Key 2422 – Chasing Understanding

Keys of the Kingdom Podcast 2422

Those feeling empowered by a pre-1871 approach to common law are in denial about the contracts they have authorized and they have not done the foundational work of organizing themselves in the tens, hundreds, and thousands as Jesus instructed.

by Gregory Williams
Air Date: March 30, 2024

Show Notes

Paul’s Notes

John’s gospel; Simon, parent of Lazarus, Mary and Martha – not mentioned; Nicodemus = “without blood”; Joseph – major contractor; Spreading Christianity; Weakening poor; Legal charity; Social Security; Maintaining republics; Jury nullification; Statutes?; Administrative rules; Knowing what Christ was doing; “Disciples”; The comforter; Born again of the spirit; Keeping away the Holy Spirit; Why you’re in bondage; Corruption; Christ’s “groaning”; Jesus, the resurrection; Letting in Holy Spirit; Loving your enemies; Evil within; Humbling yourself before God; Civil governments; Making government for yourself; Sabbath; Debt; Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac; Resisting God’s kingdom; 1871 argument; “We The People”; Agreements with Pharaoh; Republics; Religious activity?; Sacrifice; Government of charity; Living Christ’s way; Congregating; John 11:38; Mt 9:30; Jewish Christians; “Corban”?; Mark 1:43; Mark 14:5; Spiritual protection; Dan 11:30; Abomination that maketh desolate; What “woman”?; Riding the beast; Lk 19:41; Engaging in covetous practices; Hating truth; Darkened eyes; Hewing stones of the altar; Stones upon stones; Appointing elders?; Spreading righteousness; Waiting upon the Lord; Humility; Making your “yes”, “yes”; Practicing Pure Religion; Chase understanding.

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