Brother Gregory was a guest on The Spiritual Laws show where he gently and patiently nudged the host from a “milk” approach of modern Christian into a new “meaty” perspective offered by an HHC approach to the same scriptures.
- 00:20:55 Greg joins show, Natural Law; Wrath of God; Law of Nature = Right Reason = Divine Will; Ten Commandments; Honor Your Parents; Tree of Knowledge vs Tree of Life
- 00:30:25 Host expresses mainstream interpretation of Abraham’s near sacrifice of Isaac. Here’s an alternate interpretation
- 00:33:55 Greg: Those who “walked with God”; Sacrifice; Good Samaritan; Altars of Clay and Stone; Corban of the Pharisees; Corban of Christ
- 00:40:55 Greg: Christ died that we MIGHT be saved; Faith
- 00:50:32 Greg’s background and testimony
- 00:54:08 Saul Syndrome; Bondage of Egypt; John the Baptist; Corban; Dainties; One Purse; Golden Calf
- 01:01:25 Caesar; Temple of Jupiter; Covetous Practices; Benefactors; Merchandise; Jesus Commanded; Tens Hundreds and Thousands; Synagogues
- 01:08:45 Son of Man
- 01:12:45; Covenants of the gods; Thy Kingdom Comes; The Free Church Report; The Higher Liberty; Contracts Covenants and Constitutions; PreparingYou; Network
- 01:22:27 Greg: Prior spiritual existence of everything physical; Call no man father
- 01:37:52 Exodus; King of the Jews; The Way; Workers of Iniquity
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