The Kingdom of God is just as real as England Its ministers are its officers, and its apostles are its ambassadors. People have turned these words and more into meaningless metaphysical mumbo jumbo because they don’t understand the original language and context.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: September 29, 2024
Show Notes
- 00:04:00 Lovers of self; Covetous Practices; Denmark; Finland; Daycare vs Homeschooling; Public School
- 00:12:10 Socialism; Benefactors; Mammon
- 00:18:25 World; Sacrifice
- 00:27:30 Bondage of Egypt; Corvee; Merchandise; Curse Children; Corban
- 00:39:37 Strong Delusion; Nimrod; Cain;
- 00:42:00 Daily Ministration; Pure Religion; Religion
- 00:56:40 Paul the Apostle; Romaios; The Higher Liberty; Strive; Weightier Matters; Oaths; Daily Ministration; World
- 01:05:00 Apostle = Ambassador; Minister = Officer; Kingdom of God; Body of Christ = Corpus of Christ = Corporation of Christ
- 01:14:00 Seven Men
- 01:21:45 Homeschooling
- 01:26:40 Free Bread; The Way; Daily Ministration; Blessed Strategy
- 01:36:25 Charity; World; Naked
Paul’s Notes
Controversy; Tasting death?;Explaining confusions in beginning 1 Cor 5?; Paul’s opinion of salvation; Perilous times; “Me” society; Standards of Christ; Covetousness; Born in debt; Home schooling; Dumbing of children; Parenting structure; 2 Tim 3; Socialism; Boasting; Abandoning Christ; Discipline; Diverse lusts; Are you saved?; Disputers?; Them that believe; Preaching sacrifice; Rich men; Importance of honor; Sanctification; Redemption; Bondage of Egypt; Elements of the “world”; 1 Cor 2:1; Opting out of Roman system?; Exempting Amish; Tyranny; Providing for neighbors; Organization of early Christians; Self-discipline; Christ’s kingdom appointed; Paul the doer; Caring only about self; Revelation from God; Breaking strong delusion?; Do you have the mind of Christ?; Mimicking Christ; Substituting righteousness; Private interpretations; Getting back to spiritual things; Walking as Christians; Ear-tickler preachers; 1 Cor 3; God gives increase; Reward according to labor; One denomination; Early Christian welfare; Manifesting Christ; Romans 13; Was Paul a Roman?; Higher Liberty = right to choose; Christ’s instructions to be free; Unbelievers; Sloth; 1 Cor 4:1; “Apostle”; “Minister” = officer; Christ’s kingdom at hand; Incorporation; Illogical behavior; “Steward”; Forgiveness; Right to bear arms = responsibility; Unsuccessful welfare; Finland example; Stubbornness; Who Paul is writing to; Riots; Behavioral problems; Public school?; Unschooling; Other peoples’ money; Defining “Christian”; “Deserving poor”; Paul’s list(s); Rewarding poverty?; Can you handle freedom?; Daily ministration; Pure religion; Caring for needy; Testing your ability to forgive; Rebuke; Nature of love (charity); Spectacles to the world; Dearths; Following the way of Christ; Slavery of sin; Little tyrants; Offices of power vs service; Benefit addiction; Being industrious; Denying Holy Spirit; Love one another.
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