Key 2440 – John Part 19 Additional Context

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2440

More context around our earlier study of John 19 demonstrates how much more relevant these ancient texts can be to modern life than indicated by the superficial mumbo jumbo presented as modern Christianity.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: June 8, 2024

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

Barabbas; Why Pilate v Jesus?; “Son of God”?; Rome as a republic; Baptist welfare; Learning how to be charitable; How to be government of, for and by the people; Networking; Rich Jesus, poor Jesus; Choosing to serve; Taking the kingdom from the Pharisees; Testimony; Confession; Bondage by debt; Freewill offerings = choice; Seeking righteousness; Nature of the kingdom; “Altars”; Naming early Christians; Mary and Mary and Mary; Q: Sacrifice strengthening the kingdom?; Sloth; Turning up the light – in your own life; Blame game; How to know; Not following Christ; “Power” of Holy Spirit; Sacrifice; Responsible charity; Tough love; Covetousness; Mt 20:25, Mark 10:42; Luke 22:25; Eating at tables of rulers; Mt 7:22; What is the iniquity?; Daily ministration?; Mark of the beast; Offerings; Where are you bad?; Teaming up; Helping others by strengthening them; Participation; Service!; Bondage of Egypt; False doctrines; “Dainties” weakening the poor; Deeds of the Nicolaitans; Repentance; Gold and silver as money; Ordained ministers; Completeness of today’s bondage; Purposes of Christ; Trusting your chosen minister; Dispelling our darkness; Does Holy Spirit dwell in you?; Individuals walking together; Ultimate source of understanding; Accepting His light; Loving the light; “Culture”; Extending liberty; Waiting upon the Lord; Christ’s unique message; Spread it wide!

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