We need an institution of Christ that is between the pharaohs and those who repent and follow the ways of Christ. The Whirlwind Tour will be crossing the country to help people understand the right to be ruled by God, which depends on what YOU do. You can take back the responsibility of society with people helping people.
by Gregory Williams
Air Date: January 15, 2011
Show Notes
- Whirlwind tour
- made merchandise
- Marcus Aurelius
- surety for debt
- Roman Empire
- turn around
- go another way
- weightier matters
- church of Satan
- Red Hefer
- subject to God
- offices of power
- offices of service
- religious welfare system
- gods of the world
- by their fruits
- courtroom
- wolves in sheep’s clothing
- ten commandments
- Corban
- under tribute
- under strong delusions
Paul’s Notes
You the People, Kingdom of God = Right to be ruled by God, “Community” made America great, Covenanting with Caeser is Contrary to Christ, Having form of godliness but denying the power thereof, Nation = people – neither here nor there, Subject to God – not other men, Knowledge of Gospel is a gift of God, Comfortable in sin? Churches keep you that way, Why the “Whirlwind Tour”?, The easy and hard way to learn, “gods” = magistrates or judges – make no covenants with them, Offices of power beget men of power; offices of service beget men of service, Do you desire the wealth of your neighbor?, Sunday vs Monday, Diabolos, To whom do you pray?, If you have a contract with Caesar – fulfill the contract, Even the devil believes in God – but doesn’t DO what He says, We must DO!, “Repent” is not “I’m Sorry”, “Coming Out” is at the END of the bible, Seek ye FIRST…, Why the early church was prosecuted, You are “merchandise”, What to do about it?, Finding the Kingdom, Today’s “world”, Paying your tally of bricks, Ministers = bondservants of Christ, Who is my neighbor?, HHC FEMA, The Red Heifer, Being forgiven because you forgive, Doomsday?, “Coercive Church”, The Purpose of the Church.
Notable Segments
[00:12:54] Covenant of the Gods
[00:41:39] How you can turn around
[00:03:46] What is the Kingdom of God?
[00:12:54] Covenant of the Gods
[00:27:54] Finding the Kingdom of God (Whirlwindtour)
[00:30:37] Learn the history of God and Christ
[00:35:47] System of Corban
[00:41:39] How you can turn around
Coming Soon