Where do we find the real solutions to today’s problems? On the path of politics or personal morality? Money is at the core of many things that happen in the world; it has corrupted leaders who rule over you. Solutions are spiritual and not political.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: August 28, 2010
Show Notes
- rulers
- seek the high ground
- John 10:10
- life more abundant
- freedom from God
- amoral
- political body
- gospel of modern Christianity
- tents vs. cities
- pharisees
- sabbath-blessed
- credit
- one voice crying in the wilderness
- love righteousness
- Republic
- bankrupt
- ways of Christ
Notable Segments
[00:07:58] Ecclesiastes 10:19
[00:14:53] About money and governments
[00:02:02] Money and the real solutions
[00:07:58] Ecclesiastes 10:19
[00:14:53] About money and governments
[00:21:59] America was once (but no longer) a Republic
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