Key 2462 – Trinity

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2462

Follow-up of a 5-hour group call on X around the Trinity doctrine. This 1-hour wrap-up provides a focus on articles offered at to help bring clarity to the issue.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: October 5, 2024

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

Trinity never appears in the bible; Private interpretation of verses; Unicorns?; Breeches?; Helicopter moms?; Weakening the people; Call hogging; Defining “god”; Vessels of Holy Spirit; Believing what you don’t understand; Council intentions; Saved by the blood?; Simple thing Jesus suggested; The Gospel of the Kingdom; Why people are sitting; Council of Nicaea; “ouisa”; Synod of Elvira; Jesus the same as God?; Agreements to believe?; Tree of Knowledge; Required beliefs; Walking with Holy Spirit; Seeking His kingdom and righteousness; Charity?; Why gather together?; Insurance; “Potestas”; The seat of Moses; False Pharaohs; Heir via adoption; Jesus’s lineage; Temple purification; Parthia?; Gifting gold; Melchizedek; Re-forming the office of king and priest; Pilate’s position; Bondage of Egypt; Revelation; Walk on water.

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