Key 1987 – 2 Corinthians 11

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 1987

Continuing our study of Paul’s message in 2 Corinthians 11 and the practical insights that apply to today’s government systems.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: December 7, 2019

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Welcome to Keys of the Kingdom. I’m brother Gregory and were going to talk about the kingdom of God again what were were taught about 2 Corinthians and were now in Chapter 11 of anybody wants to go to Fairview in so will get right into it what we’ve been going through first and 2 Corinthians and we been setting the scene in first and second Corinthians at the time of Christ and just to give you a quick review of Corinthians 10 which we did this morning there was a particular word I have gone in and and added a link to it but it was in verse 8 where Paul is talking to Chris if he’s writing to the Corinthians is going to visit he talks about you know what I’m saying now what I’m to say when I come there at but he’s actually providing a service church service was actually taken care of also welfare of the people to faith, hope and charity. that’s the social welfare of the culture and kingdom of Christ the way of Christ as Wickersham was called away and they did it all to charity and that’s something that we used to do in America but we don’t do anymore now we do it to men who exercise authority McCullough’s men government so we elect men who are supposed to take away from other people and give to our neighbor or to ourselves and we live at the expense of others.

Conditions of Rome at the time Paul was writing the the Corinthians

[00:01:56] Paul is talking about you moving from corner to Galatia, Galatia to Macedonia, Macedonia back to Corinth, and back to Israel or to Judea and Jerusalem and carrying funds and supplies because there were a number of difficult times to reset were sweeping across the Roman Empire because of climate change and economic breakdown a lot of countries were severely and that they had started taking silver out of the Roman silver denarii. Nero was doing that. and of course we know when Paul was writing to the Romans Nero was already in power while Claudius was in power but then Vincent was a during the same. Nero took over because the burning of Rome was Nero. We know Paul’s nieces were in Rome at that time and the his half-brother and he and his wife were in Rome at that time and they saw the persecution that came when Nero burned Rome is very clear that Nero was responsible for the burning of Raleigh blinded on Christians but historians of the time my Tacitus clearly are saying as clearly as they could without getting arrested because now was guilty because the Roman patriot act out for just being set up doing something that would seem suspicious so you could be arrested at the drop of a hat but anyway he very clearly says that people were pretty sure that this was instituted by the government of Nero to burn Rome. So anyway, all that was going on all intrigue is going on you don’t know about all that stuff then we read the Bible you’re kind of reading it to glass dimly but the most important thing in reading the Bible is to have the Holy Spirit in your we talked extensively this morning and this morning shows all of which will be available but at that his older start or we have a dickies of the and that preparing all of Marvel websites do people work on different ones I’m actually I work on a lot of them…

Authority = Liberty

[00:04:15] What I was going to bring to your attention is verse 8 in 2 Corinthians chapter 10 where he says, “For though I should boast somewhat more of our authority which the Lord has given us for edification and not for your destruction I should not be ashamed. Not for your destruction how would he give them authority for their destruction what word does he use there in the Greek for authority well I can tell you if you go to Romans 13 let every man be subject to the higher superior authority for power the sometimes HSA power sometimes a translated authority is the same word in both places it say more here it’s also translated liberty because that’s what he’s talking the liberty that was appointed to the apostles and to Christians by Christ as the king of Judea the king of Judea the king of Judea so that you could sign up you had to sign it was somebody to be a part of some welfare system but you could sign up with the king of Judea we can sign up with the Parthenon’s you or someone that you had to because otherwise you would fall on the good graces of the government you be in the streets you’d be pouring they can arrest you for being a vagrant you had no means of support and you are not connected to any Temple anywhere that would take care of your needs if you fell on hard times. So they can arrest you and export you out of Rome out of core out of many of the city states because they didn’t want a bunch of bums hanging around living on the streets like they were in Los Angeles.

Homeless are often milking the system

[00:06:17] Of course, those guys living on the streets in Los Angeles if you went to a survey of all the people living on the street since the all the homeless people living on the streets in Los Angeles you would find out that a vast number of them a large number of that maybe the vast majority of them are getting a government check but a government check goes a lot farther if you’re not rent the place and the weather’s not that bad you put up a tent cost a couple hundred dollars to put up a 10 unit in your buddy watches a tent and then you your money goes a lot farther that government Jack goes a lot farther and then you can go to food kitchens and welfare and then maybe dual drugs or prostitution pick up some extra cash there just working the system. Now amongst, those people doing that, there are some people that are really may be mentally delusion to have some sort of difficulty air it may be sometimes even handicap but there really is no need for that but these people are often just work in the system there are people that could need help but how do you find them and who should be taking care of the well if you want the government to take care of they’re going to approach the problem with the same gusto and efficiency as you see and at other every other bureaucrat a bureaucracy across the world.

Private school alternative in India

[00:07:48] I was just listening to somebody talking about the public schools in India and some of the course of forcing their kids to private schools. It costs them a dollar with the dollar day or like a dollar a week or dollar month as is some ridiculously low amount by our standards but it it’s a sizable of a contribution that they have to make but they’re setting of these private schools and the kids are learning to go to the public school and sometimes the teachers don’t show up for months at a time then specters come by but it’s cheaper to pay the inspector than to actually show up and do the work bureaucratic corruption. It appears wherever you have a caste system and they have a caste system they have a caste system in England so it actually appears there to some degree as well and were getting to that point here in America and the the fact is your kids are not learning what they could be learning if you home taught them. even if you’re you’re not I know people home taught their kids Nate never had a high school education English was not the first language and their kids were smarter than the kids graduating from high school even smarter than some of the kids graduating from college.

The Ekklesia was the government

[00:09:08] Anyway, the fact is this Paul was a government. He uses words all time that are specifically designed for government even the word at class C amines the called out of the government the government is so corrupt they call out the leaders of the government. And those who come out to reorganize that government are the accuracy and that’s what we call church. This is new government Jesus as I went taking the boy from you guys were not bearing fruit are not bearing fruit because it set up a system of social welfare that are operated by force and John the Baptist was setting up a system that operated by charity, And Christ continue that work Paul continue that work Peter continue that work and James continue that work and all the church was doing that and they became private religion and because some of the early Jews who were Christians signed up for Christianity and not for the samples around they were cast out by Claudius so that and when that happened they are bad press people I she said they were atheists because they weren’t signing up with any of the known guides they said well are our God is in heaven east that God without a name you call him Yahweh or some but that’s not really his name and they say Christ is our God and our king and course Christ always pointed to the father. But he did appoint a church and are called out group they trained up called out and appointed them and they began to operate a system of social welfare, not through golden temples, but through the golden rule: Do onto others as you would have others do and you and so this is what he was doing and so he’s telling you right there they translated authority here as blessed as they translated liberty but this is the liberty are your right to choose if you sign up with the Parthenon as they will tell you how much you had to contribute if you signed up with the Temple built by Herod, they would have got by multi-tax collectors coming by counting the Cummens branches in your windowsill can pacing off your crops looking at how many fish you caught and saying how much you owe in taxes and that was making the word of God enough that because you were not operating by faith hope and charity. Christ is teaching us how to operate the government of liberty. Peter told you that if you go the cover this way in this way of forced contributions was a call transferism… just the ways of wickedness, the ways of iniquity… then you end up on her tyrant’s going to change your character and is going to make you subject to the first tire that comes along.

The loos of freedom goes deeper than upholding the Contitution

[00:12:20] You want to solve the problem of loss of freedom? I listen to the program a little bit that was just before us and even introduce that we would be coming on and I can’t remember his name is grew something progress I just found out about the dad and even know about it and I’m terrible at remembering names and stuff got here somewhere but anyway you introduce that we would be coming on next and he was looking at your constitutionalist and anticonstitutional us a lot of the stuff is going on the news and I get to listen to the whole show but we had some common sense thing I’m not a constitutionalist I’m not anticonstitutional. I study the Constitution I read the Constitution I understand pretty much how the Constitution operates but I also know and so did the founding fathers know their shortcomings in the Constitution. It only works for moral people and a people who covet their neighbor’s goods to the power of government, and give to government the power to choose how much you’re going to contribute to where it’s gonna go to give them that power is not moral people it’s a covetous people and it will make you merchandise which is what Peter says it is exactly what is happening. and eat what you what Christ was saying what John the Baptist was saying what Paul was saying you had to repent think a different way and you have to start becoming that social welfare of righteousness rather than that social welfare system of greed covered in this covetous does want in this lasciviousness which is what Rome was doing and becoming and it was altering the character of the people and it was spelling to do of the Roman Empire.

How the sexual revolution collapsed society

[00:14:14] We talked this morning that this extensive study that she was several of the studies looking at cultures throughout history and they notice that at one point a lots of these cultures that were monogamous and and and believe that children young people should not be having sexual relationships until they’re married and so they had this monogamous and marriage was for life and you didn’t cheat on one another they had that built into their culture they lasted for hundreds and hundreds of years but one they had a sexual revolution were all of a sudden you didn’t need to do that was old-fashioned we don’t have to worry about that and the parents didn’t know how to even stand up to that because why because it was already a moral breakdown the parents is that you you didn’t have more than three generations and the entire society would collapse well why couldn’t they Christian majority when this was taking place over, because they were already losing eyes to see and ears to hear how calm they were losing eyes to see and ears to hear. they didn’t know how to deal with this sexual revolution how to set up fight against it as we were not against flesh and blood but there should’ve been some way were we could expose the fallacies of bullishness of that but we were unable to do it, Why? Because we had already decided that it was okay to take from our neighbors through a social welfare system run by men who call themselves into factors but only exercise authority one over the other.

Viable society depnds on the “perfect law of liberty

[00:16:02] Christ was training up ministers to be the benefactors of the people to rightly divide the bread from house to house to take care of the poor and needy of society but only to charity through what Paul will will eventually call the perfect law of liberty if you don’t take care of your nation to the perfect law of liberty to charity you’re not going to stay free of care what you think the Constitution is the answer for you or not is not going to stay free as a society are not to stay viable as a side society and you will culturally collapse and you’ll be overrun more about you know the Muslims coming in bringing their culture and other cultures coming in everything that is supposed to be phobic about people is the reality if all those people out there who were saying there were Christians were actually doing what Christ said there would be no threat to the United States to the people of America by these strange cultures and philosophies but the fact is you’ve walked away from the ways of Christ for generations to and now strong delusions come that you believe a lie that you actually think your saved when you’re actually workers of iniquity something Christ prophesied. something Peter prophesied something Paul warned you against. Something James preached against. But people don’t know this because your ministers are in the same delusion and you’re in this cold chamber of self-righteousness avoiding true righteousness all the time.

Paul spoke about the echo chamber of Roman society

[00:17:45] And, of course, that’s what Paul was talking about in 2 Corinthians 10. He was talking about this self-righteousness of the people in literally in the chamber. He didn’t use the word echo chamber but that’s literally what he was talking about is the people in this echo chamber of self-righteousness when he’s talking see where did he put that a triptych of the exact words that he puts it would be in verse 12 for we dare not make ourselves of the number or compare ourselves with some that come in themselves in a boast of themselves but they measuring themselves by themselves at the net echo chamber and comparing themselves among themselves are not wise. and that’s that’s what we see today that you know it they can’t see the prop that their blind that they don’t have eyes to see they can’t see in this all comes from vanity so that’s why Christ is preaching humility crisis preaching forgiveness prior to the crisis preaching to to give to others to sacrifice for others to lay down your life for others you can do that without humility and when you try to do that you come you’re going to become face-to-face going to come face to face with your own lack of righteousness but that’s what you’re seeking the kingdom of God and the righteousness of God and so when you come face-to-face with that you can accept that forgive yourself and step up rise up and do what Christ was requiring.

Tithing is voluntary, taxes are forced

[00:10:17] I never did get in the side panel on the page for 2 Corinthians 10 I got a lot of links there ministering to the Saints and and the tithing was always a voluntary choice. Taxes are not a voluntary choice tithing was you choose in order to do that an international or international bases you had to approach things a little bit different way I still see but I’m to put a live link in there to that word that they say his authority and actually means liberty. And you can check it out for yourself and I’m a fix a few other things on the page but let’s go ahead and get into 2 Corinthians 11 as were trying to get to the whole grant because we’re going to go on to some other projects that were working on to try dual waking you to the way the early church even operates.

Do not take Paul out of context of Jesus Christ

[00:20:29] The first chapter are the first paragraph of that chapter 11, 2 Corinthians, I entitled just to help you navigate around all the chapters Estes to help navigate around because it’s one letter there are no chapters in a rut letter that you write we put those in after-the-fact. It helps you organize where you’re at, but you should never forget you never start reading anyone verse outside of the context of the whole letter or out outside the context of the whole documentation of Paul’s teaching. Do not take Paul out of the context of Paul. And, certainly, never take Paul out of context of Jesus Christ.

In deed, there is only one denomination, image of Christ vs real Christ

[00:21:10] Preacheth another Jesus. That’s the title. Verse 1: “Would to God he could bear with me a little in my folly and indeed bear with me so he wants you to bear with them indeed actually end the look of the Greek in what you do for I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy for I have espoused you to one husband that I may present you as a Chase virgin to Christ.” Remember, there is only one denomination of the church established by Jesus Christ and that denominator is Christ we are lots of people who tell you about Christ creating image of Christ and we talked about that this morning at the get rid of your imagination your vain imagination stop worshiping the image of Christ you created your mind and really get to know the real Christ. I’m sure you know some aspects of his character but are you if you leave out one aspect of the gospel of the kingdom, the gospel you preaches a lie is that’s the definition of a lie. To remove part of the truth terms the truth into a lie. So bursary but I fear last by any means as the serpent beguiled the through his subtlety so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ for if he that cometh preaches another Jesus somebody else is not what Jesus is preaching not what Jesus is saying not what Jesus is trying to tell you: we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which you have not received or another gospel which ye have not excepted you might well bear with him. So what what what kind Jesus do you believe in do you believe in a Jesus said we are not to be like the governments of the Gentiles who exercise authority one over the other but call ourselves benefactors, but were supposed to be taking care of one another to fake open charity in the perfect law of liberty. By sitting down and another thing that he commanded sitting down in the tens of hundreds of thousands for the purposes of taking care of one another are we doing it because that’s what he commanded but people are told that by the minister and have more faith in their minister than the actual factual text that has come down to us. And ultimately so I go to the text and show you that the churches are not doing with the early church did not affect their doing what the Pharisees were doing so they need to turn around now will you minister turn around and preach the fullness of the gospel the simplicity of the gospel? Or will he keep diluting you keep feeding the delusion so that you don’t actually repent on the very thing that the Pharisees had to repent up or the kingdom would be taken away from them and that was that they were making the word of God to no effect with their Corban.

[00:24:39] So the next paragraph is, “I robbed other churches…” So did he rob other churches? “For I suppose I was not a wet behind the very cheapest apostle but though I be rude in speech yet not in knowledge but we have been thoroughly made manifest among you in all things so they know what Paul is doing what he says we talk about Timothy and the other apostles that are out there doing the job and so they know what he’s been doing have I committed an offense in abasing myself that you might be exalted because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely the gospel of God is that we have turned away we’ve repented turned away from the ways of force and turned towards the ways of charity. That’s for that’s accepting the gospel of Christ and to accept the full gospel of Christ you have to be doing the other things that Christ said to do the pictures have to be doing what he said do the people have to be doing what he said to and Paul just said that in the last chapter. Not just him but you also I robbed the churches taking the wages of them to do you service and when I was present with you and wanted I was chargeable to no man for that which was lacking to me the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied. Because he had been there before with the brothers from Macedonia is writing this letter probably from Macedonia and in all things I have Myself from being burdensome unto you and so well I keep myself as the truth of Christ is in me no man shall stop me of his boasting in the regions of Acadia. visits also pay you the honest degree can Creek area we talked about that before and he had been there all over that area as well customer wasn’t just one church year one to ship it was tens 50s hundreds thousands by groups of 10 because this is ranks upon ranks and that means you put the other group attend and then they get together with nine other groups like that and then they pick a minister and then he ties them all together with another thousand or so people—or thousands of families and this is how they created a social welfare system of charity.

Home churches fail unless they are part of a bigger network of welfare/charity

[00:27:26] Unless you do that, I don’t know how you could create that social welfare system of charity. This idea going to be in home church great idea there are churches all meeting homes everything was small intimate congregations and then you can talk over things like you have trouble with your marriage in trouble with your kid you trouble your business, you having trouble… You become a viable community of people helping each other this this alters you the same is looking to the government for benefits at the expense of your neighbor alters you but that’s what you want want to be altered back the other way. And the more you invest in your neighbor the more God will invest in you the more he will open up your eyes and more the scales will come off. But you have to care about neighbors you don’t even know not why the vast network that was set up by the Christians by Christ really and then continued by all these different ministers… And why Paul could travel from one city state to another all over agrees to one village after another and they knew out yet we’ve got group over here we got group over there and is not just a group… I was just talking to somebody basis this design is that is a won’t work with people out here watching people out here closer than a lot of times and people say no it takes repentant people the same as when I was in the beginning of the show station won’t work with immoral people. And I did make that up. was absent it before I was even thought about some long before me. The Constitution is only written for more people is not written for people to cover their neighbors good so you have to change and repent and do something different and yet tens of thousand don’t just work for people who are self-righteous it works for people who are seeking the righteousness of God. And unfortunately a lot of churches are catering to people who want to feel self-righteous I belong to this church I belong to a church not uncut sorry you’re you’re getting yourself into more and more trouble.

Why were early Christians called Atheists?

[00:29:33] So he goes on to say wherefore because I love you not God Noah but what I do that I will do that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion that wherein they glory they may be found even as we for such are false apostles deceitful workers to the room trouble with his back then transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no marble for saying himself is transformed into an angel of light therefore it is no great thing if his sentence to stock about ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness whose ends shall be according to their works and what he’s prophesying right then of events that we would see unfolding history Isaiah seen them I’ve written about them in the Christian conflict of ego read article Christian conflict… Because it shows you what the Christians were being tried for what their crime was and their defense against whatever the suppose a crime was that a set that they were saying that this idea of living by faith hope and charity and not signing up with Roman welfare system was evil. That’s why they called them atheists. they didn’t accept the gods of the Roman genius the Roman Imperial cult they actually call it an article on they wouldn’t sign up with us because they trust in the God of heaven who said love one another and hope that one another is there for you because he screening bonds of the society that will last forever and ever and ever and it did for those who follow that way most people have follow that way those of you want repent because we were told it be this great falling away because Sainsbury covered the adversaries pretty clever he’s got all these people out there trying to tell you that all know it’s okay to cover your neighbors as the agency of government as long as you accept Jesus well I don’t know what Jesus they’re talking about but the Jesus I’m telling you about said no it’s not okay you said you not to be that way with you but there say it’s okay to be that way now but they’re not real Christians. And so you just have to realize this in repent and turn around and go the other way. So anyway, it’s time for break. Be right back.

People aren’t following the way of Christ because they aren’t being taught the way of Christ

[00:32:20] Okay, welcome back. I found a couple… I found the one for the guy who mentioned us at the end of his which they refer to as the Pilgrim show Pilgrim Guru, I think is the name at that anyway so were back and were still again second Corinthians and what we need to understand is this idea that this way needs to be followed by those who really are following Christ or they’re not really following Christ and a lot of people are not following the way of Christ because of not being taught the way across who will eventually repentant and follow the ways of Christ but that’s what we should be doing so the Of the finish of the other one with that sings ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness they actually present themselves as ministers of righteousness they persecute those people who operate by faith hope and charity. No, we’re not to that point right now if you do it right is no reason they should be pursued but is it is a major change in your life to turn around and start looking this other direction and it’s a process it doesn’t just happen overnight so first and of course we know that Christ taught started with repent, think a different way. He he spoke against the Corbin which was a social wall versus run to the Temple of Herod that operated by force contributions ego back to simulate and in the articles on foolishness of Saul. And you can see very clearly that this idea force contributions will start taking care of the needs of society’s defense is going to take you down another roads going to cloud your viewing your visions that you go down another road and then you won’t see the other things that they trap you into and get you involved into so you won’t have to the character to to deal with a sexual revolution that is going to destroy your nation the the import of all kinds of ideas every if all welfare to force contributions was shut off right now course nobody’s going to agree to that army very few you can shut it off are you but I recommend you sit down the 10 sons and thousands because you may need help don’t be stupid like some of these people who forsake the gathering together and run often in their old self-righteous is safe all I figured out the Bible over the does anything in there about network Arnel attends the designers of the unsaved guy said that nothing in there about network said that Christ and say that we had to sit down attends 57,000 yet again you just this when you read it you skip over it because you’re not led by the Holy Spirit your lead by your own vanity.

When Greg started seeing these things

[00:35:19] I didn’t see it and I read stuff for years. I saw all kinds of things that I never saw when they’re training me back you what is going to St. John’s College they didn’t tell me things that raise my hand and say what about this but they do tell me the answers that you give me satisfactory answers and so then I began to study amount and started saying oh my gosh I started seeing things and nights are picking up the book and I would say like what you want to show me today and it you to bring me other books God would provide is about to buy books as I said that to the beginning okay I’ll do this Lord all right all his stuff and say all these words but I’m not going to I can afford to buy books and was at until God not going to is that I don’t have the money. I’m living on the desert raising my family and I felt the answer was yes okay I’ll people send them to the center but then they should be so many read them all I felt like how I do this as I just fanned in the book until I see a piece of paper that looks good they gain freedom as a fan to and he says a look at this page only that page and sure enough right there is almost like a flashlight highlighting it and help me write lots of books on writing others but I have to go accordingly in the spirit. And what God wants to see is you listening to the cries of your neighbor on that I’m limited in what I’m allowed to share with you how we shared an awful lot of it as you complain that I have given them enough them study what I’ve got out there what we’ve set up in all kinds of webpages and different URLs but and lots of different formats he can listen to audios you know, Keys of the Kingdom audios, all kinds of things you don’t just up podcast but you have to start listening for the cries of others and is no way to do that without sitting down attends hundreds of thousands just drive around and occasionally helping somebody with a flat tire is not kingdom enough is great that you did that but that’s not what the kingdom is about.

Paul’s sarcasm

[00:37:39] So anyway so we have to turn around repent and go the other way so what is this I speak foolishly he says in verse 16 I say again let no man think me a full and otherwise yet as of will receive me that I may boast myself a little that which I speak I speak it not after the Lord but as it were foolishly in the confidence of boasting see that many glory after the flash I will glory also for ye suffer fools gladly see yourself are wise. Okay… I should’ve said at the beginning of this maybe should name this paragraph sarcasm alert test pump being sarcastic here you know you guys are all boasting I should boast your glory after the flash I guess I should also free suffer bulls you listen up bowls seeing yourself as wise he said beer they are wise you know back in the previous chapter measure in this little echo chamber where you say yeah I’m say when you say that stayed in April I’ll have said to me you know no if you’re not doing what Christ said and every one of the apostles warned you one place or another warned you to check your fate I just read where Paul was warning that you need do think again and in the swine pointing this out he says for yeast suffer it a man bring you into bondage if Amanda Bauer you why has Amanda Bauer you think yourself wisely devours your mind he devours her thinking he’s devoured you are merchandise this wire of the book ovens they got you are in the bondage of Egypt very clearly Ike I quote the law show you the law just restarted somebody they again that there talk about slavery and stuff I do

What is slavery? Corvee

[00:39:51] What is slavery your site got paid unit most lies got paid and get paid very much. They plate for the full value of their labor but they got paid they can move around because they were in debt as they were bought out of the slave ship and who sold in the shape set some black guy in Africa sold him into slavery it was not selling them into slavery. is by people in price all in all Muslim and Muslim sold them to some English shipment who sold them to everyone via. Most of the people sold Africa did not come to America and only about 4% of Americans ever even owned slaves that this was you we made a big deal about civil war ending slavery but there wasn’t much slavery going on in America compared to a lot of other places in the same I could say to some degree in England but the reality is that most people in England were not Freeman. there were subjects that’s I call them subjects but what is slavery slavery is when you work in somebody else gets to take away the profit by force you know any place where that’s going on just about everywhere in the world we don’t call us slavery is actually a technical term would be a Corby system of statutory bondage if you are in order core V is you can look it up on our website because we tell you prepare you die, we defined we show you where we get slavery was not really a big thing in Egypt is not actually a digital story and say that slavery was never a big deal in Egypt because they had this vast system of Corvee where the people owed a portion of their labor is 20% of your labor you owed to the government they were to take care of welfare but they eat they proceeded to tell you how much sugar intake air welfare but you are in the core V a portion of your labor belong to the state that’s corvee. Now when you make a moment about urine bondage of slaves in Egypt now they say the word slave but that’s not really technically correct they sold themselves into a contract role relationship and bondage at what they’ve done and that’s a course why the in the Ten Commandments it tells you to make no covenants with their gods. Because you grind up you don’t swear any of those Jesus says swear not because it’s, the medieval and James says above all else.that they can mouse by taking a house to get benefits. Your back in the bondage of Egypt except the year not subject is 20% almost 20% dismissal security you’re also got up income tax and sales tax property tax in your text way more than the peasants of the of czarist Russia.

Modern church preachers aren’t sacrificing as much as Paul

[00:42:50] So he says, “I say again let no man think me a fool. he says because you although I should be because you like to listen to fools who what for yeast suffer if a man bring you into bondage if Amanda Bauer you. If a man take of you if a man exalt himself if a man smite you on the face I speak as concerning reproach the that’s Becky tell you this sarcasm. I’m reproaching you. as though we had been weak howbeit where in so ever any is old I speak foolishly I am bold also. So anyway, he’s speaking in sarcasm to get you the idea he said they say very clearly because you do not bite one another SUB devoured in the words you don’t want to get even a little benefits from people who exercise authority because what you doing is biting your neighbor taking a bite out of them when you take from them to those men who exercise authority. You do that very much and you will be devoured seeking the kingdom of God is going the other way. Trying to do more and more by charity and less and less by force is that process. So verse 22: “Are they Hebrews so on my are the Israelites so my are they the seed of Abraham saw my are they ministers of Christ he doesn’t say’s it he says I speak is a fool again sarcasm alert I am more and labors more abundant in stripes above measure in prisons more frequent in death oft. Dealing with the threat of death. of the Jews five times received a 40 stripes save one thrice was I beaten with rods once was I stoned thrice I suffered shipwreck a night and a day I have been in the deep in German journeys often in perils of waters in perils of robbers in perils of mine own countrymen in perils by the he then in perils in the city in perils in the wilderness in perils in the sea in perils among false Hebrew brother and she is the false brother in wariness and painful was and watching’s often in hunger and thirst in fasting often in cold and nakedness besides those things that are without that which cometh upon me daily the care of all the churches that he’s any stable moving funds around to be the FEMA the faith emergency ministry auxiliary for all the churches. “Who is weak and I am not weak who is offended and I burn not if I don’t get angry if I must needs a glory I will glory of the things which can serve in my infirmities the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ which is blessed for ever and ever more know what that I lie not in Damascus the governor under a Regis the King The city of them that’s the masses seen with a garrison desirous to apprehend me and through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall and escaped his hands. So he’s saying, you know, this is been a rough road but we know he’s actually content trying to get them to realize you know I take any money from you guys that it will be a burden from you guys but I’m working here and he’s writing it down make a record I’m doing these things you know you should and the other ministers are doing the same kind of thing suffering the same kind of thing in order to become that social welfare of Christ. A righteous soul social welfare that is dependent upon charity rather than force. Is that where you’re going is that what you’re striving for is that which are ministers driving for your masters live of the world they go and get the Social Security benefits from a bankrupt system.

The bankruptsy of Social Security

[00:47:43] Social Security has been bankrupt since the beginning. We show this very clearly by Supreme Court rulings. And by the actual records of the government the reason they started so securities they were bankrupt and needed more assets they needed more collateral for the debt because the Federal Reserve was not alone anymore money without more collateral. Well, when you signed up for Social Security your parents and grandparents signed up for Social Security became collateral for the debt you don’t believe me disco read to so security act is to go read it and find out what they’re talking about Yaya pencil skirt excellent 3—1% back then—and for other purposes well that’s when you entered into the core V and your parents and your grandparents were doing this and it blinded them so they could they couldn’t deal with the sexual revolution they couldn’t deal with a warm poverty warm poverty is been the war on the poor it was actually created by Lyndon Baines Johnson to make the poor depended upon him is to know some of the more correct its name I did the same thing to weaken the people that Polybius wrote about but you know history. Some of these guys actually know history the spirit that they serve knows the history and maybe just encourage they may not actually know the facts of history but they knew it would weaken the people and it is done exactly that we can the people and that’s where people are today. They’re back in the bondage of Egypt there back under the nimrods in Keynes and Caesars in perils of the world that have been made merchandise just as Peter predicted through their covetous practice not because all the wicked bankers, oh the wicked government old the fraud wasn’t that it was our covetousness if you want to be free to have to move away from the idea that coveting your neighbor’s goods is okay and you have to move to the ideas of Christ where you are supposed to be living by charity and helping one another the ideas of John the Baptist that if your neighbor has need your help him out but what neighbor do you help out other people that are working the same way. That are going the same way and that’s what baptism was all about it was saying to go the way the John the Baptist talk about him not to go the way of force on the go the way of charity I would start helping my neighbor about how you do see all of the church with 500, 1000, 2000 people know you’re in you organize your selves and ranks attends 50 centers and thousands same way as the French underground did. Get my drift same way that the early church was when they had to hide out in catacombs and where the suddenly 14,000 families could be kicked out of Rome because it wouldn’t sign up for the government welfare system run to the temples of Rome that is is right in front of you it’s always been in the text. But nobody told you the history’s main effect they have designed to keep the history from you soon you did not understand the text but I ask you to ask yourself why didn’t you understand the text? Why couldn’t you see some of you are willing to say you know yeah this is it one. join the network.

How the Pharasees legally gave up the kingdom.

[00:51:16] So we’re going to go on her time here but that like I say I would like to get into the next chapter to remind you that our home chapters a letter all one letter all one guy to the Corinthians 90 you to the Corinthians. So what he says has to do with the Corinthians. When you understand the Corinthians in you understand Paul Yun standing as a lawyer young Stanley was a Pharisee and that he repented of some of the foolishness of the parasitical approach to the Mosaic law where there there worry about all the jobs and titles and in the the little rituals but then they go out and they covet their neighbors goes to the agency’s myth of men like Caesar Amy when she said taking them away from you how you think he’s going to do that at their own mouth you taking away from exercise it says that you know if you read the Bible it says out of their own mouth they will convict themselves so they did we are looking but Caesar went looking but Caesar. We have nothing but Caesar there out and use anymore I mean by heritage but they’re not there there King is Caesar looking busy that I set right that they just stepped out of the kingdom. All those he said Jesus Christ is the king many of them continuing to practice many of the rituals of the Pharisees but now the simplicity of Christ the simplicity of Moses they were going to love one another they were going to take care of one another to charity not to force they were the true Jews and the true Christians because her following the true King of the Jews king of the Jews king of the Jews but we call them Christians but important work on a lot of people Christians who are actually workers of iniquity and are not doing what Christ said.

Next episode, Paul gets mystical

[00:53:18] That the first verse of chapter 12 starts out it is not expedient for me doubtless to glory you to accept the credit I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord I knew a man in Christ above 14 years ago whether in the body I cannot tell of whether out of the body I cannot tell God know such an one caught up to the third heavens and I knew such a man whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell God know how that he was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words which it is not lawful for a man to utter this is getting into some sort of strange mystical explanation of why does Ellison shift over to that that is where we all need to go we may not see some guy that we don’t know they’re in their body or not but we need the divine revelation of God writing upon our hearts and far minds to understand to see to perceive the truth. Because God gives us eyes to see to hear and you know what you believe it or not that’s actually it is that revelation by which you know what is true.


[00:54:54] I am just trying to’s tear down the strongholds of your mind with the fallacies and foolishness is of the interpretations that men have given you. And I want you to repent of that in turn around and go the other way but I will be up to you join us on the network at Keys of the Kingdom. Well, the best places to go to or and join the network there. And we’ll take you with us as we seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Until then, peace on your house and may God be with you. God bless.

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