Key 2454 – Mark 8

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2454

Mark 8 is yet another chapter of the Gospels that describe the feeding of the 5000. No where do we see the magical event promoted in every show you’ve watched about that event. What we Do see it people organizing themselves.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: September 7, 2024

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

First gospel written; Mail at the time of Christ; Military Christians; Trade; Courts; Things Mark knew; Comparing to Matthew and Luke; “Q” gospels; Theophilus’s journey; Baptism; Sharing the whole narrative of the bible; 2 systems of “religion”; Having your eyes opened; Creating false Christs; Unmooring metaphors; UFOs?; Angels; Sparing Sodom; Demoniac; Sharing what God’s sharing; Influential spirits; Antifa?; Getting back to the common narrative; Reviewing Mark 7; Blind man being healed; “ephphatha”; Ps 69:23; Darkened eyes; Ecc 2:14; Differing interpretations of the same event; Spirits in animals; Real men?; Denying responsibility; Two trees; Corban of the Pharisees; Living in spiritual darkness; Censorship; Blind man’s parents; Cursed children; Robbing widows and orphans; Becoming Christ-like; Constantine’s church; Social welfare through force; Mark 8:1; Greek “tis”; Lacking time for food and rest; Organizing the people; Charity vs compelled offerings; Killing care; Coveting via government; Societal degeneration; Isa 42:7; Repentance; Mark 8:8 “the did eat”; Explaining?; Mana?; The “sharing” miracle; Love = charity; EBT cards; Welfare snare; THE solution; 144,000; “religion”; Worth-less money; Seeking a sign from heaven; Believing in God?; Swine today; “generation”; Recognizing good ideas; “Leaven”; Apostle education; Ear-tickling; Feeding the sheep; Will you repent?; Doing what Christ said to do; Government assisted suicide?; Blind man healing – in private; Mark 8:27; Who is Jesus?; Christ = anointed = king; Corruption in the Judean government; Priest and king; Recovering Adam’s dominion; Calling PeterSatan”; Power/right to choose; Are you giving choice to your neighbor?; Freewill offerings; Losing your life?; Do you really want to see?; Are you selling your soul?; The reasoning of Jesus; Having life more abundant; The world in debt; Leading you out of darkness; Divided kingdom in Judea; Movie miracles; Trade; New bonds from sharing; Forgiveness; Mt 20:25, Mark 10:42, Lk 22:25; Rev 2:14 Nicolaitans; Ez 16:49 Sin of Sodom; Discover the way of Christ.

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