Key 1029 – Was Christ Really King?

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 1029

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem, there had been no king since the time of Herod the Great. Jesus went directly to the Temple of Jerusalem and began to give commands. Learn more about Jesus as the King of the Kingdom of Judea.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: July 17, 2010

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

Structure of government in Christ’s time, Why did the pharisees ask permission from Rome?, Making covenants, What is “faithfulness”?, Herod the Great’s method, Dead stones vs living stones, A word or two on oaths, Hosanna in the highest!, The “palm” tradition, Christ in the treasury, Apostles = ambassadors, Church is a government, “This Rock”, Who has the Keys of the Kingdom?, Help reading the bible, Temples in early church time, The 14th amendment, Role of the federal government, How to seek the Kingdom, The retreat in Sept, The FEMA of HHC, The Ordained Church, Needing the “world”, Making the change, Purpose of the Church, Gold amongst dirt, Half the truth is a lie, What does *your* government look like?, Worse than Egypt?, Take (back) responsibility!, Are you forgiven? Why?, Voting in morality, Tough love, Homework!

Notable Segments

[00:31:03] Brother Gregory answers some questions sent to him
[00:39:19] Doing the will of God or rejected God?


[00:02:24] How can we be true to God?
[00:07:00] Jesus was accepted as King of Jerusalem
[00:16:29] The federal government is the majority; true church government still the minority
[00:31:03] Brother Gregory answers some questions sent to him
[00:39:19] Doing the will of God or have you rejected God?


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