In Mark 16 Jesus appears to the disciples and instructs them to go into all the world. Did this mean to harass and guilt-trip everyone until they say magic words?
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: November 23, 2024
Show Notes
- 00:01:22 HHC X Space; Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Elders; Minister
- 00:07:00 Jesus Commanded; Doctrines of Men
- 00:15:18 Ten Commandments; Honor your parents; Sabbath;
- 00:21:05 Romans 13; Corban
- 00:26:50 Federal Reserve; Was Jesus a Socialist?; Dearth; Biting One Another; Covet; Exercise Authority; Benefactors
- 00:33:38 Mark 16
- 00:43:30 Deacon; Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Doctrines of Jesus
- 00:46:50 Mary Magdalene
- 00:51:10 Weightier Matters; Tables
- 00:57:45 Dearth; Seven Men; Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Freewill Offering; Baptism; Social Welfare; Dainties; Sodom; Sumer; Pharaoh; Doctrine of Jesus; Workers of Iniquity
- 01:08:08 Three Days and Three Nights; Calendars; Counting of Days; Doctrines of Men; Leaven
- 01:16:22 Benefactors; Religion; Pharisees; Sadducees; Scribes; Bondage of Egypt; Legal Title; Benefactors; Doctrine of Jesus
- 01:25:40 Seven Men; Dearth; Idolatry; Free Bread; Tables; Exercise Authority; Covetous Practices; Doctrines of Men; Leaven; Ritual and Ceremonies; Wages of Unrighteousness; Mammon; Temple of Herod; Covet
- 01:32:45 Idolatry; Golden Calf; Reserve Fund; Merchandise; Curse Children; Legal Charity; Harlot; Pure Religion; Snare; Foolish Virgins; Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Red Heifer; Temple
KOK Notes
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