was meant: one man, one woman… raising a family;

[00:43:20] Any minister isolating his congregation from the gathering of congregations?;

[00:44:40] Stacked dead stones, and piled-up dead red heifers???;

[00:46:00] I waive my rights!;

[00:46:17] Pentecost. Know what it’s really about? You ready for it?;

[00:47:42] What “Religion” used to be (and what you think it means today);

[00:50:52] What’s the message about workers of iniquity and foolish virgins?;

[00:52:11] Different kinds of societies produce different kinds of…;

[00:53:55] What industry, righteousness, and serving one another does;

[00:55:08] No matter how you look at democracy…;

[00:55:53] The reality is;

[00:57:22] A republic is very much different;

[00:59:51] That election of Saul was called a rejection of God;

[01:00:17] Did you know there’s an “American Creed”?;

[01:01:23] The right to vote in a democracy makes you a party to it;

[01:02:24] “…A nation of consumers who bite their neighbors for own personal security”;

[01:03:39] And that’s legal – but it isn’t the way of the church, the way of Christ;

[01:03:45] Working (sacrificing) together examples;

[01:06:16] James Madison, Federalist Papers – #10 quote;

[01:07:42] You know, evil is very smart;

[01:08:15] “… never lasts long. Soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself”;

[01:10:16] “When the people find they can vote themselves money…”;

[01:10:40] Take stock! Start or buy, and work a business together – example of;

[01:14:03] Loyalty to righteousnesslaw, judgment, mercy, and faith… to right, and right only;

[01:18:09] We don’t overthrow other governments, we actually can save them;

[01:20:04] Every child a burden, and “One Child” contracts;

[01:21:02] If you want to be a successful businessman… no matter where you are;

[01:22:46] Abraham Lincoln quote, “…lost genius of own independence…;

[01:23:16] Be free how-to;

[01:30:01] But Christ said, not to go that way;

[01:32:22] Right reason;

[01:32:58] What we need (or won’t be heard);

[01:34:01] What churches should be providing;

[01:34:20] Caesar was right;

[01:34:30] 1928 definition of democracy;

[01:35:37] And in a similar place in 1952?;

[01:37:04] The multitude of those who err is no protection for error;

[01:38:19] Recommend: “The Higher Liberty” for home-schooling (these quotes are in there);

[01:40:04] Reese Commission Report in US Congress;

[01:41:10] Patrick Henry argues against the Constitution of US;

[01:41:46] Not the US Constitution that had made the nation great;

[01:42:13] “… every man, the right to be his own oppressor.”