Track 1991a – Modern Church Set Stage for Gun Confiscation – Pt 3
What are the similarities of the early church and the well-organized militia in early America? How were the needy cared for with no central government?…
What are the similarities of the early church and the well-organized militia in early America? How were the needy cared for with no central government?…
The right to bear arms started eroding the moment the modern church started agreeing to use force to get benefits from their neighbors. Listen to…
The right to bear arms started eroding the moment the modern church started agreeing to use force to get benefits from their neighbors. Listen to…
by Gregory WilliamsAir Date: August 3, 2019Listen to full recording: Keys of the Kingdom 1927 This Kingdom Track can also be found on:YouTube • Vimeo • DTube…
by Gregory WilliamsAir Date: June 29, 2019Listen to Full recording: Keys of the Kingdom 1923 This Kingdom Track can also be found on:YouTube • Vimeo…
by Gregory WilliamsAir Date: May 25, 2019Listen to full recording: Keys of the Kingdom 1919 This Kingdom Track can also be found on:YouTube • Vimeo •…